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单词 cloud
释义 cloud noun¹ 1mass of very small drops of water in the sky云adjective | ... of cloud | verb + cloud | cloud + verb | cloud + noun | preposition | phrases adjective➤dense, heavy, thick密云;浓云;厚云▸➤light薄云▸➤fluffy, puffy, wispy (especially name) 蓬松的云;棉絮般的云;一缕云▸➤cirrus, cumulonimbus, cumulus, etc.卷云、积雨云、积云等▸➤high, low高云;低云▸➤broken, scattered碎云;散云◆skies of broken cloud飘着碎散云彩的天空➤fast-moving, scudding (literary) 快速移动的云;掠过的云▸➤black, dark, grey/gray, white黑云;乌云;灰云;白云▸➤rain, storm, thunder雨云;风暴云;雷雨云◆rain clouds were looming on the horizon.雨云正在地平线上堆积。➤ominous, threatening预示灾难天气的云... of cloud➤band, bank, blanket, layer, mass, wisp一片云;一层云;一团云;一缕云◆a layer of high cloud一层高云verb + cloud➤seed (= to place a substance in a cloud to make it produce rain) 人工增雨cloud + verb➤form, gather, mass云形成;云积聚;云聚集◆dark clouds were gathering in the west.乌云在西方聚集。➤cover sth, envelop sth, obscure sth云覆盖某物;云包围某物;云遮暗某物▸➤break, clear, disperse, lift, part云分散;云消散;云散开;云升起;云分开◆the clouds broke a little, and the sun came out.云散开一点,太阳出来了。➤drift, float, hang, hover, loom, move, pass, race, roll, scud (literary) , swirl云飘动;云漂浮;云悬浮;云盘旋;云隐现;云移动;云经过;云疾走;云翻滚;云掠过;云旋转◆thick cloud hung over the moor.浓云悬在荒野的上空。◆a cloud passed over the sun.一片云掠过太阳。◆white clouds scudded across the sky.白云掠过天空。cloud + noun➤bank, cover, layer云堆;云层◆the cloud cover is quite dense today.今天云层很厚。➤formation云的形成preposition➤above the clouds, below the clouds在云层上方/下方◆we were flying above the clouds.我们在云层上方飞行。➤through the clouds透过云层◆she could see the sun through the clouds.她可以透过云层看到太阳。phrases➤a break in the cloud, a break in the clouds云层间隙cloud noun² 2mass of smoke, dust, etc.烟雾;尘土团adjective | verb + cloud | preposition adjective➤great, huge大面积的烟雾◆a great cloud of black smoke一大片黑色烟雾➤dense, thick浓密的烟雾;弥漫的尘土▸➤billowing, swirling翻腾的/飞旋的烟雾▸➤mushroom(核爆炸形成的)蘑菇云◆the mushroom cloud from a nuclear bomb原子弹爆炸形成的蘑菇云➤dust, gas, radioactive, smoke尘埃云;毒气云;放射性云;烟云verb + cloud➤create, form形成云◆the wind blew across the beach, forming clouds of sand.风吹过海滩,形成一团团沙云。➤belch, release喷出/释放出烟雾preposition➤cloud of⋯的云团◆a thick cloud of steam水蒸气云团cloud noun 1➤the sun went behind a cloud.太阳躲到了一片云后面。➤a cloud of dust滚滚尘土cloud ♦︎ fog ♦︎ mist ♦︎ hazethese are all words for a mass of very small drops of water in the air.这些词均表示云、雾、霭。patterns and collocations 句型和搭配◆in / through (a) cloud / fog / mist / haze◆(a) thick / heavy cloud / fog / mist◆dense / grey / swirling cloud / fog / mist◆thin / light cloud / mist◆a sea fog / mist◆to be shrouded in cloud / fog / mist◆cloud / mist hangs in the air / over a place■ cloud [countable, uncountable] a grey or white mass made of very small drops of water, that floats in the sky云;云朵◆the sun went behind a cloud.太阳躲到了一片云后面。◆it was scorching and there wasn't a cloud in the sky.天气酷热,天空没有一片云。◆above the mountains storm clouds were gathering.暴风云正在群山上空聚集。◆thick cloud hung over the moor.厚厚的云团悬在荒野上空。■ fog [uncountable, countable] a thick cloud of very small drops of water in the air close to the land or sea, that is very difficult to see through雾◆freezing fog will make driving conditions very treacherous.寒雾会严重影响驾车安全。◆we get heavy fogs on this coast in winter.冬天这片海岸雾气很重。 ➡ see also smog → smoke ■ mist [uncountable, countable] a mass of very small drops of water in the air close to the land or sea, that make it difficult to see, usually thinner than fog薄雾;水汽◆the hills were shrouded in mist.这些小山笼罩在薄雾之中。◆ (figurative) she gazed at him through a mist of tears.她泪眼模糊地凝视着他。■ haze [countable, uncountable] (written) air that is difficult to see through because it contains very small drops of water, especially caused by hot weather(尤指热天引起的)薄雾,雾霭◆a heat haze shimmered above the fields.热天的雾气在田野上方闪闪发光。◆the plain stretched for miles until it became lost in blue haze.这片平原绵延数英里,直至消失在蓝色的雾霭中。cloud noun 2➤the sun went behind a cloud.太阳躲到了一片云后面。➤a cloud of dust滚滚尘土cloud ♦︎ plume ♦︎ hazethese are all words for a large mass of dust or smoke in the air.这些词均表示烟尘等的一团、一片。patterns and collocations 句型和搭配◆a cloud / plume / haze of sth◆a cloud / plume / haze of smoke / dust / steam◆in / through a cloud / haze◆a black cloud / plume■ cloud [countable, uncountable] a large mass of sth in the air, for example dust or smoke, or a number of insects flying all together一团,一大片(尘雾、烟雾或一群飞行的昆虫等)◆they watched the car disappearing in a cloud of dust.他们望着汽车绝尘而去。◆the sky turned dark as a great cloud of locusts blocked out the sun.一大群蝗虫遮住了太阳,天色暗了下来。■ plume /pluːm/ [countable] (written) a cloud of sth that rises and curves upwards in the air一缕,一簇,一股(飘升之物)◆a great plume of dust and ash rose from the volcano.一大股烟尘和灰烬从那座火山中升腾而起。■ haze [singular] (written) air containing sth that makes it difficult to see through, such as smoke or dust(烟、尘等造成的)雾霭,烟雾◆meetings were always conducted in a haze of cigarette smoke.开会时总是一片喷云吐雾。 cloud [countable, uncountable] a grey or white mass made of very small drops of water, that floats in the sky云;云朵◆the sun went behind a cloud.太阳躲到了一片云后面。◆it was scorching and there wasn't a cloud in the sky.天气酷热,天空没有一片云。◆above the mountains storm clouds were gathering.暴风云正在群山上空聚集。◆thick cloud hung over the moor.厚厚的云团悬在荒野上空。 cloud [countable, uncountable] a large mass of sth in the air, for example dust or smoke, or a number of insects flying all together一团,一大片(尘雾、烟雾或一群飞行的昆虫等)◆they watched the car disappearing in a cloud of dust.他们望着汽车绝尘而去。◆the sky turned dark as a great cloud of locusts blocked out the sun.一大群蝗虫遮住了太阳,天色暗了下来。 cloud [transitive] to make sth you are discussing or considering less clear or more difficult to understand, especially by introducing subjects that are not connected with it(尤指用不相关的话题)混淆,搅混(问题)◆cost factors should not be allowed to cloud the issue.不应该用成本因素来混淆这个问题。 cloud [intransitive](of the sky) to fill with clouds(天空)布满了云◆it was beginning to cloud over.天空开始阴云密布。◆the sky clouded over and it started to rain.天空阴云密布,开始下起雨来。opp clear → disappear  ➡ see also cloudy → cloudy cloud¹/klaʊd ||; klaυd/noun1. [c,u] a mass of very small drops of water that floats in the sky and is usually white or grey 云: ◇the sun disappeared behind a cloud. 太阳躲进云里去了。◇a band of thick cloud is spreading from the west. 一团密云从西边涌过来。 2. [c] a mass of smoke, dust, sand, etc 一股(烟);一团(尘埃);一阵(沙): ◇clouds of smoke were pouring from the burning building. 一股股的浓烟从着火的大厦里冒出来。 every cloud has a silver lining even a very bad situation has a positive or hopeful side黑暗中总有一线光明。 under a cloud with the disapproval of the people around you 名声不好;不光彩: ◇she left her job under a cloud because she'd been accused of stealing. 她不光彩地离职,因为人家说她偷东西。 cloud²/klaʊd ||; klaυd/verb1. [i,t] to become or make sth difficult to see through (使)变得模糊: ◇his eyes clouded with tears. 他泪眼模糊。 2. [t] to make sth less clear or easy to understand 把(事物)变得复杂: ◇her personal involvement in the case was beginning to cloud her judgement. 这案件跟她有个人牵连,她开始辨不清是非了。 3. [t] to make sth less enjoyable; to spoil 使蒙上阴影;困扰;糟蹋: ◇illness has clouded the last few years of his life. 他一生的最后几年受疾病所困扰。 cloud over (used about the sky) to become full of clouds (指天空)布满乌云 cloudsee ⇨ weather 11☞ cloud¹☞ cloud²




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