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单词 leeway
释义 leeway /liːweɪ/ [uncountable] the amount of freedom that you have to change sth or to do sth in the way you want to自由度;自由的空间◆how much leeway should parents give their children?父母应该给孩子留多少自由的空间?leeway/li:weɪ ||; ˈliˌwe/noun [u] the amount of freedom that you have to change sth or to do sth in the way you want to 自由活动的空间: ◇we have some leeway on the deadline. 我们可以对最后期限作调整。left²/left ||; lɛft/adj1. on the side where your heart is in the body 左边的;左面的;左侧的: ◇i've broken my left arm. 我伤了左臂。 [opp] right 反义词为right 2. still available after everything else has been taken or used 剩下的: ◇ is there any bread left? 还有没有面包?◇how much time do we have left ? 我们还剩多少时间?◇if there's any money left over, we'll have a cup of coffee. 要是还有钱剩下,我们就去喝杯咖啡。 left³/left ||; lɛft/adv to or towards the left 朝左边;向左边: ◇turn left just past the post office. 过了邮局就向左转。 [opp] right 反义词为rightleft⁴/left ||; lɛft/noun1. [u] the left side 左边: ◇in britain we drive on the left. 在英国,汽车靠左侧行驶。◇our house is just to/on the left of that tall building. 我们的房子就在那座高楼的左边。◇if you look to your leftyou'll see one of the city's most famous landmarks. 朝左面看,你就会看到这个城市最著名的标志性建筑物之一。 [opp] right 反义词为right 2. the left [with.sop] political groups who support the ideas and beliefs of socialism 左派政党或组织 lee·way /`liˏwe; ˈliːweɪ/n [u]freedom to do what you want [自由行动的]余地:◇parents should give their children a certain amount of leeway. 父母应当给子女一定的自由活动的余地。




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