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单词 beating
释义 beating nounadjective | verb + beating adjective➤brutal, savage, severe, terrible, vicious痛打;毒打;暴揍verb + beating➤get, receive, suffer, take遭受殴打;被击败◆the team took a terrible beating.这支队伍受到重创。➤administer, give sb/sth击打⋯◆they caught him and gave him a violent beating.他们抓住他一顿暴打。beating/ˈbi:tɪŋ ||; ˈbitɪŋ/noun[c] 1. a punishment that you give to sb by hitting him/her 打(作为一种惩罚): ◇the boys got a beating when they were caught stealing. 那些男孩子因偷窃被撞见被打了一顿。 2. (used in sport 体育) a defeat 败仗;失败 take a lot of/some beating to be so good that it would be difficult to find sth better 无出其右: ◇mary's cooking takes some beating. 玛丽的烹调技术谁都比不过。 beating• ⇨ give sb a beating• ⇨ take a beating beat·ing /`bitɪŋ; ˈbiːtɪŋ/ninformal 【非正式】 take a beating to be harmed or criticized very badly 遭到惨败:◇tourism has taken a beating since the bombings started. 轰炸开始后,旅游业损失惨重。




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