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单词 philosophy
释义 philosophy noun¹ 1study of ideas about the meaning of life哲学adjective | phrases adjective➤ancient, classical, enlightenment, medieval古代/古典/启蒙/中世纪哲学▸➤contemporary, modern当代/现代哲学➤buddhist, chinese, christian, greek, hindu, islamic, etc.佛教、中国、基督教、希腊、印度教、伊斯兰教等哲学▸➤eastern, western东方/西方哲学▸➤judicial, moral, natural (historical) , political, religious, social, etc.司法、道德、自然、政治、宗教、社会等哲学◆the attraction of marxism as a social philosophy马克思主义作为一种社会哲学的魅力➤analytic, existential, feminist, postmodern, etc.分析、存在主义、女性主义、后现代主义等哲学phrases➤the philosophy of history, religion, science, etc.历史、宗教、科学等原理  ➡ note at subject (for verbs and nouns) philosophy noun² 2particular system of beliefs信仰体系adjective | verb + philosophy | philosophy + verb | preposition | phrases adjective➤competing, differing相互冲突的信仰体系;不同的思想体系➤governing, guiding, prevailing指导思想;主流思想◆humanism-the prevailing philosophy today in the western world人文主义 - 当今西方世界盛行的哲学思想体系➤basic, core, general, underlying基本思想;核心思想▸➤homespun, simple朴素的人生哲学◆the homespun philosophy that kept her going during this difficult period支撑她度过这一艰难时期的朴素的人生哲学➤personal个人理念➤corporate企业理念▸➤conservative, liberal保守的人生哲学;自由的生活态度▸➤design, economic, educational, management, market, political, religious, social设计理念;经济原理;教育理念;管理理念;市场理念;政治思想体系;宗教思想体系;社会思想体系◆a furniture-maker's design philosophy家具制造商的设计理念verb + philosophy➤develop, formulate发展人生哲学;创立思想体系◆over the years he has developed his own personal philosophy.多年来,他已形成了一套自己的处世哲学。➤articulate表明人生哲学▸➤adopt, embrace, espouse, follow采纳人生哲学;欣然接受思想体系➤share有同样的理念◆we share the same guiding philosophy.我们的指导思想一致。➤reflect反映理念◆does this in any way reflect your own philosophy?这是否以某种方式表明了你自己的哲学理念?➤reject放弃哲学体系➤base sth on基于⋯的理念◆these ideas are based on his political philosophy.这些想法基于他的政治理念。philosophy + verb➤guide sth, influence sth, inform sth, underlie sth, underpin sth思想体系指导⋯/影响⋯/左右⋯/贯穿⋯/支撑⋯◆the philosophy underlying the education system教育制度的根本理念preposition➤philosophy behind⋯背后的思想体系◆the new measures were introduced with no explanation of the philosophy behind them.新措施推行时没有解释其包含的理念。phrases➤a philosophy of life, a philosophy of mind人生/心灵哲学philosophy [countable] a particular set or system of beliefs resulting from a search for knowledge about life and the universe; a set of beliefs or an attitude to life that guides sb's behaviour哲学体系;思想体系;人生哲学;生活的信条(或态度)◆he holds firmly to a buddhist philosophy of life.他坚信佛教的人生哲学。◆my own philosophy is to take all the opportunities you can in life.我自己的生活态度是不放过任何可以抓住的机会。philosophy/fəˈlɒsəfi ||; fəˈlɑsəfɪ/noun (plural philosophies) 1. [u] the study of ideas and beliefs about the meaning of life 哲学 2. [c] a set of beliefs that tries to explain the meaning of life or give rules about how to behave 哲学思想;哲学体系;人生哲学: ◇her philosophy is ‘if a job's worth doing, it's worth doing well’. 她的人生哲学是:“如果一件工作值得做,就值得好好做。” phi·los·o·phy /fə`lɑsəfɪ; fɪˈlɒsəfi/n 1. [c, u] the study of ideas about existence, thought, and behaviour, or one person's ideas on these things 哲学:◇she's studying philosophy at university. 她在大学里修读哲学。 2. [c] a set of beliefs about how you should live your life, do your job etc 人生哲学,人生观:◇my philosophy is, enjoy life while you can! 我的人生观就是把握时间,享受人生!




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