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单词 reform
释义 reform nounadjective | ... of reforms | verb + reform | reform + verb | reform + noun | preposition | phrases adjective➤dramatic, drastic, fundamental, great, important, major, radical, significant, substantial剧烈的变革;根本性改革;重大改革▸➤broad, comprehensive, far-reaching, sweeping, wholesale, wide-ranging广泛改革;全面改革;影响深远的改革;大规模变革◆the prime minister promised sweeping reforms of the banking system.首相承诺对银行系统进行大刀阔斧的改革。➤genuine, meaningful, real真正的改革;有意义的改革▸➤minor, modest小规模的/适度的变革▸➤piecemeal零星改革▸➤new新变革➤proposed提议的变革▸➤further进一步改革▸➤immediate立即改革▸➤rapid迅速改革➤lasting持续的改革▸➤necessary, needed, overdue必要的改革;迟到的改革◆much-needed reforms急需的变革◆health-care reform is long overdue.早就应该对保健服务进行改革。➤effective有效改革▸➤practical切合实际的改革▸➤moral, political, social道德改造;政治改革;社会变革▸➤democratic, liberal民主改革;开明的变革▸➤domestic, institutional, internal国内/机构/内部改革▸➤procedural, structural程序/结构改造◆there remains reluctance to undertake the structural reforms advocated by mr smith.仍然有人不愿意进行史密斯先生倡导的那种结构性改革。➤administrative, governmental, regulatory行政/政府/管理改革➤policy政策改革▸➤constitutional, election, electoral, judicial, law, legal, legislative, tort (especially name) 宪法/选举/竞选/司法/法律/立法/侵权改革◆the country desperately needs broad political and constitutional reform.这个国家急需进行广泛的政治和宪法改革。➤intelligence情报工作改革◆our debate on intelligence reform我们对于情报工作改革的辩论➤penal, prison刑罚/监狱改革▸➤curriculum, education, educational, school课程改革;教育改革;学校改革▸➤health-care, pension, social-security, welfare医疗/退休金/社会保障/福利改革◆advocates of health-care reform医疗改革的倡导者➤banking, economic, finance, financial, fiscal, market, monetary, tax银行业/经济/金融/财政/财务/市场/货币/税务改革◆the government instituted a tax reform to stimulate demand.为了刺激需求,政府启动了税制改革。➤corporate, media企业/媒体改革◆the battle for corporate reform争取企业改革的斗争➤agrarian, agricultural, environmental, land耕地改革;农业改革;环境改造;土地改革➤immigration移民改革◆top on his list was immigration reform.移民改革是他优先考虑的事项。... of reforms➤package一套改革方案verb + reform➤adopt, bring about, initiate, introduce, pass采取/引起/开始/推行/批准改革▸➤push through设法完成改革◆they wanted to push through radical reforms.他们想要设法完成根本性的变革。➤carry out, enact, implement, institute, make, put in place, put into practice, undertake实施改革;执行改革;开始改革;着手改革◆his administration carried out economic reforms.他所领导的政府实施了经济改革。➤accelerate加快改革◆efforts to accelerate the structural reform of the economy为加快经济结构改革而作出的努力➤delay推迟改革▸➤block妨碍改革◆the conservative coalition could delay further reforms or block them altogether.保守同盟可能会推迟或彻底阻碍进一步的改革。➤oppose, resist反对/抵制改革▸➤accept, embrace, welcome接受改革;欢迎改革▸➤advocate, call for, press for, promote, propose, pursue, push for, seek主张改革;号召改革;迫切要求改革;促进改革;建议改革;进行改革;力求改革;寻求变革◆they have issued a statement advocating reform of the legal system.他们发表了一份主张进行法律体制改革的声明。◆publishers continue to push for sweeping reforms.出版商继续力求大刀阔斧的改革。➤demand要求改革▸➤back, encourage, support支持/鼓励/拥护改革◆we are committed to supporting democracy and reform in the region.我们坚定地支持这一地区的民主和改革。➤require需要改革◆the practice of global politics requires reform.全球政治惯例需要改革。➤plan计划改革▸➤discuss讨论改革reform + verb➤go through改革完成◆the reforms went through in spite of opposition from teachers.尽管老师们反对,改革依然完成了。➤be aimed at sth改革旨在⋯◆tax reforms aimed at encouraging land development为鼓励土地开发而进行的税制改革➤fail改革失败◆his economic reforms failed to improve their lives.他发起的经济改革未能改善他们的生活。reform + noun➤process改革进程▸➤movement改革运动➤agenda, initiative, package, plan, programme/program, proposal改革议程;改革新举措;一揽子改革方案;改革计划;改革提案▸➤measure, policy改革措施/政策▸➤act, bill, law, legislation改革法案;改革法;改革立法◆the house narrowly passed the education reform bill.众议院勉强通过了教育改革法案。➤school (especially name) 少年犯管教所preposition➤reform in在⋯方面的改革◆reforms in housing and education住房和教育改革phrases➤the need for reform改革的需要▸➤the pace of reform改革的步伐▸➤a programme/program of reform改革计划reform verbadverb | verb + reform | phrases adverb➤drastically, fundamentally, radically, truly彻底变革;根本改革;真正变革◆the education system must be radically reformed.教育体制必须彻底改革。◆the near impossibility of truly reforming the system切实进行体制改革的渺茫希望verb + reform➤attempt to, push to, seek to, try to试图改革;力求改革phrases➤attempts to reform sth, efforts to reform sth, proposals to reform sth改革⋯的尝试/努力/建议▸➤a need to reform sth改革⋯的必要性reform /rɪfɔːm; name rɪfɔːrm/ noun [uncountable, countable] change that is made to an organization, a law, a social system, etc. in order to improve or correct it 改革;改良;变革;改善◆reform of the labour market 劳动力市场的改革◆much-needed reforms in the banking sector 银行业急需的改革◆businesses have welcomed the new tax reform bill. 企业对新的税制改革法案表示欢迎。⨁ corporate / economic / financial / structural reform公司/经济/金融/结构改革 ⨁ essential / far-reaching / fundamental / sweeping reforms极其重要的/意义深远的/根本性的/彻底的变革 ⨁ to carry out / introduce reforms进行/推行改革 ⨁ to call for / discuss / plan / propose reforms要求/讨论/计划/提议改革 reform /rɪfɔːm; name rɪfɔːrm/ verb [transitive] to improve a system, an organization, a law, etc. by making changes to it 改革;改良;改进◆proposals to reform the tax system 改革税制的建议◆the law needs to be reformed. 法律需要进行改革。 ▸ reformer noun [countable]☞ reform☞ reformreform [transitive, intransitive] to improve a system, organization, law, etc. by making changes to it; to improve your behaviour; to make sb do this改革;改进;(使)改正,改造(行为)◆there are proposals to reform the welfare system.有人建议改革福利制度。◆he has promised to reform.他承诺要改过自新。◆she thought she could reform him.她觉得她可以使他洗心革面。◆a reformed character / alcoholic改过自新的人/嗜酒者 ➡ see also reformer → activist ▸ reform noun [uncountable, countable] ◆a government committed to reform致力于改革的政府◆reforms in education教育改革reformnoun [uncountable, countable] ◆a government committed to reform致力于改革的政府◆reforms in education教育改革reformnoun [uncountable, countable] ◆a government committed to reform致力于改革的政府◆reforms in education教育改革reform/rɪˈfɔ:m ||; rɪˈfɔrm/verb1. [t] to change a system, the law, etc in order to make it better 改革,改良(制度、法律等): ◇to reform the examination system 改革考试制度 2. [i,t] to improve your behaviour; to make sb do this (使)改过自新 · ◇our prisons aim to reform criminals, not simply to punish them. 我们设立监狱的目的在使罪犯改过自新,而非只是要惩罚他们。 reform noun [c,u]reformsee ⇨ change/not change 9,17☞ reform¹☞ reform²




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