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单词 learner
释义 learner nounadjective | learner + noun adjective➤fast, quick, slow聪明的学习者;迟钝的学习者◆she was a quick learner, and her german got better by the day.她学得很快,德语日见提高。➤lifelong (especially name) 终身学习者▸➤adult, older成人/年长的学习者▸➤young年轻的学习者◆the book has been written with the interests of young learners in mind.作者写这本书时考虑到了年龄较小的学习者的兴趣。➤language语言学习者▸➤foreign (bre) 外国学习者learner + noun➤driver (bre) 见习司机learner noun  ➡ see also the entry for student另见 student 条learner ♦︎ studentthese are both words for sb who is interested in or is finding out about sth.这两个词均表示学习者、研究者。■ learner [countable] a person who is finding out about a subject or how to do sth学习者◆on windsurfers, children are particularly quick learners.孩子学习帆板冲浪特别快。◆i was a slow learner-i couldn't read until i was 14.我学东西慢,直到 14 岁才能阅读。◆ (bre) the learner driver often grips the wheel too tightly.学车者经常把方向盘握得太紧。■ student (formal) [countable] a person who is interested in a particular subject研究者;探究者◆she's a keen student of human nature.她是个热衷于探究人性的人。◆he was a deeply observant man, a close student of the natural world.他是个观察力特别敏锐的人,热爱对自然界作细致的研究。◆ (name) student drivers often grip the wheel too tightly.学车者经常把方向盘握得太紧。learner [countable] a person who is finding out about a subject or how to do sth学习者◆on windsurfers, children are particularly quick learners.孩子学习帆板冲浪特别快。◆i was a slow learner-i couldn't read until i was 14.我学东西慢,直到 14 岁才能阅读。◆ (bre) the learner driver often grips the wheel too tightly.学车者经常把方向盘握得太紧。learner/ˈlɜ:nə(r) ||; ˈlɝnɚ/noun [c] a person who is learning 学习者;学员: ◇a learner driver 学员司机◇books for young learners 适合年轻学习者使用的书籍 learnersee ⇨ learn 3 ⇨ study 5 learnern [c]◇a slow learner 迟钝的学习者usage note 用法说明: learn, teach, studylearn means to study or practise something so that you know more about it or know how to do it. learn 指学习或练习,以便知道更多或掌握方法:◇she's learning to drive. 她在学开车。◇they're learning about the french revolution. 他们在学习法国大革命这段历史。teach means to explain to someone how to do something or tell them more about something, especially over a period of time. teach 指向某人解释如何做某事或告诉某人更多知识,尤其需要经过一段时间:◇who taught you to dance like that? 谁教你那样跳舞的?◇it's important to teach children about their history. 教孩子本国历史很重要。study means to learn about something by reading books and going to classes at school, college etc. study 指通过阅读书籍、去学校上课而学习:◇she's studying english at london university. 她在伦敦大学学英语。◇john studies for three hours each night. 约翰每天晚上学习三小时。




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