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单词 ruin²
释义 ruin²n 1. [u] a situation in which something is damaged, spoiled, or destroyed 毁坏,毁灭,崩溃:◇fall into ruin (=become in a very bad condition) 变得很糟糕: the old barn has fallen into ruin. 这个旧谷仓已经破败不堪了。 2. be in ruins to be badly damaged 被严重毁坏:◇the country's economy is in ruins. 这个国家的经济崩溃了。 3. [u] a situation in which someone loses their social position or money, especially because of a business failure [尤指生意失败所致的地位等的]丧失; 破产:◇financial ruin 破产 4. [c] also 又作 ruins [plural 复数] the part of a building that is left after the rest has been destroyed 倒塌的建筑物,废墟:◇the ruins of the artemis temple 亚特密丝神庙的废墟




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