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单词 remind
释义 remind verbadverb | verb + remind | preposition | phrases adverb➤always, constantly, continually, frequently, often, repeatedly总是提醒;不断提醒;频繁提醒;经常提醒;再三提醒◆i am often reminded of my former boss.有人经常向我提起前老板。➤just, simply只是提醒◆i simply remind them that the choice is theirs.我只是提醒他们,选择权在他们自己手上。➤suddenly突然提醒◆reading the note suddenly reminded me of my appointment with angela.看笔记时,我突然记起与安杰拉的约会。➤immediately, instantly立刻/马上提醒➤quickly很快提醒◆i quickly reminded him that i had said 'maybe'.我迅速提醒他,我之前说的是“可能”。➤gently轻轻提醒◆she gently reminded him that the baby was getting cold and should be taken indoors.她轻声提醒他宝宝冷了,应该抱回屋里了。➤painfully痛苦地提醒◆the terrorist attack painfully reminded the americans that they are vulnerable even at home.恐怖袭击以一种痛苦的方式提醒了美国人,即使在国内他们也是容易受到攻击的。verb + remind➤not have to, not need to不用/不必提醒◆i'm sure i don't need to remind you that we have lost our last ten games.相信我不必提醒你们,我们已经输掉最近的 10 场比赛了。➤serve to用于提醒◆an event like this serves to remind us that we do not have control over nature.这样的事件提醒我们,人类无法控制自然。preposition➤about提醒关于⋯◆i called to remind him about the party.我打电话提醒过他那个聚会。➤of提醒注意⋯◆she looked at her watch to remind him of the time.她看了看表,意在提醒他注意时间。phrases➤keep reminding sb一直提醒某人remind verb ●remind sb of sb/sthadverb➤forcefully, forcibly, strongly, vividly有力地使人想起⋯;强烈地使人想起⋯;生动地使人想起⋯◆the building reminded me strongly of my old school.这座楼特别强烈地使我想起母校。➤vaguely使人隐约想起⋯◆gabriel vaguely reminds me of my father.加布里埃尔有点儿让我想起自己的父亲。➤suddenly使人突然想起⋯◆i was suddenly reminded of a tiger defending its cubs.这使我突然想起老虎保护幼崽的情景。➤immediately, instantly立即使人想起⋯◆he was instantly reminded of the time he and edna had visited paris.这使他立刻想起与埃德娜游览巴黎的时光。➤always总是使人想起⋯◆mrs nolan always reminded marie of her own mother.诺兰夫人总是让玛丽想起自己的母亲。remind/rɪˈmaɪnd ||; rɪˈmaɪnd/verb[t] 1. remind sb (about/of sth);remind sb (to do sth/that...) to help sb to remember sth, especially sth important that he/she has to do 提醒(尤指必须做的要事): ◇can you remind me of your address? 能否提醒我一下你的地址?◇he reminded the children to wash their hands. 他提醒孩子们要洗手。◇remind me what we're supposed to be doing tomorrow. 提醒我一下我们明天该做的事。 2. remind sb of sb/sth to cause sb to remember sb/sth 使回想起: ◇that smell reminds me of school. 那种气味使我想起学校生活。◇you remind me of your father. 你使我想起你的父亲。 ☞ you remember something by yourself. if somebody or something reminds you of something he/she/it causes you to remember it did you remember to phone ali last night? remind me to phone ali later. 自己记起就说remember,若别人或某事物令你记起就用remind:did you remember to phone ali last night? 你昨晚有没有记得给阿里打电话?·remind me to phone ali later.过一会儿提醒我给阿里打电话。☞ remind/make sb remember re·mind /rɪ`maɪnd; rɪˈmaɪnd/v [t] 1. to make someone remember something that they must do 使[某人]想起[必须做的事]; 提醒:◇remind sb to do sth remind me to go to the post office. 提醒我去邮局。 2. remind sb of to be similar to another person, thing, place etc, so that you think of that person, thing, place etc 使某人想起[相似的人、物、地点等]:◇she reminds me of dawn french. 她使我想起道恩·弗伦奇。 ☞ remind




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