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单词 hybrid
释义 hybrid /haɪbrɪd/ noun [countable] something that is the product of mixing two or more different things (不同事物的)混合物,合成物◆the new magazine is a hybrid between a consumer and a customer magazine. 新杂志是一份兼顾了消费者和顾客需求的杂志。◆a hybrid vehicle (= for example, one that has both a petrol engine and an electric motor) 混合动力汽车(例如,既有一个汽油发动机,又有一个电动马达)☞ hybridhybrid/ˈhaɪbrɪd ||; ˈhaɪbrɪd/noun [c] an animal or a plant that has parents of two different types(species) 杂(交)种;混(合)种: ◇a mule is a hybrid of a male donkey and a female horse. 骡是公驴和母马杂交所生的杂种。 hybrid adj a hybrid flower 杂种花 hybridsee ⇨ mix 6 hy·brid /`haɪbrɪd; ˈhaɪbrɪd/n [c] 1. an animal or plant that is produced from two different types of animal or plant 杂种动物; 杂交植物; 杂交生成的生物体 2. something that is a mixture of two or more things 混合物,合成物 hybridadj




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