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单词 notch
释义 notch /nɒtʃ; name nɑːtʃ/ noun [countable] a level on a scale, often marking quality or achievement 等级;档次◆the bonds have been downgraded by one notch to aa. 债券评级已被下调一级,降到 aa 级。◆the quality of the food here has dropped a notch recently. 这儿的饭菜质量最近降了一个档次。 notch /nɒtʃ; name nɑːtʃ/ verb [transitive] notch sth (up) (used in newspapers) to achieve sth (用于报章)赢得,获得◆the managing directors have notched up 50 years with the company between them. 这些常务董事在公司相继干了 50 年。◆stocks have notched slight gains today. 股价今天略有上涨。☞ notch☞ notchnotch¹/nɒtʃ ||; nɑtʃ/noun[c] 1. a level on a scale of quality 等;级: ◇this meal is certainly a notch above the last one we had here. 这顿饭绝对要比我们上次在这里吃的那顿好。 2. a cut in an edge or surface in the shape of a v or a circle, sometimes used to help you count sth v形或圆形凹痕(用于帮助计算的) ☞picture at blob 见blob插图 notch²/nɒtʃ ||; nɑtʃ/verb notch sth up to score or achieve sth 赢得;达到: ◇lewis notched up his best ever time in the 100 metres. 刘易斯在100米赛跑中取得他历来最佳成绩。 ☞ notch¹☞ notch²




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