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单词 smudge
释义 smudge [countable] a dirty mark with no clear shape made by sth such as paint or ink being rubbed onto a surface(模糊的)污迹,污痕◆there was a smudge of lipstick on the cup.杯子上有口红印。smudge/smʌdʒ ||; smʌdʒ/verb1. [t] to make sth dirty or untidy by touching it (用手揩擦而)弄污: ◇leave your painting to dry or you'll smudge it. 把图画放在一边等它干,不然你会把它弄脏。 2. [i] to become untidy, without a clean line around it 变得不整洁;变得模糊: ◇her lipstick smudged when she kissed him. 她吻了他,唇上的口红就抹模糊了。 smudge noun [c] smudgesee ⇨ mark 1☞ smudge¹☞ smudge²




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