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单词 get at
释义 ☞ get at sb☞ get at sb/sth☞ get at sthget atsee ⇨ criticize 4 ⇨ find out 2 get atphr v [t] 1. what sb is getting at used when you are asking someone to explain what they mean 某人是什么意思:◇did you understand what he was getting at? 你明白他是什么意思吗? 2. [t get at sth] to be able to reach something easily 及得到,能够着:◇i could see the ring stuck under there, but i couldn't get at it. 我看到戒指卡在那下面,但是够不着。 3. [t get at sb] informal to criticize someone continuously especially in a way that annoys and upsets them 【非正式】 责备,数落,一再批评 4. get at the meaning/truth etc to discover the meaning or truth etc of something 理解意思/发现真相等




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