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单词 guide
释义 guide noun¹ 1sth that helps you plan what you are going to do指导adjective | verb + guide | phrases | preposition adjective➤approximate, general, rough大致的/一般性的/粗略的指导▸➤accurate精确的指导verb + guide➤give (sb), provide (sb with)(给某人)提供指导▸➤use sth as把⋯作为指导◆use the table below as a guide to how much detergent to use.洗衣粉的用量请参照下表。phrases➤be just a guide, be only a guide仅是指导而已◆remember, this chart is only a guide.请记住,该图表仅仅是一个指导意见。preposition➤guide as to关于⋯的指导◆these figures give a rough guide as to the sales we can expect.这些数字让我们对可能取得的销售额有了一个大致概念。➤guide to⋯方面的指导guide noun² 2book that gives information about a subject指导手册adjective | preposition adjective➤excellent, good优秀的/不错的指导手册▸➤essential, handy, helpful, informative, invaluable, practical, reliable, useful, valuable基础指南;方便的指导手册;有用的指南;信息丰富的手册;宝贵的指南;实用手册;可靠的指南▸➤basic, brief, quick, short, simple基础手册;简要说明;快速指南;简短说明;简单说明▸➤complete, comprehensive, definitive, in-depth完全指南;详尽的手册;权威指南;深入的指南◆this book is the definitive guide to world cuisine.这本书是世界美食的权威指南。➤step-by-step分步指南◆a step-by-step guide to creating your own website自建网站的分步指南➤illustrated图解指南➤pocket袖珍手册➤how-to, study, survival使用/研究/生存指南◆a survival guide for business managers业务经理的处世指南➤media (name) 媒体指南▸➤pronunciation, reference发音/参考指南◆the book contains a quick reference guide to essential grammar at the back.这本书的书后附有基本语法的简明参考指南。➤resource (name) 资源指南➤curriculum (name) 课程指南➤voter (name) 选民手册➤tv电视节目单➤field现场指导➤electronic, interactive, online电子指南;互动指南;在线指导preposition➤guide to⋯方面的指南◆a guide to british birds英国鸟类指南guide noun³ 3person人adjective | verb + guide adjective➤tour, tourist导游◆our tour guide showed us around the old town.导游领着我们转遍了整个古镇。➤experienced, professional有经验的/职业导游➤local, native当地的/本地的导游➤mountain, river山岳/河流向导➤spiritual心灵指导verb + guide➤act as, be当向导;做导游◆he agreed to go with them and act as their guide.他同意和他们一起去,给他们当向导。guide noun⁴ 4book for tourists旅游指南adjective | verb + guide adjective➤holiday, travel度假/旅游指南▸➤hotel, restaurant旅馆/饭店指南▸➤city, street城市/街道指南verb + guide➤consult查阅指南◆i consulted my guide as i walked around the cathedral.游览主教座堂时,我查阅了指南。➤write撰写指南▸➤publish出版指南guide verb¹ 1influence sb's actions影响某人的行为verb + guide | preposition verb + guide➤help (to)有助于指导◆the information and data which help guide the affairs of the business有助于指导公司事务的信息和数据➤serve to能指导◆this book will serve to guide you in the fulfilment of a successful relationship.这本书可用于指引你建立起成功的人际关系。➤try to试图引导preposition➤into引入⋯◆the ways in which young people are guided into employment引导年轻人就业的途径➤on在⋯方面指引◆schools were firmly guided on the details of the curriculum.学校依照严格的指导安排课程。guide verb² 2explain sth/help sb解释;帮助adverb | verb + guide | preposition adverb➤carefully细心地指导◆their teacher carefully guides them through rehearsals.他们的老师细心指导他们排练。➤expertly熟练地指导◆they guide you expertly through the whole process.他们在整个过程中都能给你行家的指导。verb + guide➤help (to)帮助指导preposition➤in在⋯方面指导◆he guided me in my research.他指导我做研究。➤on在⋯方面指导◆a document guiding teachers on how to maintain discipline指导教师如何维持纪律的文件➤through在⋯过程中指导◆he guided us through the intricacies of the divorce law.他给我们解释了离婚法错综复杂的细节。guide verb³ 3help sb move协助某人移动adverb | preposition adverb➤carefully, gently仔细地/慢慢地引领◆he took her arm, gently guiding her.他挽着她的胳膊,慢慢地领着她前行。preposition➤across, along, etc.引导穿过⋯;沿着⋯引路◆she guided him across the busy road.她领着他穿过车来车往的马路。➤to, towards/toward引向⋯◆he guided her hand to his face.他把她的手拉向自己的脸。 guide /gaɪd/ noun [countable] 1.something that indicates what may happen or what is happening 路标◆investors know that past performance is no guide to future returns. 投资者知道过去的业绩并非指向未来的回报。2.something that helps you to form an opinion or make a decision 有指导意义的事物;指导的事物◆these figures are just a rough guide. 这些只是大致的数字。  ➡  guideline 3.a book or document which tells you about sth 指南◆a restaurant/hotel/city guide 餐厅/旅馆/城市指南◆you can download the site's 10-step guide to investing. 可以从这个网站下载投资 10 步指南。= guide price guide /gaɪd/ verb [transitive] help sb/sth to move in a particular direction 带领◆he guided the company to sales of more than $60 million. 他带领公司创造了 6 000 多万元的销售额。◆the company has been guiding down investor expectations. 这家公司一直在引导投资者降低预期。 explain to sb how to do sth, especially sth complicated or difficult (向某人)解释,阐明◆the health and safety officer will guide you through the safety procedures. 健康和安全主任将为你解释一遍安全规程。☞ guide☞ guideguide [countable] a person who advises you on how to live and behave(生活或行为方面的)指导者,引导者◆his sister had been his guide, counsellor and friend.他姐姐曾是他的指导、顾问兼朋友。guide [countable] a book or magazine that gives you information, help or instructions about sth指南;手册◆a guide to family health家庭健康指南◆let's have a look at the tv guide and see what's on.咱们看一下电视节目表,好知道电视上在放些什么。ⓘ a guide or guidebook is also a book that gives information about places for travellers or tourists. * guide 和 guidebook 也指旅游指南、旅游手册◆he has written a number of travel guides.他写了几本旅游指南。◆a guidebook to peru秘鲁旅游指南guide [countable, usually singular] something that gives you enough information to be able to make a decision about sth or form an opinion指导原则;参考标准◆as a general guide, large dogs need more exercise than small ones.一般来说,大型犬比小型犬需要更多的运动。◆these figures should be taken as a rough guide.应该把这些数字看作大致的标准。guide [transitive] to show sb the way to a place, often by going with them; to show sb a place that you know well给(某人)领路(或导览);指引◆she guided us through the busy streets.她带领我们穿过繁忙的街道。◆we were guided around the museums.我们被领着参观了几家博物馆。guide¹/gaɪd ||; gaɪd/noun[c] 1. a book, magazine, etc that gives information or help on a subject 指南;手册: ◇your guide to using the internet 因特网使用手册◇have we got a tv guide for this week? 你有没有本周的电视节目表? 2. (also guidebook) a book that gives information about a place for travellers and tourists 旅游指南: ◇the guide says that it was built 500 years ago. 旅游指南上说,它建于500年前。 3. a person who shows tourists or travellers where to go 导游: ◇she works as a tour guide in venice. 她在威尼斯当导游。 4. something that helps you to judge or plan sth 指导;指引: ◇ as a rough guide, use twice as much water as rice. 一般来说,一份米里要放两份的水。 5. guide a member of an organization (the guides)that teaches girls practical skills and organizes activities such as camping 女童子军 ☞the similar organization for boys is the scouts. 男童子军叫做the scouts。guide²/gaɪd ||; gaɪd/verb[t] 1. to help a person or a group of people to find the way to a place; to show sb a place that you know well 给(某人)带路: ◇he guided us through the busy streets to our hotel. 他领着我们穿过繁嚣的街道到旅馆去。 ☞ look at the note at lead. 参看lead的注释。 2. to have an influence on sb/sth 影响: ◇i was guided by your advice. 我照着你的话做。 3. to help sb deal with sth difficult or complicated 指导;帮助: ◇the manual will guide you through every step of the procedure. 这本手册告诉你办手续的每一道步骤。 4. to carefully move sb/sth or to help sb/sth to move in a particular direction 使按特定方向移动: ◇a crane lifted the piano and two men carefully guided it through the window. 起重机把钢琴吊起来,两名男子小心翼翼地让它从窗里搬进去。 guidesee ⇨ instructions 1 ⇨ take 6,7     • • •• ⇨ tour guide☞ guide¹☞ guide²




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