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单词 north
释义 north nounadjective➤magnetic, true磁北;真北▸➤frozen严寒的北方◆the white expanses of the frozen north寒冷北方的茫茫雪原  ➡ note at direction (for more collocates) north¹/nɔ:θ ||; nɔrθ/noun [sing] (abbr n) (also the north) 1. the direction that is on your left when you watch the sun rise; one of the four main directions that we give names to(the points of the compass) 北;北方: ◇cold winds from the north 从北方吹来的寒风◇which way is north? 哪个方向是北面?◇i live to the north of (= further north than)belfast. 我住在贝尔法斯特以北。 ☞picture at compass 见compass插图 2. (also the north) the northern part of any country, city, region or the world (国家、城市、地区或世界的)北部: ◇houses are less expensive in the north of england than in the south. 英格兰北部的房子要比南部的便宜。◇i live in the north of athens. 我住在雅典北部。 ☞look at south, east, west, magnetic north and true north. 参看south、east、west、magnetic north及true north。north²/nɔ:θ ||; nɔrθ/adj adv1. (also north) (only before a noun 只用于名词前) in the north 在北方的;在北部的: ◇the new offices will be in north london. 新的办事处将位于伦敦北部。◇the north wing of the hospital was destroyed in a fire. 医院的北翼在大火中烧毁了。 2. to or towards the north 向北方的;朝北的: ◇we got onto the motorway going north instead of south. 我们上了高速公路的北行方向,而不是南行方向。◇the house faces north. 这房子朝北。◇is leeds north of manchester? 利兹是不是在曼彻斯特的北面呢? 3. (used about a wind) coming from the north (指风)从北方吹来的 ☞ north³☞ north¹,north☞ north²,north☞ north¹,north☞ north²,north




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