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单词 lyrics
释义 lyrics nounadjective | verb + lyrics | preposition adjective➤hip-hop, pop, rap, song嘻哈歌词;流行歌词;说唱歌词;歌词➤poetic富有诗意的歌词➤confessional, heartfelt, insightful, introspective, poignant, thoughtful忏悔的/真诚的/深刻的/内省的/感伤的/有思想的歌词➤clever, witty巧妙的/诙谐的歌词➤cryptic晦涩的歌词➤catchy (informal) , memorable朗朗上口的/易记的歌词➤explicit意义明白的歌词➤banal, cheesy, inane, nonsensical平庸乏味的/俗气的/空洞的/无意义的歌词➤homophobic, misogynistic憎恶同性恋的/仇视女性的歌词verb + lyrics➤compose, pen, write作词;写歌词➤translate翻译歌词➤set为抒情诗谱曲◆strauss set several of mackay's lyrics to music.施特劳斯为麦凯的好几首抒情诗作了曲。➤read阅读歌词➤belt out, deliver, scream, sing高唱/唱出/喊唱/吟唱歌词➤mouth念出歌词➤quote, recite引用/背诵歌词preposition➤lyrics about关于⋯的歌词◆lyrics about death and misery关于死亡和痛苦的歌词➤lyrics by由⋯写的歌词◆a song with lyrics by lorenz hart由洛伦茨・哈特作词的歌曲➤lyrics for为⋯写的歌词◆the lyrics for a new tune为一首新曲所赋的歌词➤lyrics to给⋯写的歌词◆he wrote the lyrics to our first song.他为我们的第一首歌作了词。lyrics /lɪrɪks/ [countable, plural] the words of a song歌词◆music and lyrics by rodgers and hart由罗杰斯和哈特作曲作词lyrics/ˈlɪrɪks ||; ˈlɪrɪks/noun [pl] the words of a song 歌词 m²/em ||; ɛm/abbr1. (also med) medium (size) (衣服)中(号、码) 2. (brit 英) motorway 高速公路: ◇heavy traffic on the m25 25号高速公路上繁忙的交通 3. m metre(s) 公尺;米: ◇a 500m race 500米赛跑 4. m million(s) 百万: ◇population 10m 1000万人口 ☞ lyric




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