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单词 suggest
释义 suggest verb¹ 1propose sth/state sth indirectly委婉建议;婉转陈述adverb | verb + suggest | preposition | phrases adverb➤highly, strongly强烈建议◆i strongly suggest keeping personal and business accounts separate.我强烈建议把个人账户和企业账户分开。➤tentatively试探性建议◆i tentatively suggested that she might be happier working somewhere else.我试探性地建议换个地方工作她可能会更开心。➤gently, humbly, politely, respectfully, tactfully温和地/谦恭地/礼貌地/恭敬地/巧妙地提出◆i would respectfully suggest a different explanation for the company's decline.恕我冒昧,我对公司的衰落有不同的解释。➤seriously严肃地提出◆you're not seriously suggesting that is a plausible explanation?你不是真的想说那个解释有道理吧?➤jokingly打趣地建议➤hopefully满怀希望地建议◆'we could go for a drive.' nate suggested hopefully.“咱们可以开车出去兜一圈。”内特满怀希望地提议说。➤helpfully好心地建议◆'shall i tell them you're unwell?' alice suggested helpfully.“要我告诉他们你病了吗?”艾丽斯好心地问道。➤falsely, rightly错误地/正确地建议➤initially, originally, previously最初/原先/先前建议➤merely只不过想说◆i am merely suggesting that there is more than one way to view this matter.我只是想说这件事情可以从多个角度来看。verb + suggest➤seem reasonable to提出⋯似乎合理◆it seems reasonable to suggest that all life forms on earth share a common origin.地球上所有的生命形式有着共同的起源,这种说法似乎有道理。➤be far-fetched to, seem far-fetched to提出⋯很牵强;提出⋯似乎很牵强◆it is not far-fetched to suggest a connection between them.说他们之间有联系,这并不牵强。➤be wrong to提议⋯是错误的▸➤be tempting to禁不住让人想提议▸➤dare (to)敢于提出◆how dare you suggest such a thing?你怎么敢提出这样的事情?➤hesitate to犹豫地提出➤not mean to并非想说◆i do not mean to suggest that the poem is purely biographical.我并非想说那首诗纯粹是对个人生平的记录。preposition➤as提议⋯作为◆she suggested john as chairman.她提议约翰担任主席。➤for推荐⋯做⋯◆who would you suggest for the job?你会推荐谁干这份工作?➤to向⋯建议◆he suggested to the committee that they delay making a decision.他建议委员会推迟决定时间。phrases➤can i suggest..., i suggest..., i would suggest..., may i suggest...我能否建议⋯;我建议⋯◆i would suggest that you see your doctor about this.我建议你找医生看看这个情况。suggest verb² 2show sth in an indirect way间接表明adverb | verb + suggest adverb➤certainly, clearly, strongly确定地/清楚地/有力地表明◆the evidence suggests quite strongly that the fire was caused by an explosion.证据相当有力地表明火灾是由爆炸引起的。➤subtly巧妙地暗示➤implicitly, indirectly含蓄地/间接地表明◆the novel implicitly suggests that racism can explain the murder.这本小说含蓄地指出种族歧视是这场谋杀的真正原因。➤otherwise表明相反的情况◆the evidence suggests otherwise.证据表明情况并非如此。verb + suggest➤seem to似乎表明◆the evidence seems to suggest that he did steal the money.证据似乎表明他的确偷了钱。➤be meant to有意要表明◆the ending is meant to suggest a form of redemption.结尾旨在提出某种方式的救赎。 suggest verb  ➡ see also the entry for mean verb 1另见 mean 动词词条第 1 义suggest ♦︎ imply ♦︎ indicate ♦︎ pointthese words all mean to put an idea into people's minds that sth is possible or likely.这些词均表示表明、预示。patterns and collocations 句型和搭配◆to suggest / imply / indicate sth to sb◆to suggest / imply / indicate that...◆to suggest / imply / indicate / point to a meaning◆to suggest / imply / indicate an idea◆to suggest / indicate / point to a feeling◆to suggest / imply / indicate / point to a great deal / high degree / lack of sth◆the results / facts suggest / imply / indicate / point to sth◆sb / sth's behaviour suggests / implies / indicates sth◆the evidence suggests / indicates / points to sth◆the signs / symptoms suggest / indicate / point to sth◆to strongly suggest / imply / indicate / point to sth■ suggest [transitive] to put an idea into sb's mind; to make sb think that sth is true使人想到;使人认为;表明◆all the evidence suggests (that) he stole the money.所有证据都表明是他偷了钱。◆the symptoms suggest a minor heart attack.症状显示这是轻微心脏病发作。◆the stage lighting was used to suggest a beach scene.舞台灯光被用来表现海滨景色。■ imply /ɪmplaɪ/ [transitive] (rather formal) to make it seem likely that sth is true or exists说明;表明◆the survey implies (that) more people are moving house than was thought.调查显示,准备搬家的人比想像的要多。◆the fact that she was here implies a degree of interest.她在场就说明她在一定程度上感兴趣。note 辨析 suggest or imply?often you can use either word. however, suggest is often used to talk about how a piece of research, a report or evidence shows a link, a relationship or a similarity between things.这两个词常可通用。但 suggest 常用于指研究、报告或证据如何表明事物之间有联系、关联或相似点◆research suggests a link between a person's outlook and the immune system.研究表明人的人生观和免疫系统之间有一定的联系。 imply is more usually used to talk about how data or facts show things such as the need for sth or the existence or possibility of sth. * imply 更常用于指数据或事实如何表明对某物的需求,或者某事的存在或可能性等◆campaigners said the data implies the existence of 'a pressing social need'.运动倡导者称这些数据表明存在着一种“迫切的社会需求”。■ indicate [transitive] (rather formal) to be a sign of sth; to show that sth is possible or likely象征;预示◆a red sky at night often indicates fine weather the next day.夜空呈红色往往预兆第二天天气晴朗。◆early results indicate that the government will be returned to power.早期的结果预示这个政府将重新执政。  ➡ see also indication , indicator → sign 1 , indicate → declare , indicate → show 1 ■ point --> [intransitive, transitive] (always used with an adverb or preposition总是与副词或介词连用) to show that sth is possible or likely; to lead to or suggest a particular development or logical argument预示;(意思上)指向,导向◆all the signs point to a successful year ahead.所有迹象都预示着来年将一帆风顺。◆the evidence seems to point in that direction.证据似乎指向那个方向。◆the fans are looking to the new players to point the way to victory.球迷们都在指望新球员能打出胜利之路。suggest [transitive] (used especially in negative statements and questions尤用于否定陈述和疑问句) to state an opinion indirectly暗示;言下之意是说◆are you suggesting (that) i'm lazy?你言下之意是说我懒?◆i would never suggest such a thing.我根本不会有这样的意思。 ➡ see also suggestion → suggestion suggest [transitive] to tell people about a plan or idea for them to think about建议;提议◆i suggest (that) we go out to eat.我提议咱们出去吃吧。◆i suggested going in my car.我提议坐我的车去。◆he suggested to the committee that they should delay making a decision.他向委员会建议延期决定。◆it has been suggested that bright children take their exams early.有人提议天资聪明的孩子提前考试。◆the report suggested a two-stage process.该报告建议分两个阶段进行。suggest [transitive] to tell sb about a person, thing, method, etc. that might be suitable for a particular job or purpose推荐(人选、东西、方法等);举荐◆who would you suggest for the job?你会举荐谁做这个工作?◆she suggested paris as a good place for the conference.她推荐说,巴黎是举办这次会议的理想地点。◆can you suggest how i might contact him?我怎么才能联系上他,你能出个主意吗?ⓘ suggest is less certain than recommend: you do not necessarily have personal experience of the person or thing-you may have just heard about them/it from sb else, but think they/it might be worth trying. * suggest 不如 recommend 确定,推荐人不一定对所推荐的人或事物有亲身了解 - 或许只是从他人那里听说,但认为或许值得一试。  ➡ see also suggestion → proposal suggest [transitive] to put an idea into sb's mind; to make sb think that sth is true使人想到;使人认为;表明◆all the evidence suggests (that) he stole the money.所有证据都表明是他偷了钱。◆the symptoms suggest a minor heart attack.症状显示这是轻微心脏病发作。◆the stage lighting was used to suggest a beach scene.舞台灯光被用来表现海滨景色。suggest/səˈdʒest; us səgˈdʒ- ||; səgˈdʒɛst/verb[t] 1. suggest sth (to sb);suggest doing sth;suggest that... to mention a plan or an idea that you have for sb to discuss or consider 建议;提议: ◇can anybody suggest ways of raising more money? 谁能提出方法来筹集更多的款项?◇tony suggested going out for a walk. 托尼建议出去散步。◇tony suggested (that) we go out for a walk. 托尼建议我们出去散步。◇tony suggested a walk. 托尼建议去散步。 2. suggest sb/sth (for/as sth) to say that a person, thing or place is suitable 认为合适;推荐: ◇who would you suggest for the job? 你会推荐谁来做这项工作? you cannot ‘suggest somebody something’. 推荐某人做某事不能说suggest somebody something。 ☞look at recommend. 参看recommend。 3. to say or show sth in an indirect way 暗示: ◇are you suggesting the accident was my fault? 你是不是在暗示那次意外是我造成的? suggest1 to suggest something2 to make a formal suggestion in a meeting, report etc3 to suggest someone as a suitable person for a job or official position4 something that someone suggests5 what you say to suggest somethingrelated wordssee alsoadvise,idea,warn,persuade,1. to suggest something 提出建议 suggest /səˈdʒestǁsəg-/ [transitive verb] to tell someone your idea about what they should do, where they should go etc, or about what you and they should do together 建议,提议 ‘why don't you come with us?’ alan suggested. “你为什么不和我们一起去呢?”艾伦提议道。 it was a sunny afternoon, and jim suggested a trip to the beach. 那天下午阳光明媚,吉姆提议去沙滩玩玩。suggest (that) my dad suggested that i should apply for the job. 我爸爸建议我申请这工作。 i suggest we take a break and finish this later. 我建议我们休息一下,稍后再完成这事。suggest doing something it was raining heavily, and she suggested calling a taxi. 雨下得很大,她建议叫一辆出租车。suggest where/how/when etc can you suggest where we might be able to get a decent meal? 你能建议我们可以去哪里吃一顿美餐吗? make a suggestion /ˌmeɪk ə səˈdʒestʃənǁ-səg-/ [verb phrase] to suggest something that you think will help someone or will solve a problem 提出建议 mr chairman - may i make a suggestion? 主席先生,我可以提个建议吗? one day her mother made a suggestion. ‘why don't you come back and live with your father and me?’ 有一天,她母亲建议说:“你为什么不回来跟我和你父亲同住呢?” a professional consultant will make suggestions about the most suitable clients to approach for your particular type of work. 你所做的一类工作找什么客户最合适,专业顾问会为你提供建议。 recommend /ˌrekəˈmend/ [transitive verb] to suggest something to someone because you know that it is good and you are sure that they will like it 推荐,介绍 can you recommend a good hotel near here? 你能推荐这儿附近一家好的旅馆吗?recommend something to somebody corfu was wonderful - i'd recommend it to anyone. 科孚很棒,我要向每个人推荐。be highly recommended people say that it is very good 得到极力推荐 the hotel's restaurant comes highly recommended. 这家酒店的餐馆受到人们极力推荐。2. to make a formal suggestion in a meeting, report etc 在会议上、报告中等作出正式的提议 propose /prəˈpəʊz/ [transitive verb] to formally suggest that something should be done, especially at a meeting [正式]提议,建议[尤在会议上] the russians proposed a treaty banning all nuclear tests. 俄罗斯人提议签订一项全面禁止核试验的条约。propose (that) i propose that we discuss this at the next meeting. 我提议我们下一次开会再讨论此事。 recommend /ˌrekəˈmend/ [transitive verb] to officially suggest that something should be done, after you have considered the situation carefully [对形势作仔细考虑之后]建议 the report recommends a number of changes in the existing law. 报告对现行法律提出了几项修改意见。recommend that the directors are recommending that shareholders accept baldwin's offer. 董事建议股东接受鲍德温的提议。 put forward /ˌpʊt ˈfɔːʳwəʳd/ [transitive phrasal verb] to suggest plans, proposals etc, especially in order to start discussions about something that needs to be decided 提出[计划、建议等,尤指为对需要作出决定的事进行讨论] the united nations has put forward a peace plan that it hopes will form the basis for discussions. 联合国提出了一项和平方案,希望以此形成讨论的基础。 management initially put forward a number of proposals which were wholly unacceptable to the union. 资方最初提出了几项工会根本无法接受的建议。 put something to/before /ˈpʊt something tuː, bɪˌfɔːʳ somebody/ [verb phrase] to offer a group something such as a proposal or plan which they can accept or refuse 向…提出某事 the government has spent £1 million on putting its case to the public. 政府花了一百万英镑把它的想法传达给民众。 we're going to put our plans before the committee on monday and we'll just have to hope that they are approved. 我们打算星期一向委员会提交我们的方案,只希望方案会得到通过。 float /fləʊt/ [transitive verb not usually in progressive] float an idea/plan etc to suggest an idea, plan etc in order to find out what other people think about it [为了解人们的想法而]提出想法/计划等 the administration had floated the idea of increased taxes on beer, spirits and tobacco. 政府提出增加烟酒税的想法。 the following month, david floated the possibility of launching a new tv company. 第二个月,戴维提出成立一家新的电视公司的可能性。 submit /səbˈmɪt/ [transitive verb] to offer a proposal, application etc so that an official person or group can consider it and decide whether to accept it 提交[建议、申请等] applications for planning permission must be submitted before noon tomorrow. 建筑许可申请必须于明天中午之前提交。submit something to somebody we have submitted proposals for a new pay structure to the board of management. 我们已经向管理委员会递交了新工资结构的建议。 present /prɪˈzent/ [transitive verb] to explain your ideas or plans to an official group so that they can decide whether to accept them 提出;介绍[想法或计划] we shall give you reasonable time to prepare and present your proposals. 我们会给你合理的时间准备和介绍你的提议。present something to somebody ms rogers will present her ideas to the board at next week's meeting. 罗杰斯女士将在下星期的会议上向董事会提出自己的想法。present somebody with something we have been presented with a number of plans and will give careful consideration to all of them. 我们听取了好几个计划,每一个我们都会认真考虑。 be mooted /biː ˈmuːtə̇d/ [verb phrase] if an idea or plan is mooted, it is suggested as something that could be done [想法或计划]被提出来 the scheme was first mooted two years ago. 这个计划是两年前第一次提出的。be mooted for a 3,000 house development has been mooted for the disused airfield. 有人提议在这个废弃的机场上开发一个有3,000户的住宅区。3. to suggest someone as a suitable person for a job or official position 推荐合适人选做某一工作或担任某个官职 suggest /səˈdʒestǁsəg-/ [transitive verb] all members are invited to suggest names. 所有成员都可以提名。suggest somebody for something robert suggested his son for the vacant directorship. 罗伯特推荐他儿子替补空缺的董事职位。 recommend /ˌrekəˈmend/ [transitive verb] to suggest someone you know personally as suitable for a job or position, because you think they would do a good job 推荐,举荐 ask friends to recommend babysitters. that's the safest way. 叫朋友推荐个人帮忙看孩子,那是最保险的。 the first applicant was recommended by a friend of the boss. 第一位求职者是老板的一位朋友推荐的。recommend somebody for something who would you recommend for this job, stuart? 你会推荐谁做这工作呢,斯图尔特? put somebody's name forward /ˌpʊt somebodyˈs ˈneɪm fɔːʳwəʳd/ [verb phrase] to formally suggest someone, usually in writing, to be elected to an official or political position [通常以书面形式]提某人的名字,提名某人[参加选举] the local democratic party has put several names forward. 当地的民主党提名了几个人。put sb's name forward for the opposition leader announced that he would not be putting his name forward for re-election at the party's annual conference. 反对党领袖宣布,在党的年度大会上他不会提名自己再次参选。 nominate /ˈnɒmɪneɪt, ˈnɒməneɪtǁˈnɑː-/ [transitive verb] to suggest someone for an important job or prize, especially when people will vote to make a decision 提名,推荐[重要职位或奖项的人选] we need a treasurer. does anyone want to nominate somebody? 我们需要一位财务主管,有谁想提名某个人吗?nominate somebody for something jane campion was one of the people nominated for the ‘best director’ award. 简·坎皮恩是获“最佳导演”奖提名的人之一。nominate somebody as something it was expected that he would nominate bramwell as his successor. 人们都预期他会提名布拉姆韦尔为他的继任者。nominate somebody to something the president has power to nominate people to certain key offices, including judge of the supreme court. 总统有权给某些重要职位提名,包括最高法院的法官。 nomination /ˌnɒmɪˈneɪʃən, ˌnɒməˈneɪʃənǁˌnɑː-/ [countable/uncountable noun] his nomination as chief executive was approved by the board. 他任总经理的提名得到了董事会的批准。 the democratic nomination for president the person nominated by the democrats 民主党的总统候选人提名 propose /prəˈpəʊz/ [transitive verb] to formally suggest someone for an official position 提名,推荐 at the last meeting, mrs williams was proposed by several members. 在上一次会议上,威廉斯夫人得到了好几个人的提名。propose for i would like to propose mr harrison for the position of party treasurer. 我想提名哈里森先生担任政党财务主管这一职务。4. something that someone suggests 某人建议的事 suggestion /səˈdʒestʃənǁsəg-/ [countable noun] something that someone suggests 提议,建议 we welcome any suggestions from our viewers as to how to improve our service. 我们欢迎观众就如何提高我们的服务质量提出任何意见。make a suggestion she made some useful suggestions about places we could visit. 对于有哪些地方我们可以游览,她提了几个很有用的建议。have a suggestion want to make a suggestion 有一个建议 does anyone have any other suggestions? 还有谁有其他建议吗?suggestion about we liked your suggestion about changing the timetable. 我们喜欢你修改时间表的建议。suggestion that barry ignored my suggestion that he should try phoning her again. 我叫巴里再打个电话给她试试看,他却没有理会。open to suggestions willing to listen to ideas 愿意听取意见 you must be flexible and open to suggestions in this job. 做这个工作,你必须灵活变通,而且要愿意听取别人的意见。 proposal /prəˈpəʊzəl/ [countable noun] a formal or official suggestion that something should be done [正式的]提议,建议 they will consider our proposal at their next meeting. 他们将在下一次会议上考虑我们的提议。put forward a proposal make one 提出建议 their role is to put forward proposals for change. 他们的任务是提出改革方案。proposal to do something their proposal to build a new airport has finally been rejected. 他们建新机场的提议最终被否决了。proposal for they forwarded a list of proposals for the safe disposal of nuclear waste. 他们就核废料的安全处置问题提出了一系列建议。 recommendation /ˌrekəmenˈdeɪʃən/ [countable noun] a suggestion made, for example, by an official person or group, especially a suggestion that is contained in a report [尤指包含在报告中的]建议 make a recommendation the consultants have made several very good and valid recommendations. 顾问提出了几个非常好的有效建议。accept a recommendation we accept that recommendation and will act on it as soon as possible. 我们接受这个建议,并将尽快根据这个建议采取行动。on somebody's recommendation because someone has recommended it 在某人的建议之下 i bought the house on the realtor's recommendation and have regretted it ever since. 我在房地产经纪人的建议之下买了这房子,买后一直后悔不已。 proposition /ˌprɒpəˈzɪʃənǁˌprɑː-/ [countable noun] a plan of action that is suggested, especially in business or politics [尤指商业或政治上的]提议,建议,提案 i'll consider your proposition and let you know. 你的提议我考虑一下再告诉你。 we are prepared to look at any reasonable proposition from the council. 委员会的提议只要合理,我们都会加以考虑。make a proposition i have a proposition to make. 我想提个建议。5. what you say to suggest something 提出某个建议的说法 can/may i make a suggestion /ˌkæn, ˌmeɪ aɪ ˌmeɪk ə səˈdʒestʃənǁ-səg-/ use this to suggest something politely, especially when you think someone may be making a mistake 我能不能提个建议?[用于客气地提出建议,尤在认为某人可能犯了错误时] can i make a suggestion? try adding a little more flour. 我能不能提个建议?再加一点面粉试试看。 may i make a suggestion? i think we should stop and look at the map. 我提个建议好吗?我觉得我们应该停下来看看地图。 i propose (that) /aɪ prəˈpəʊz (ðət)/ spoken use this for formally suggesting something that you think should be done, especially at a meeting 【口】我提议,我建议[尤在会议上] i propose that we continue this meeting tomorrow. 我提议我们明天继续开这个会议。 why don't you/we/i etc /ˈwaɪ dəʊnt juː/ informal say this when you think it would be a good idea to do something 【非正式】你/我们/我等为什么不 why don't you wait for me downstairs? i won't be long. 为什么不在楼下等我呢?我很快的。 if david wants someone to go with him, why doesn't he ask jacky? i'm sure she'd enjoy it. 如果戴维希望有个人陪他去,他为什么不找杰姬呢?我肯定她会乐意的。 why don't we go watch a movie tonight? 今天晚上我们为什么不去看一场电影呢? how about/what about /ˈhaʊ əbaʊt, ˈwɒt əbaʊt/ informal use this to suggest something or offer something 【非正式】…怎么样 ‘how about a brandy?’ said tom. “来杯白兰地怎么样?”汤姆说。 what about going out for lunch one day next week? when are you free? 下个星期哪天出去吃顿午饭怎么样?你什么时候有空? maybe/perhaps /ˈmeɪbi, pəʳˈhæps/ [adverb] spoken use this to suggest something in a gentle way 【口】也许,或许[用于婉转地提议] maybe we should try again tomorrow. 也许我们应该明天再试试。 perhaps you ought to introduce her to my son. they should get on well. 也许你应该把她介绍给我儿子认识,他们应该合得来。 let's /lets/ let's go/have/do etc use this when you want to suggest something that you and the people you are with should do 让我们走吧/来…吧/做某事吧等 come on, let's dance. 来吧,我们跳舞吧。 we both need a break. let's go away for the weekend. 我们俩都需要休息。我们出去度周末吧。let's not let's not argue on our anniversary. 我们在结婚纪念日不要吵架了。don't let's (british) come on, don't let's waste any more time here. 好了,我们不要再在这儿浪费时间了。 we may as well /wiː ˌmeɪ əz ˈwel/ use this to suggest something that is not very interesting or exciting, when you do not have any better ideas 我们不妨…[用于没有其他更好的主意时] it's too late to go to the movies so we may as well watch tv. 看电影太迟了,我们还是看看电视吧。 i think we might as well buy this one. we're not going to find anything cheaper. 我想我们不妨把这个买下吧,找不到更便宜的了。 sug·gest /səg`dʒɛst; səˈdʒest/v [t] 1. to tell someone your ideas about what should be done 建议,提议:◇my doctor suggested a week off work. 我的医生建议一个星期不要上班。◇+ (that) don suggested that we should go to japan next year. 唐建议我们明年去日本。 2. to say that someone or something would be suitable for a particular purpose 推荐:◇suggest sb for gina reed's name has been suggested for the job. 这个职位,有人推荐了吉娜·里德的名字。 3. to make someone think that something might be true 表明,显示:◇+ (that) all the evidence seems to suggest that he is guilty. 所有的证据好像都显示他有罪。 ☞ suggest




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