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单词 sufficient
释义 sufficient adjectiveverbs | adverb | preposition verbs➤be, prove, seem充分;证明充分;好像充分▸➤consider sth, deem sth, regard sth as, see sth as认为⋯充分◆do you really regard that explanation as sufficient?你真的认为那个解释很充分吗?adverb➤quite相当充足▸➤barely, hardly几乎不够◆our budget is hardly sufficient to pay people, let alone buy any new equipment.我们的预算几乎不够支付工资,更不用说买新设备了。➤just刚刚够preposition➤for对⋯来说足够◆the salary proved sufficient for his needs.结果证明工资够他花了。sufficient/səˈfɪʃnt ||; səˈfɪʃənt/adj (formal 正式) as much as is necessary; enough 足够的;充足的: ◇we have sufficient oil reserves to last for three months. 我们的石油储备够用三个月。 [opp] insufficient 反义词为insufficient➔sufficiently advsufficientsee ⇨ enough/not enough 1 suf·fi·cient /sə`fɪʃənt; səˈfɪʃənt/adjas much as you need for a particular purpose; enough 足够的,充足的:◇the police have sufficient evidence to charge him with murder. 警方有充分的证据起诉他谋杀。




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