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单词 mentor
释义 mentor /mentɔː(r)/ noun (hr 人力资源) [countable] an experienced person who advises and helps sb with less experience over a period of time 导师;师傅;良师益友◆she is following advice from her mentor. 她依照导师的建议行事。  ➡  mentee mentor /mentɔː(r)/ verb (hr 人力资源) [transitive] to advise and help sb with less experience than yourself 辅导;指导;帮助◆he brought brown into the company, mentored him and chose him as his successor. 他把布朗带进了公司,加以教导,并选他做了接班人。 ▸ mentoring noun [uncountable] ◆a mentoring programme 辅导计划☞ mentor☞ mentormentor /mentɔː(r)/ [countable] an experienced person who advises and helps sb with less experience over a period of time(一段时期内指导经验尚浅者的)导师,顾问◆the agent was a friend and mentor to many young artists.这个经纪人是很多年轻艺术家的朋友兼顾问。 ➡ see also guru → expert , mentoring → education mentor/ˈmentɔ:(r) ||; ˈmɛntɚ/noun [c] an experienced person who advises and helps sb with less experience over a period of time 导师;指导者 ➔mentoring noun [u]: ◇a mentoring programme 指导计划 men·tor /`mɛntə; ˈmentɔː/n [c]an experienced person who advises and helps someone who is learning how to do a job 导师,指导者




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