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单词 goaway
释义 go away phrasal verbgo away ♦︎ get out of here ♦︎ get away ♦︎ go off ♦︎ decamp ♦︎ be/go on your way ♦︎ clear outthese words all mean to leave a place.这些词均表示离开某地。note 辨析 go away or leave?the words in the leave entry emphasize the act or time of leaving sb/sth; the words in the go away entry emphasize the need or desire of the speaker to be somewhere else or for sb else to be somewhere else. * leave 条下的词强调离开某人/某物的行为或时间; go away 条下的词强调讲话者需要或想要去别处,或希望他人到别处去。  ➡ see also the entry for leave 1另见 leave 条第 1 义patterns and collocations 句型和搭配◆to go away / get away / decamp from sb / sth◆to go off / decamp to sth◆to go off / decamp / clear out with sth◆to go away / get out of here / get away now / soon■ go away -->phrasal verb(goes, went, gone) (used especially in orders尤用于命令) to leave a person or place离开(某人或某地)◆just go away and leave me alone!走开,别烦我!◆go away and think about it.到一边去想一想。◆i told her to go away.我叫她走开。◆it's been over seven years since he went away.他已经走了七年多了。opp come back → return 1 ■ get out of here -->phrase(getting, got, got; name spoken getting, got, gotten) (used especially in orders尤用于命令) (especially name, informal) to leave a person or place离开(某人或某地)◆i'm bored-let's get out of here.我厌烦了,咱们离开这里吧。◆hey you two, you'd better get out of here before the teacher catches you!嗨,你们俩,你们最好在被老师抓到之前离开这儿!ⓘ in very informal spoken american english you can say i'm/we're outta here! meaning 'i'm/we're leaving', often, though not always, because you are feeling angry or bored.在非常不正式的美式英语口语中可以说 i'm/we're outta here!,意思是“我/我们要走了”,常表示因为感到愤怒或厌烦而要离开,尽管并非总是如此◆ (name, slang) i wasn't going to listen to her yell at me anymore so i just said, 'bye-i'm outta here.'我不想再听她冲我嚷嚷了,于是我就说了句:“再见,我先走了。”■ get away phrasal verb(getting, got, got; name spoken getting, got, gotten)to succeed in leaving a place(得以)离开,脱身◆i won't be able to get away from the office before seven.我 7 点钟之前无法离开办公室。■ go off -->phrasal verb(goes, went, gone)to leave a person or place, especially in order to do sth离开(某人或某地,尤指去做某事)◆'where did david go?' 'he went off to find his dad.'“戴维去哪儿了?”“他去找他爸爸了。”◆she went off to college last year and i haven't seen her since.去年她去上大学了,从此我便未见过她。◆matt went off in search of a flashlight.马特去找手电筒了。 ➡ see also retire → withdraw 1 ■ decamp /dɪkæmp/ [intransitive] (especially bre, written) to leave a place, often suddenly or secretly(常为突然或秘密地)逃走,潜逃,撤离◆the first person to take up the job decamped after a few days.接受这份工作的第一个人几天后便逃走了。◆the firm's production unit has decamped to california.该公司的生产部门已经撤至加利福尼亚。■ be on your way-->■ go on your way -->idiom(goes, went, gone) (especially bre) to leave a person or place离开(某人或某地)◆it's time we were on our way (= we should leave).我们该走了。◆he went on his way and i never saw him again.他离开了,我再也没有见过他。■ clear out phrasal verb (especially bre, informal) to leave a place quickly, especially taking all your things with you(尤指带着所有东西)迅速离开◆he cleared out with the money and left her with the kids.他把孩子丢给她,自己卷款逃走了。◆you'd better clear out of here before they find you.你最好在他们发现你之前赶紧离开这里。ⓘ in american english clear out is only used about a whole group of people leaving a place, not an individual person.在美式英语中,clear out 仅指一群人,而非个人离开某地◆homeless people in the camp have been given 72 hours to pack up and clear out.营地里的无家可归者要在 72 小时内收拾东西离开。




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