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单词 procedure
释义 procedure nounadjective | verb + procedure | preposition adjective➤complex, complicated复杂的程序▸➤simple, straightforward简单的程序▸➤common, correct, normal, proper, recommended, standard, usual通常的程序;正确的程序;一般程序;正常手续;建议的程序;标准程序;通常的手续◆there are standard procedures for dismissing staff.解雇员工有标准的程序。➤agreed, established, routine商定的/既定的/例行的程序➤formal正式程序◆a formal procedure such as an audit如审计这样的正式程序➤strict严格的程序◆the strict legal procedures for adoption领养孩子严格的法律程序➤alternative, experimental, new替代程序;实验程序;新程序➤sampling, testing取样/测试过程◆the use of animals in experimental procedures实验过程中动物的使用➤necessary必要的程序▸➤special特别程序▸➤administrative, appeal, appeals, application, assessment, complaints, court, criminal, disciplinary, emergency, evacuation, grievance, operating, parliamentary, safety, scientific, security, selection, voting行政/上诉/申请/评估/投诉/法庭/刑事诉讼/惩戒/应急/疏散/申诉/操作/议会/安全/科学/安保/选举/表决程序➤legal, medical法律/医疗程序▸➤cosmetic, diagnostic, non-invasive, non-surgical, screening, surgical美容/诊断/非侵入性/非外科/筛选/外科手术程序◆the most popular cosmetic procedure in the nation国内最流行的美容方法◆a minor surgical procedure一个小手术➤invasive侵入性手术◆invasive surgical procedures侵入性外科手术➤abortion, biopsy, sterilization, transplant, etc.堕胎、活组织检查、绝育、移植等程序verb + procedure➤adopt, apply, carry out, conduct, employ, follow, implement, use采纳/应用/执行/实施/使用/遵循/采用/运用程序◆all animal procedures were conducted in accordance with the recommendations.所有动物程序都是按照建议进行的。◆did you follow the emergency procedure when you heard the alarm?听到警报时你是按照应急程序做的吗?➤recommend推荐程序◆this procedure is usually recommended only for children.此程序通常只建议用于儿童。➤approve批准程序➤perform执行程序◆he could no longer perform delicate procedures such as angioplasty.他已不再能做如血管成形术这样精巧的手术了。➤complete完成程序◆the pilots completed the emergency procedures.飞行员完成了紧急应变程序。➤review审查程序◆banks began to review their credit procedures.各银行开始审查他们的信贷程序。➤repeat重复程序➤undergo接受手术◆women who undergo the procedure may be unable to breastfeed.接受该手术的妇女可能无法用母乳喂养孩子。➤establish订立程序◆a straightforward complaints procedure must be established from the outset.从一开始就必须订立简单明了的投诉程序。➤standardize规范程序◆an attempt was made to standardize the procedure.已进行了使程序规范化的努力。➤simplify简化程序➤describe, outline描述/概括过程preposition➤under a/the procedure根据程序◆under a procedure established by legislation根据法定程序➤procedure for做⋯的程序◆the correct procedure for hiring staff雇用员工的正确程序procedure /prəsiːdʒə(r)/ noun [countable, uncountable] a way of doing sth, especially the usual or correct way 程序;手续;步骤◆making a complaint is quite a simple procedure. 申诉的手续非常简单。◆you must follow the correct procedure for hiring staff. 你必须遵循雇用员工的正确程序。◆policies and procedures are written down so that new workers can learn their jobs quickly. 规则和程序被付诸文字以便新工人能迅速上手。◆court/legal procedure 法院/法定程序⨁ to adopt / follow / review / use procedure(s)采用/遵循/复核/采用程序 ⨁ accepted / established / normal / proper / standard procedure(s)惯用的/既定的/正常的/适当的/标准的步骤 ⨁ appeals / complaints / emergency procedures上诉/投诉/紧急状况处理程序 disciplinary procedure ◇ disputes procedure ◇ safety procedure ◇ standard operating procedures ☞ procedureprocedure /prəsiːdʒə(r)/ [countable, uncountable] a way of doing sth, especially the usual or correct way(正常)程序,手续,步骤◆she explained the procedure for calling a special general meeting.她介绍了召集全体特别大会的程序。◆this is standard procedure after a suicide attempt.这是处理企图自杀案的标准程序。procedure/prəˈsi:dʒə(r) ||; prəˈsidʒɚ/noun [c,u] the usual or correct way for doing sth 程序;手续;步骤: ◇what's the procedure for making a complaint? 投诉要依照什么程序? proceduresee ⇨ way 2 pro·ce·dure /prə`sidʒə; prəˈsiːdʒə/n [c,u]the correct or normal way of doing something 步骤,程序; 手续:◇+ for the procedure for shutting down a computer 关闭电脑的正确步骤




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