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单词 opposite
释义 opposite nounadjective | opposite + verb | preposition | phrases adjective➤complete, direct, exact, precise, total, very完全对立的/正好相反的/恰恰相反的/截然相反的/全然不同的/恰好相反的事物▸➤polar完全相反的事物opposite + verb➤be the case, be true情况正好相反◆the oboe tends to lose power in the upper register, but with the clarinet the opposite is the case.双簧管往往在高音区音色不够嘹亮,而单簧管则正好相反。◆most people look forward to the weekend, but with him the opposite is true.大多数人都期待周末的到来,而他却正好相反。preposition➤the opposite of, the opposite to⋯的对立物◆'light' is the opposite of 'heavy'.“轻”的对立面是“重”。◆in temperament, she was the complete opposite to her sister.她和她姐姐的性格截然不同。phrases➤exactly the opposite, just the opposite, quite the opposite恰恰/正好/完全相反◆the effect was exactly the opposite to what he intended.效果与他的意图正好相反。➤opposites attract异性相吸 opposite nounopposite ♦︎ the contrary ♦︎ the reverse ♦︎ contrast ♦︎ antonymthese are all words for a person or thing that is as different as possible from sb/sth else.这些词均表示对立的人或物、对立面、反面。patterns and collocations 句型和搭配◆a / the complete opposite / reverse / contrast◆the exact / very opposite / reverse◆to be the opposite / the reverse / a contrast◆to represent the opposite / a contrast◆to do the opposite / contrary / reverse◆quite the opposite / contrary / reverse◆quite a contrast■ opposite [countable] a person or thing that is as different as possible from sb/sth else对立的人(或物);对立面;反面◆hot and cold are opposites.热和冷是对立的。◆what is the opposite of heavy?重的相反是什么?◆i thought she would be small and blonde but she's the complete opposite.我原以为她是一个身材娇小的金发女郎,但她恰恰相反。◆'is it better now?' 'quite the opposite, i'm afraid.'“现在好点了吗?”“恐怕正相反。”■ the contrary "kqntr@ri"ka:ntreri--> [singular] (rather formal) used to emphasize that the opposite of what has been said or suggested is actually true恰恰相反;正相反◆in the end the contrary was proved true: he was innocent and she was guilty.最后证明事实正好相反:他是无辜的,而她则有罪。◆'you're not rejecting them?' 'on the contrary, i plan to give them special status.'“你没拒绝他们吗?”“恰恰相反,我打算给予他们特殊地位。”◆i don't find him funny at all. quite the contrary.正相反,我觉得他一点儿也不可笑。◆i will expect to see you on sunday unless i hear anything to the contrary (= showing or proving the opposite).星期天我会等你,除非你说不来了。ⓘ the contrary is most often used in the phrases on the contrary, quite the contrary and to the contrary. * the contrary 最常用在短语 on the contrary、quite the contrary 和 to the contrary 中。■ the reverse --> [singular] (rather formal, especially written) the opposite fact, event or situation to the one just mentioned相反的事实(或事件、情况)◆although i expected to enjoy living in the country, in fact the reverse is true.我原以为自己会喜欢乡村生活,但实际情况正好相反。◆this problem is the reverse of the previous one.这个问题和上一个问题相反。ⓘ the reverse is most often used in these phrases. * the reverse 最常用于下面这些短语中◆the reverse is true / holds / is the case / happens.真相恰恰相反/相反的事实成立/情况正相反/相反的事发生了。◆a is the reverse of b.a 是 b 的反面。◆quite the reverse.恰恰相反。■ contrast [countable] a person or thing that is clearly different from sb/sth else明显不同的人(或事物)◆the work you did today is quite a contrast to (= very much better / worse than) what you did last week.你今天的工作干得与上周的截然不同。  ➡ see also contrast → compare verb 1 , contrast → conflict verb , contrasting → different ■ antonym [countable] (technical术语) a word that means the opposite of another word反义词◆'old' has two possible antonyms: 'young' and 'new'.old 有两个可能的反义词:young 和 new。 opposite adjectiveopposite ♦︎ reverse ♦︎ contrary ♦︎ inverse ♦︎ opposedthese words all describe sth that is as different as possible from sth else.这些词均表示完全相反的、截然不同的。patterns and collocations 句型和搭配◆the opposite / reverse direction / side◆the opposite / reverse order / effect◆an opposite / a contrary view / opinion◆their views / opinions are opposed.◆completely / directly / entirely / quite contrary / opposed■ opposite [usually before noun] completely different in nature or direction(在性质或方向上)完全相反的,截然不同的◆she tried calming him down but it seemed to be having the opposite effect.她试着让他平静下来,却似乎适得其反。◆i'm trying to teach students at opposite ends of the ability range.我在设法教能力处于两个极端的学生。◆clothes are often used as a way of attracting the opposite sex.人们常常通过衣着来吸引异性。■ reverse [only before noun] (rather formal) completely different in direction(在方向上)完全相反的;反面的◆the winners were announced in reverse order (= the person in the lowest place was announced first).获胜者是按逆序宣布的。◆ (formal) iron the garment on the reverse side (= on the back or inside).这件衣服要从反面熨。note 辨析 opposite or reverse? reverse is mostly used in more formal contexts than opposite and has a narrower range of collocates. opposite can describe both the nature of sth or its direction, in either a physical or abstract sense. reverse only describes the direction of sth, usually in a physical sense. when two people or things travel in opposite directions they can either start from the same place and move away from each other, or start from different places and travel towards each other. if you travel in the reverse direction you usually travel over the same ground, but start from the other end.与 opposite 相比,reverse 主要用于较正式的语境,搭配词的范围较窄。opposite 既可描述事物的性质,也可描述方向,表示实际或抽象的意义均可。reverse 只描述事物的方向,通常表示实际意义。travel in opposite directions 既可指两个人或物体从同一地点背向而行,也可指从不同地点相向而行。travel in the reverse direction 通常指走同一条路,但从另一端出发◆i watched them leave and then drove off in the opposite direction.我目送他们离开,然后开车向相反的方向驶去。◆he hit a truck travelling in the opposite direction.他撞上了一辆迎面驶来的卡车。◆one year later she made the same journey in the reverse direction.一年以后她从相反的方向出发重游了那条路线。people or things on opposite sides of an area or object usually face each other; reverse sides of an object are back to back, facing away from each other. * opposite side 通常指对面; reverse side 指背面、反面◆he waved at me from the opposite side of the road.他在马路对面向我招手。◆on the reverse side of the medal is a coat of arms.奖牌的背面是盾徽。■ contrary /kɒntrəri; name kɑːntreri/ [only before noun] (rather formal) completely different in nature(在性质上)完全相反的,截然不同的◆despite all the contrary evidence, they still believed that the earth was flat.尽管有那么多反面证据,他们依然认为地球是平的。◆the contrary view is that prison provides an excellent education-in crime.截然不同的看法是,监狱提供了极好的教育 - 犯罪教育。note 辨析 opposite or contrary? contrary is a more formal word than opposite and has a narrower range of collocates. opposite can describe both physical things such as the sides of a object or area and abstract things such as opinions. collocates of opposite include direction, side, end, corner, extreme, effect and sex. contrary only describes abstract things and its collocates include opinion, view, intention, argument and evidence.与 opposite 相比,contrary 较正式,搭配词的范围较窄。opposite 既可描述实物,如物体的侧面或场地的边侧,也可描述意见等抽象的事物。opposite 的搭配词有 direction、side、end、corner、extreme、effect 和 sex。contrary 只描述抽象的事物,搭配词有 opinion、view、intention、argument 和 evidence。■ inverse /ɪnvɜːs; name ɪnvɜːrs/ [only before noun] (rather formal) opposite in amount or position to sth else(数量或位置)相反的,反向的ⓘ inverse usually describes a relationship between two things in which, as one element increases, the other decreases. * inverse 通常描述两个事物之间此消彼长的关系◆a person's wealth is often in inverse proportion to their happiness (= the more money they have, the less happy they are).一个人的财富常常与他的幸福成反比。◆there is often an inverse relationship between the power of the tool and how easy it is to use.工具的功能与操作的难易程度往往成相反关系。▸ inversely adverb◆can we assume that the demand for bank lending is inversely related to the rate of interest charged?我们能否认为对银行贷款的需求与所支付的利率成相反关系?■ opposed [not usually before noun] (rather formal) (of ideas or opinions) very different from sth(看法或意见)截然不同◆our views are diametrically opposed on this issue.在这个问题上,我们的观点大相迳庭。opposite [countable] a person or thing that is as different as possible from sb/sth else对立的人(或物);对立面;反面◆hot and cold are opposites.热和冷是对立的。◆what is the opposite of heavy?重的相反是什么?◆i thought she would be small and blonde but she's the complete opposite.我原以为她是一个身材娇小的金发女郎,但她恰恰相反。◆'is it better now?' 'quite the opposite, i'm afraid.'“现在好点了吗?”“恐怕正相反。”opposite [usually before noun] completely different in nature or direction(在性质或方向上)完全相反的,截然不同的◆she tried calming him down but it seemed to be having the opposite effect.她试着让他平静下来,却似乎适得其反。◆i'm trying to teach students at opposite ends of the ability range.我在设法教能力处于两个极端的学生。◆clothes are often used as a way of attracting the opposite sex.人们常常通过衣着来吸引异性。opposite/ˈɒpəzɪt ||; ˈɑpəzɪt/adj adv prep 1. in a position on the other side of sb/sth; facing 对面;相对: ◇the old town and the new town are on opposite sides of the river. 旧城与新城隔河相望。◇you sit there and i'll sit opposite. 你坐在那里,而我会坐在你对面。 sometimes opposite is used after a noun write your answer in the space opposite. opposite有时用于名词后:write your answer in the space opposite.把你的答案写在另一边的空白处。 2. completely different 相反;完全不同: ◇i can't walk with you because i'm going in the opposite direction. 我不能跟你一起走,因为我要去的方向与你相反。◇the opposite sex (= the other sex) 异性(性别不同的人) opposite noun [c]: ◇‘hot’ is the opposite of ‘cold’. “热”是“冷”的反义词。 your opposite number a person who does the same job or has the same position as you in a different company, organization, team, etc (在不同公司、机构、队伍等)做相同工作或职位相同的人: ◇the prime minister met his italian opposite number. 首相会见了他的意大利对等人物。 oppositeopposite/different1 when two things or people are completely different2 someone or something that is completely different from someone or something else3 opposite opinions, statements etc4 a statement or situation that contains two opposite ideasopposite direction5 in or from the opposite directionopposite/facing each other6 to be opposite something or someone1. when two things or people are completely different 两者之间完全不同 opposite /ˈɒpəzɪt, ˈɒpəzətǁˈɑː-/ [adjective] as different as possible from something else 截然相反的;全然不同的 we have opposite viewpoints on almost everything. 我们几乎对所有事情的看法都不一样。 during the summer there wasn't enough rain, but now we have the opposite problem. 以前夏天雨量不足,可现在我们遇到相反的问题。 getting angry with him didn't work, so i tried the opposite approach. 对他发火没有用,所以我就用了相反的方法。the opposite result/effect/conclusion etc the medicine was supposed to make him sleepy, but it had the opposite effect. 这药应该能使他入睡,但实际上却起了相反的作用。 be opposites /biː ˈɒpəzɪtsǁ-ˈɑːp-/ [verb phrase] if two people or things are opposites, they are as different as possible from each other [两者]是对立的 although the sweet and sour flavours are opposites, they combine very well in this oriental dish. 尽管甜和酸是两种截然不同的味道,但在这种东方菜肴里两种味道配合得非常好。be complete opposites in both looks and personality the girls were complete opposites. 不管从外表上还是从性格上看,这两个姑娘都完全不一样。be opposites in we were alike in interests and tastes, but we were opposites in temperament. 我们的兴趣和品味很像,但是脾气却完全不同。 reverse /rɪˈvɜːʳs/ [adjective only before noun] opposite to what is usual or to what has just been stated 相反的 in some families the father goes out to work and the mother stays at home. in others, the reverse situation is true. 有些家庭父亲出去工作,母亲留在家里。有些家庭情况则恰好相反。 his advice had the reverse effect to that intended. 他的建议效果适得其反。 be the antithesis of /biː ði ænˈtɪθə̇sə̇s ɒv/ [verb phrase] formal to be completely opposite in quality or character to something 【正式】[在特质或性格上]与…完全相反 love is the antithesis of selfishness. 爱是自私的对立面。 his policies are the antitheses of all that makes us a decent, tolerant society. 他的政策并不能为我们建立一个公正、宽容的社会。2. someone or something that is completely different from someone or something else 截然不同的人或物 the opposite /ði ˈɒpəzə̇tǁ-ˈɑːp-/ [singular noun] our first baby hardly ever cried in the night, but our second is the opposite - we never get any sleep. 我们第一个孩子晚上几乎从来不哭,可第二个就完全相反了—我们根本没法睡觉。the opposite of ‘light’ is the opposite of both ‘dark’ and ‘heavy’. “light”是“dark”和“heavy”的反义词。do the opposite they asked for our advice and then did the opposite! 他们问了我们的意见,但是做的却完全相反!exactly/just the opposite i thought she'd be upset by the news, but her reaction was exactly the opposite. 我以为她听了这个消息会难过,可她的反应完全相反。 the reverse /ðə rɪˈvɜːʳs/ [singular noun] formal the exact opposite of the situation, idea, process that has just been mentioned 【正式】相反情况;正相反 the acid must be added to the water -- doing the reverse can be highly dangerous. 一定要把酸加到水里—反过来做会非常危险。 the economic situation is certainly improving, although widespread unemployment suggests the reverse. 经济形势无疑在好转,尽管广泛的失业现象说明情况正好相反。the reverse of he said that the rioters had been killed accidentally, the reverse of what had actually happened. 他说闹事者被杀是意外,但事实正好相反。 the other way around /round british /ðiː ˌʌðəʳ weɪ əˈraʊnd, ˈraʊnd/ [noun phrase] the opposite of what you thought or of what someone has just said [所想或所说的]正好相反 no, the street was named after the college, not the other way around the college was not named after the street. 不对,是街道以大学命名,不是大学以街道命名。 i thought he was the boss and she was his secretary, but in fact it was the other way around. 我以为他是老板,她是秘书,但事实上正好相反。 vice versa /ˌvaɪs ˈvɜːʳsə, ˌvaɪsi-/ [adverb] used to talk about the opposite of a situation that you have just mentioned 反过来也一样,反之亦然 whenever i'm at home, my husband seems to be out, and vice versa when i am out, he's at home ! 每次我在家,我丈夫好像都不在,要么就反过来! astronomers were still uncertain whether the earth travelled around the sun or vice-versa. 那时的天文学家仍不能肯定是地球绕着太阳转,还是太阳绕着地球转。 dutch speakers can usually understand german quite well, but not vice versa. 说荷兰语的人一般都听得懂德语,但说德语的人却不一定能听懂荷兰语。 go to the opposite extreme/go from one extreme to the other /gəʊ tə ði ˌɒpəzɪt ɪkˈstriːmǁ-ˌɑːp-, gəʊ frəm ˌwʌn ɪkˌstriːm tə ði ˈʌðəʳ/ [verb phrase] to stop doing one thing far too much, but then start doing the opposite far too much 走到另一个极端/从一个极端走到另一个极端 she used to eat too much, but now she's gone to the opposite extreme and is practically starving herself. 她以前吃得太多,可是现在走到了另一个极端,几乎要饿死自己了。 doug's gone from one extreme to the other - it used to be impossible to drag him away from the tv. now we can't get him to stay home. 道格从一个极端走到了另一个极端一过去他看电视怎也不舍得离开,现在却无法要他留在家里。3. opposite opinions, statements etc 相反的意见、说法等 opposite /ˈɒpəzɪt, ˈɒpəzətǁˈɑːp-/ [adjective] we're good friends, but we have opposite views when it comes to politics. 我们是好朋友,但在政治上我们的观点截然相反。 it is strange how two scientists studying the same problem can come to completely opposite conclusions. 很奇怪,研究同一问题的两名科学家怎么会得出截然不同的结论来。 margaret has very strong opinions, but she always tries to understand the opposite point of view. 玛格丽特观点非常鲜明,但是她总会尝试去理解对立的观点。 opposing /əˈpəʊzɪŋ/ [adjective only before noun] opposing opinions, beliefs, statements etc are the opposite of each other 对立的,相反的 bobbie and jo have opposing views on marriage. 鲍比和乔在婚姻问题上持相反的观点。 brad was prepared to accept that opposing beliefs could be held equally strongly and passionately. 布拉德愿意接受,对立的信仰也会有人以同样的决心和热情去持守。 the party seems to be unsure which of two opposing political philosophies to follow. 该政党似乎不能肯定两种对立的政治思想中该信奉哪一种。 diametrically opposed /daɪəˌmetrɪkli əˈpəʊzd/ [adjective] completely opposite to and completely disagreeing with each other 截然不同的,完全相反的 he feels that his christian beliefs and the principles of capitalism are diametrically opposed. 他感到自己的基督教信仰和资本主义原理是截然相反的。 on the contrary /ɒn ðe ˈkɒntrəriǁ-ˈkɑːntreri/ [adverb] spoken formal use this to tell someone that the opposite of what they say is true 【正式,口】正相反,恰恰相反 ‘do you think the divorce will upset her family?’ ‘on the contrary. it will probably come as a relief.’ “你说他们离婚她家里人会难过吗?”“恰恰相反,倒可能是一种解脱。” ‘you probably aren't interested in my opinion.’ ‘on the contrary, any ideas you have to add would be very welcome.’ “我的意见你也许没有兴趣。”“正好相反,你的任何想法我们都欢迎。” just the opposite/reverse also quite the opposite/reverse especially british, spoken /ˌdʒʌst ði ˈɒpəzə̇t, rɪˈvɜːʳs, ˌkwaɪt ði ˈɒpəzə̇t, rɪˈvɜːʳsǁ-ˈɑːp-/ [adverb] use this to tell someone that the opposite of a situation or statement is true 正好相反 my friends say i spend too much time studying, but my parents say just the opposite. 我朋友说我学习的时间太多,但我父母的说法正好相反。 we were not in love at the time - quite the opposite in fact. 那时候我们没有相爱一事实上正好相反。4. a statement or situation that contains two opposite ideas 矛盾的说法或情形 paradox /ˈpærədɒksǁ-dɑːks/ [countable noun] a statement or situation that contains two opposite ideas or parts, so that it seems strange that they could both be true at the same time 似非而是的说法;矛盾[的情况] there's a paradox in the fact that although we're living longer than ever before, people are more obsessed with health issues than they ever were. 虽然我们比过去长寿,但人们却比以前更加关注健康问题,这是个矛盾的现象。 paradoxical /ˌpærəˈdɒksɪkəl, ˌpærəˈdɒksəkəlǁ-ˈdɑːks-/ [adjective] raising interest rates seems a paradoxical way of bringing down inflation. 通过提高利率来减轻通货膨胀似乎是个矛盾的做法。 paradoxically [adverb] paradoxically, it's the parents who try to protect their children most who can make them unable to cope with risky situations on their own. 十分矛盾的是,家长越是保护孩子,孩子越是不能独立处理危险的情况。5. in or from the opposite direction 朝相反的方向或从相反的方向 the other way /ði ˌʌðəʳ ˈweɪ/ [adverb] in or from the opposite direction 另一个方向 turn around and face the other way. 转过来,面朝另一方。 i waved to her but she didn't see -- she was looking the other way. 我向她挥手,可她没看到—她正看着另一边。 when you're overtaking, make sure there's nothing coming the other way. 超车的时候一定要看清楚对面没有车驶过来。 the opposite direction/the other direction /ði ˌɒpəzə̇t də̇ˈrekʃənǁ-ˌɑːp-, ði ˌʌðəʳ də̇ˈrekʃən/ [noun phrase] in the opposite/other direction the driver sped off in the opposite direction. 那个司机朝相反方向疾驰而去。 gloria and mae set off one way while ruth and sarah went in the other direction. 格洛丽亚和梅向一方走去,露丝和萨拉则走向另一方。from the opposite direction while everyone was watching the action on the left of the stage, the dancers entered from the opposite direction 大家都在看舞台左边的表演时,舞蹈演员从另一边上场了。 in opposite directions /ɪn ˌɒpəzə̇t də̇ˈrekʃənzǁ-ˌɑːp-/ [adverb] moving or facing in the opposite direction from each other [两人或两物]朝相反的方向 there were two paths going in opposite directions. 两条小路通往相反的方向。 two trains travelling in opposite directions crashed, killing twenty passengers. 两列相向而行的火车相撞,造成20名乘客死亡。6. to be opposite something or someone 在另一物或人的对面 opposite /ˈɒpəzɪt, ˈɒpəzətǁˈɑːp-/ [] something that is opposite something else is facing it, for example on the other side of the street or on the other side of a table. in american english this is not used as an adverb 在…对面[在美国英语中opposite不用作副词] the bathroom is opposite the bedroom. 浴室在卧室的对面。 when you get off the bus, you'll see a grocery store on the opposite side of the street. 下车的时候,你会看到街对面有家杂货店。directly opposite exactly opposite 正对面 the entrance to the park is directly opposite our house. 公园入口就在我们家正对面。diagonally opposite opposite and to one side 斜对面 diagonally opposite the stove is a large stone sink. 炉子斜对面是一个很大的石水槽。the house/chair/man etc opposite pointing to the chair opposite, he said ‘come and talk to me for a while.’ 他指着对面的椅子说:“来和我谈一会吧。”sit/stand etc opposite there was a thin dark woman sitting opposite me. 我对面坐着一个黑眼睛黑头发的瘦女人。live opposite to live in the opposite house 住在对面 the only contact she has is with the woman who lives opposite. 她唯一有接触的是住在对面的那个女人。 face /feɪs/ [transitive verb] if one person, building, seat etc faces another, they are opposite each other, and each has their front towards the other [人、建筑物、座位等]面对,面向 courtney's apartment faces the harbour. 考特妮的公寓面朝海港。 the seat facing mine was empty. 我对面的座位空着。 they stood facing each other for a few minutes. 他俩面对面站了好几分钟。 across /əˈkrɒsǁəˈkrɔːs/ [preposition] across the street/road/river/table etc opposite from where you are, and on the other side of the street, road etc 在街道/马路/河/桌子等的对面 she lives across the road. 她住在马路对面。 the prisoners’ cells faced each other across an aisle. 牢房是面对面的,中间隔着一条通道。across the street/road etc from somebody/something bill sat down across the desk from him. 比尔隔着桌子在他对面坐了下来。 across the street from where we were standing was a little park. 从我们站的地方穿过大街就有一个小公园。across from across the road from a place 某地方的对面 there's a hotel across from the station where we can go. 车站对面有一家旅馆,我们可以去那儿。 face to face /ˌfeɪs tə ˈfeɪs/ [adverb] if two people are face to face, they are very close to and facing each other [两人]面对面地 sit/stand face to face we sat face to face across a narrow table. 我们面对面坐在一张窄窄的桌子旁。 they stood face to face, each struggling to control his temper. 他们面对面站着,大家都在拼命地忍住不发脾气。come face to face with somebody suddenly and unexpectedly face someone 突然面对面地遇见某人 turning the corner i came face to face with a security guard. 拐过街角,我和一个警卫撞了个正着。 on the other side /ɒn ði ˌʌðəʳ ˈsaɪd/ [adverb] on the opposite side of something 在…的另一边 if you look across the lake, you can see donald's house on the other side. 向湖的另一边望去,可以看到唐纳德的房子就在对面。on the other side of you can park on the other side of the road. 你可以把车停在马路的另一边。 there was a little boat moored on the other side of the river. 河的另一边泊着一艘小船。☞ opposite¹☞ opposite²☞ opposite³




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