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单词 most
释义 most (formal) very; extremely; completely非常;极其;完全◆it was most kind of you to meet me.你来接我真是太好了。◆we shall most probably never meet again.我们极有可能再也见不到面了。◆this technique looks easy, but it most certainly is not.这项技术看上去简单,但绝不是那回事。most¹/məʊst ||; most/det pronoun1. (used as the superlative of many and much 用作many和much的最高级) greatest in number or amount 最大;最多: ◇who got the most points? 谁得分最高?◇the children had the most fun. 孩子们玩得最开心。◇we all worked hard but i did the most. 我们所有人工作都很努力,但我做得最多。 [opp] least or fewest 反义词为least或fewest 2. nearly all of a group of people or things 几乎全部;大多数;大部份: ◇most people in this country have a television. 这个国家大部份人都有电视机。◇i like most italian food. 差不多所有意大利食品我都喜欢吃。 when most is followed by a noun which has the, this, my, etc before it, we must use most of most of my friends were able to come to the wedding. it rained most of the time we were in ireland. 当most后接名词,而名词前又有the、this、my等词时,必须用most of:most of my friends were able to come to the wedding.我的朋友大部分都能出席婚礼。it rained most of the time we were in ireland.我们在爱尔兰的时候,差不多一直下雨。 at (the) most not more than a certain number, and probably less 至多;顶多;不超过: ◇there were 20 people there, at the most. 那里至多只有20人。 make the most of sth→make¹most²/məʊst ||; most/adv1. (used to form the superlative of many adjectives and adverbs (用于构成许多形容词和副词的最高级)最) ◇it's the most beautiful house i've ever seen. 那是我所见过的最漂亮的房子。◇i work most efficiently in the morning. 我早上的工作效率最高。 [opp] least 反义词为least 2. more than anybody/anything else 比任何人或事物都多;最多: ◇what do you miss most when you're abroad? 你在国外的时候,最想念的是什么? [opp] least 反义词为least 3. (formal 正式) very 很;极;十分: ◇we heard a most interesting talk about japan. 我们听了一个有关日本的讲座,十分有趣。 most1 most of an amount, group, or thing2 more than anyone or anything else3 the largest amount possible4 when most people share a particular opinion5 when there is much more of one type than of other types6 most oftenrelated wordsoppositeleast,see alsomore,main,in general,1. most of an amount, group, or thing 某数量、团体或物中的大多数 most /məʊst/ [quantifier] the largest number of people or things, or the largest part of something 大多数的,大部分的 what most people want is a peaceful life. 大多数人想要的是和平的生活。 most restaurants open at 7. 大多数餐厅7点开始营业。 most evenings we just stay in and watch tv. 大多数晚上我们就留在家里看电视。 most research suggests that health is related to social class. 大部分研究都显示健康与社会阶层有关联。most of most of the people i spoke to were very worried. 和我说过话的人中大多数都很担忧。 alex spent most of his allowance on books. 亚历克斯把他的大部分津贴都花在买书上了。 i've lived here most of my life, so i know the area pretty well. 我大半生都住在这儿,所以对这一地区非常了解。 almost all/nearly all /ˌɔːlməʊst ˈɔːl, ˌnɪəʳli ˈɔːl/ [quantifier] he likes almost all kinds of popular music. 他喜欢几乎所有种类的流行音乐。 we got nearly all our food from the farm. 我们的食物几乎全都是在那座农场买的。 the bed occupied nearly all the space in the room. 这张床几乎占了房间的所有地方。almost all/nearly all of nearly all of my clothes are too small now. 我几乎所有的衣服现在都太小了。 almost all of the world's tropical forests are in developing countries. 世界上的热带雨林几乎都在发展中国家。 the/a majority /ðə, ə məˈdʒɒrə̇tiǁ-məˈdʒɔː-/ [quantifier] more than half of the people or things in a large group 多数,大多数[指在大的群体中] a poll of democrats shows that a majority support the president. 对民主党的一次民意测验显示大多数人都支持总统。the/a majority of in june the majority of our students will be taking examinations. 6月份我们大多数学生都要参加考试。 they claim their campaign is supported by a majority of residents. 他们称他们的宣传活动受到大多数居民的支持。the vast/great/overwhelming majority far more than half 绝大多数 the great majority of accidents in the alps occur while climbers are coming down. 阿尔卑斯山上的绝大部分意外事故都发生在登山者下山时。 an education policy that will please the vast majority of parents 将使绝大多数家长感到满意的一项教育政策 the bulk of /ðə ˈbʌlk ɒv/ [quantifier] most of a large amount or number of something [很多物或人的]主体;大部分 throughout the middle ages, the bulk of the population lived in the country rather than in towns. 整个中世纪大部分人口都居住在农村而不是在城镇。 the bulk of the charity's income comes from private donations. 该慈善机构的大部分收入都来自私人捐赠。 the better part of/best part of /ðə ˌbetəʳ ˈpɑːʳt ɒv, ˌbest ˈpɑːʳt ɒv/ [quantifier] most of a period of time or of a distance, especially when the time or distance is too long 大部分的;大半的[尤指过长的时间或距离] it was the best part of a mile to the farm. 离农场有大半英里的路。 it'll probably take the best part of a week to sort it out. 把它整理出来可能要费大半周时间。 i expect the whole procedure to take the better part of a morning. 我预计整个过程将占用大半个上午。 the lion's share /ðə ˈlaɪenz ˌʃeəʳ/ [noun phrase] the biggest part of something valuable or good that is taken by one person, group, or organization, so that others get less [一个人、群体或组织所占的]最大的一份 sarah only ate a few bites of the dessert, so i got the lion's share. 萨拉只吃了几口甜点,所以大部分都是我吃的。the lion's share of why should the state get the lion's share of people's money? 为什么国家应该得到人民的钱财中的绝大部分呢? his company currently has the lion's share of the market. 他的公司目前占有市场的绝大部分。2. more than anyone or anything else 比其他任何人或物都多 most /məʊst/ [adverb] more than anything else - use this especially to talk about something that you like, want, need, or worry about more than anything else 最,极;比[其他任何东西]都多 the part we enjoyed most was the trip to the grand canyon. 我们最开心的一段行程就是去大峡谷。 what worries me most is the effect the divorce is having on the children. 我最担心的是离婚对子女的影响。most of all much more than anything else 最 what the people here need most of all is food and clean water. 这里的人们最需要的是食物和清洁的水。 the most /ðə ˈməʊst/ [quantifier] a larger amount or number than anyone or anything else 最多的 in a fair tax system those who earn the most should pay the most. 公平的税制应是挣钱最多的人缴纳的税款也是最高的。 the player who scores the most points wins. 得分最多的选手获胜。 which machine uses the most electricity? 哪台机器用电最多?3. the largest amount possible 尽可能大的数量 maximum /ˈmæksɪməm, ˈmæksəməm/ [adjective] the maximum amount of something is the largest amount that is possible or allowed 最大限度的;最多的 travelling at its maximum speed of 186 mph, the train reached paris in less than two hours. 这趟火车以每小时186英里的最高时速行驶,不到两小时就抵达巴黎。 we want our message to reach the maximum number of people. 我们要让信息传达给尽可能多的人。 both men are facing a maximum penalty of a year in jail. 两名男子都面临最高监禁一年的判刑。 we'll show you how to arrange the furniture in your office to make maximum use of the space available. 我们会给你看怎样摆放你办公室内的家具以最大限度地利用现有的空间。 maximum [singular noun] thirty students per class is the maximum. 每班三十名学生是最高限额。maximum of tourists can stay up to a maximum of 90 days. 游客最多可逗留90天。 the most /ðə ˈməʊst/ [singular noun] the largest amount that is possible 最多… i'm afraid £500 is the most i can offer you. 恐怕我最多只能给你500英镑。 the most you can hope to achieve is a 10% increase in production. 你期望能做到的最多就是产量增加10%。 top /tɒpǁtɑːp/ [adjective only before noun] a top speed, price, salary etc is the highest speed, price etc that is possible or is paid [速度、价格、工资等]最高的,顶端的 it's hyundai's fastest car yet, with a top speed of 121 mph. 这是现代公司迄今为止最快的汽车,最高时速为121英里。 the top price paid was $1,200,000 for a print by degas. 对德加的一幅版画出价最高为120万美元。4. when most people share a particular opinion 大部分人持有某一观点 generally /ˈdʒenərəli/ [adverb] something that is generally believed is believed by most people 普遍地[相信、认为等] his first year as president was generally regarded as a success. 他当总统的第一年被普遍认为是成功的。 it is now generally accepted that the so-called "hitler diaries’ were forgeries. 现在,人们一般都认为所谓的“希特勒日记”是赝品。 general [adjective] there is a general feeling most people feel that the country lacks moral leadership. 人们普遍觉得该国缺乏道德领袖。 broad /brɔːd/ [adjective only before noun] broad agreement/consensus/acceptance agreement among most people about something 广泛的同意/一致/接受等 there was broad agreement on the issue of equal pay for women. 在薪酬的男女平等问题上,人们已取得了广泛的一致意见。 he had created a broad consensus among different groups of americans. 他已使不同的美国人团体达成了共识。5. when there is much more of one type than of other types 某一类型比其他类型在数量上多得多 mostly/mainly/largely /ˈməʊstli, ˈmeɪnli, ˈlɑːʳdʒli/ [adverb] apart from the nile valley, egypt is mostly desert. 除了尼罗河谷,埃及大部分地区都是沙漠。 i used to read a lot of poetry, mainly love poetry. 我以前读过许多诗,主要是爱情诗。 the new immigrants were mainly from southern europe. 新移民主要来自南欧。 the surface of mercury seems to consist largely of dust. 水星的表面似乎大部分由尘埃构成。 predominantly /prɪˈdɒmɪnəntli, prɪˈdɒmənəntliǁ-ˈdɑː-/ [adverb] if something, especially a group of people, is predominantly of a particular type, most of it is of that type 占主导地位地;占绝大多数地[尤指一群人] the character shylock is a jew living in a predominantly christian society. 夏洛克这一角色是个在基督徒占绝大多数的社会中生活的犹太人。 as a civil engineer, susan will be competing in a predominantly male profession. 作为土木工程师,苏珊将在一个男子占统治地位的职业领域里奋斗。 our economy is predominantly capitalist. 我们的经济中,资本主义经济占主导地位。 predominate /prɪˈdɒmɪneɪt, prɪˈdɒməneɪtǁ-ˈdɑː-/ [intransitive verb] formal if people or things of a particular type predominate in a place or situation, they are present in greater numbers than other types of people or things 【正式】占主导地位;占绝大多数 dairy farms predominate in sussex. 乳牛场在萨塞克斯占主导地位。 in the summer, blue and pink flowers predominate, but there are white flowers, too, for contrast. 夏天时候蓝色和粉红色的花占绝大多数,但也有白色的花作对比。 be in the majority /biː ɪn ðə məˈdʒɒrə̇tiǁ-məˈdʒɔː-/ [verb phrase] if people of a particular kind are in the majority in an organization or group, they form the largest part of it 占大多数 the number of women on the committee has grown steadily and now they are in the majority. 该委员会中女性人数稳步增长,现在她们已占大多数。 a preponderance of /ə prɪˈpɒndərəns ɒvǁ-ˈpɑːn-/ [quantifier] formal if there is a preponderance of people or things of a particular type in a group, most of the people or things in the group are of that type - used especially when the group is being studied 【正式】大多数的,大部分的[尤指某被研究组别中的人或物] at some universities, there is a preponderance of older lecturers. 在一些大学里,岁数较大的讲师占了绝大多数。 they chose to investigate reasons for the preponderance of large families among the poor and ill-educated. 他们选择了调查穷人和受教育程度低下的人群中大家庭占多数的原因。6. most often 在大多数情况下 mostly/mainly /ˈməʊstli, ˈmeɪnli/ [adverb] use this to say what someone does most, or who does something most 主要地[用于指某人做某事做得最多] we eat mostly italian food. 我们主要吃意大利食品。 she has to travel abroad a lot, mostly to spain and france. 她得经常出国,主要是去西班牙和法国。 a singer whose records are bought mainly by teenage girls 其唱片主要由少女购买的一名歌手 most of the time /ˈməʊst əv ðə ˌtaɪm/ [adverb] for almost all of the time 在大部分时间里 most of the time at work i just answer the phone and type letters. 工作中我大部分时间就是接接电话和打打信件。 this place is really busy most of the time. 这地方大部分时间都非常繁忙。 in most cases /ɪn ˈməʊst ˌkeɪsə̇z/ [adverb] used when something happens more than anything else 在大多数情况下[用于指某事发生的次数最多] in most cases the system that we have works very well. 大多数情况下,我们的系统运作得非常良好。 the airline received about 500 complaints last year. in most cases these concerned delays and cancellations. 去年该航空公司收到大约500次投诉。它们大多是关于航班的延迟和取消的。☞ most¹☞ most²




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