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单词 lose
释义 lose verb¹ 1not keep失去adverb | verb + lose adverb➤forever永远失去verb + lose➤be about to, be going to, be likely to, stand to将要丧失;很可能损失;必定失去◆the company stands to lose if this deal falls through.如果这笔交易落空,公司一定会不保。➤have little to, have nothing to没有多少可以失去;不会吃亏◆you have nothing to lose by telling the truth.讲实话是不会吃亏的。➤hate to, not bear to, not like to, not want to舍不得失去;不能忍受失去;不想失去▸➤cannot afford to损失不起◆we could not afford to lose any more senior members of staff.我们不能再失去更多高级员工了。➤begin to开始失去lose verb² 2be defeated战败verb + lose | preposition | phrases verb + lose➤hate to, not bear to, not like to, not want to痛恨失败;不能忍受失败;不想失败▸➤cannot afford to承受不起失败◆this was a game that lazio could not afford to lose.这次比赛拉齐奥队输不起。➤not intend to不打算失败➤(not) deserve to(不)该失败➤be expected to预计会失败preposition➤against输给◆we lost against albyn college.我们输给了阿尔宾学院。➤by以⋯的比分输掉◆we lost by five goals to two.我们 2 比 5 输了。➤to败给⋯◆there was really no shame in losing to norton at that stage of his career.他在职业生涯的那个阶段败给诺顿确实没有什么可羞愧的。phrases➤win or lose无论胜负◆win or lose, the important thing is to remain calm.不管输赢,关键是要保持冷静。lose verb ●lose outadverb➤financially得不到经济利益preposition➤on在⋯上失利◆many of the canal children were constantly on the move, and lost out on regular schooling.很多生活在运河上的孩子经常漂泊不定,无法正常上学。➤to输给⋯◆our company lost out to one that could offer a lower price.我们输给了报价更低的一家公司。 lose /luːz/ verb (lost, lost /lɒst; name lɑːst; lɔːst/) 1. [intransitive, transitive] lose (sth) (on sth) | lose sb sth to fail to keep money; to cause sb to fail to keep money 亏损;赔钱◆the business is losing money. 这家企业正在亏损。◆the firm has lost $176 million in the past six quarters. 这家公司在过去的六个季度里亏了 1.76 亿元。◆we lost on that deal. 我们那笔交易做亏了。 2. [transitive] lose sth (to sb) | lose sb sth to have sth taken away by sb; to fail to keep sth 被(某人)夺去;失去◆singapore has lost business to ports in malaysia. 新加坡的港口生意被马来西亚港口夺去了。◆you will lose your deposit if you cancel the order. 如果你取消订单,将会损失保证金。◆he lost his job as a result of the incident. 由于这一事件,他丢了工作。 3. [transitive] (about a currency, share price, etc.) to fall to a lower level or price (指货币、股价等)减少,下跌◆the ftse 100 lost a quarter of its value last year. 《金融时报》 100 企业的价值去年下跌了四分之一。◆royal dutch petroleum lost 0.3 per cent. 荷兰皇家石油公司的股价下跌了 0.3%。 opp gain  ➡  see note at increase ●lose faceto be less respected or look stupid because of sth you have done 丢脸  ➡  loss of face at loss , save (sb's) face at save ●lose groundto fall in value 价值下跌◆tokyo shares lost ground on wednesday. 东京股价周三下跌了。●lose your shirt (informal) to lose everything you have 失去一切;损失惨重◆if you just put your money in the bank, at least you can't lose your shirt. 如果你只把钱存入银行,至少你不会失去一切。 ●lose out (on sth)to not get sth that you expected or wanted 失败;输掉;得不到(希望或想要的东西)◆thousands of investors lost out on the plans. 成千上万的投资者在这些计划中亏了本。◆the firm has lost out on yet another important contract. 这家公司又失去了另一个重要的合同。●lose out to sb/sthto not get sth that you expected to get or used to get, because someone else has taken it 被(某人)取代而失去◆they lost out to a rival group in the bidding war. 在投标大战中,他们输给了竞争对手集团。☞ lose lose verblose ♦︎ trail ♦︎ come off worsethese words all mean to fail to win sth such as a game or contest.这些词均表示在比试中落败。patterns and collocations 句型和搭配◆to lose / trail / come off worse in sth◆to lose / trail by sth◆to lose / trail badly■ lose (lost, lost) [intransitive, transitive] to fail to win a game, competition, contest, court case, argument, fight or war输;输掉(比赛、诉讼案件、辩论、搏斗或战争)◆they deserved to lose.他们输了活该。◆we lost to a stronger team.我们输给了一支实力更强的队。◆newcastle lost 1-0 in the rematch.纽卡斯尔队在复赛中以 0:1 负于对手。◆so far they haven't lost a game.迄今为止他们还未输过一场比赛。◆he lost the seat by less than 100 votes.他以相差不到 100 张选票失去了这个席位。◆she resigned as party leader after they lost the election.该党在竞选失败后,她辞去了党主席的职务。◆he yesterday lost his appeal against a six-month ban.他就六个月的禁令提出的申诉昨天未获成功。◆the south lost the war.南方输掉了战争。 opp win → win ■ trail [intransitive, transitive] (usually used in the progressive tenses通常用于进行时) to be losing a game or other contest; to be doing less well than others(在比赛或竞赛中)落后,失利,失败;(比别人)逊色◆united were trailing 2-0 at half-time.上半时联队以 0:2 落后。◆we were trailing by five points.我们落后五分。◆the party is trailing in the polls.这个政党在民意测验中落后于对手。opp lead → lead 1 ■ come off worse --> (also come off worst) idiom(came, come) (rather informal) to lose a fight or competition; to suffer more compared with others(在打斗或比赛中)失败;(比其他人)更惨◆i came off worse from the encounter.我在那次交锋中落败。◆he wasn't a quick thinker and always came off worse in an argument.他思维不够敏捷,在辩论中总是败北。opp come off better/best lose(lost, lost) [transitive] to escape from sb/sth who is following or chasing you摆脱,逃脱(尾随或追赶的人)◆we managed to lose our pursuers in the darkness.我们总算在黑暗中摆脱了追赶者。lose(lost, lost) [transitive] to be unable to find sb/sth遗失;丢失◆i've lost my keys.我的钥匙不见了。◆the tickets seem to have got lost.那些票好像给弄丢了。◆we've lost alfie-is he with you?我们和阿尔菲走散了 - 他和你在一起吗?lose(lost, lost) [intransitive, transitive] to fail to win a game, competition, contest, court case, argument, fight or war输;输掉(比赛、诉讼案件、辩论、搏斗或战争)◆they deserved to lose.他们输了活该。◆we lost to a stronger team.我们输给了一支实力更强的队。◆newcastle lost 1-0 in the rematch.纽卡斯尔队在复赛中以 0:1 负于对手。◆so far they haven't lost a game.迄今为止他们还未输过一场比赛。◆he lost the seat by less than 100 votes.他以相差不到 100 张选票失去了这个席位。◆she resigned as party leader after they lost the election.该党在竞选失败后,她辞去了党主席的职务。◆he yesterday lost his appeal against a six-month ban.他就六个月的禁令提出的申诉昨天未获成功。◆the south lost the war.南方输掉了战争。 opp win → win lose(lost, lost) [transitive] to waste time, money or an opportunity浪费(时间或金钱);错过(机会)◆we lost twenty minutes changing a tyre.我们换轮胎耽误了二十分钟。◆hurry-there's no time to lose.快点 - 没时间了。◆we lost a lot of money on that deal.那笔买卖我们赔了不少钱。ⓘ lose in this meaning is less disapproving than waste: it often suggests that time or money has been wasted through an unfortunate accident rather than through sb's fault.表达此义时,lose 较 waste 所含贬义少,常指时间或金钱的浪费不是某人的过错造成,而是不幸事故所致。lose/lu:z ||; luz/verb (past tense past participle lost /lɒst; us lɔ:st ||; lɔst/) 1. [t] to become unable to find sth 遗失;丢失: ◇i've lost my purse. i can't find it anywhere. 我遗失了钱包,到处找也找不到。 2. [t] to no longer have sb/sth 失去;丧失: ◇she lost a leg in the accident. 她在那宗事故中失去了一条腿。◇he lost his wife last year(= she died). 他去年丧妻。◇to lose your job 失业 3. [t] to have less of sth 降低;减少: ◇to lose weight/interest/patience 减轻体重;失去兴趣;缺乏耐性◇the company is losing money all the time. 这家公司一直亏损。 [opp] gain 反义词为gain 4. [i,t] to not win; to be defeated 输掉;未能获胜;失败: ◇we played well but we lost 2-1. 我们打得不错,但以1比2失利。◇to lose a court case/an argument 在诉讼╱辩论中败北◇parma lost to milan in the final. 帕尔马队在决赛中输给了米兰队。 5. [t] to waste time, a chance, etc 浪费(时间);错过(机会): ◇hurry up! there's no time to lose. 快点!我们没有时间可浪费了。 6. [i,t] to become poorer (as a result of sth) (因某事导致)亏损,亏蚀: ◇the company lost on the deal. 公司在那宗交易上亏了本。 7. [t] (informal 非正式) to cause sb not to understand sth 使人无法理解: ◇you've totally lost me! please explain again. 你说的我完全听不懂!请再解释一遍。 give/lose ground (to sb/sth)→ground¹keep/lose your cool→cool³keep/lose count (of sth)→count²keep/lose your temper→temperkeep/lose track of sb/sth→track¹lose your bearings to become confused about where you are 迷失方向 lose face to lose the respect of other people 丢脸 lose your head to become confused or very excited 慌乱;冲动;昏了头 lose heart to stop believing that you will be successful in sth you are trying to do 失去信心;灰心;泄气 lose it(spoken 口语) to go crazy or suddenly become unable to control your emotions 发疯;突然情绪失控 lose your life to be killed 丧生;遇害 lose sight of sb/sth to no longer be able to see sb/sth 再也看不见: ◇we eventually lost sight of the animal in some trees. 那动物进了树丛,我们再也看不见了。 (figurative 比喻) ◇we mustn't lose sight of our original aim. 我们决不可忘记原先的目的。 lose your touch to lose a special skill or ability 失去某种特别技巧或能力 lose touch (with sb/sth) to no longer have contact (with sb/sth) (与…)失去联系,不再接触: ◇i've lost touch with a lot of my old school friends. 我已经跟许多老同学失去联系。 a losing battle a competition, fight, etc in which it seems that you will not be successful 看来要失利的一仗或比赛 win/lose the toss→toss lose out (on sth/to sb)(informal 非正式) to be at a disadvantage 处于不利情况: ◇if a teacher pays too much attention to the bright students, the others lose out. 如果老师过分重视聪明学生,其他学生就会被忽视。 loselose/can't find1 to be unable to find someone or something2 someone or something that you cannot findlose/not win3 to lose a game, argument, election, war etc4 to stop trying to win5 when you are likely to lose a game etc6 someone who has lostrelated wordswhen you do not know where you are 迷路 lost,1. to be unable to find someone or something 找不到某人或某物 lose /luːz/ [transitive verb] to be unable to find something, especially because you cannot remember where you put it 丢失 if you lose your credit card, phone this number immediately. 如果丢失信用卡了,请立即拨打这个电话。 ‘what are you looking for?’ ‘my purse. i think i might have lost it.’ “你在找什么?”“我的钱包,我可能把它弄丢了。” neil put the certificate in a drawer so he wouldn't lose it. 尼尔把证件放入抽屉里,这样就不会弄丢。 can't find /ˌkɑːnt ˈfaɪndǁˌkænt-/ [verb phrase] to be unable to find something or someone, especially after you have spent a long time looking for them 无法找到,找不到[尤指花了很长时间寻找后] she searched her pockets, but she couldn't find the tickets. 她翻遍了所有的口袋,也没找到票。 what's happened to eric? i can't find him anywhere. 埃里克怎么了?我在哪也找不到他。 mislay /mɪsˈleɪ/ [transitive verb] formal to lose something for a short time, especially because you put it somewhere and then forgot where you put it 【正式】忘记把…放在哪里;[因记不起放在何处而]一时找不到 i seem to have temporarily mislaid my keys. have you seen them anywhere? 我一下子想不起把钥匙放哪儿了。你看见过吗? if your bank card is lost, mislaid or stolen, call our card hotline number. 如果你的银行卡丢失、找不到或者被窃,请拨打我们的信用卡热线电话。 loss /lɒsǁlɔːs/ [uncountable noun] formal the fact that you have lost something 【正式】丢失;遗失 the company cannot accept liability for loss or damage to a passenger's property. 乘客财物若有损失,本公司概不负责。the loss of something you should report the loss of your passport to the consulate. 你遗失护照应该向领事馆报失。2. someone or something that you cannot find 找不到的人或物 missing /ˈmɪsɪŋ/ [adjective] a missing object is lost and may have been stolen; a missing person cannot be found and may be in danger 遗失的;失窃的;失踪的 she's been missing for three days now, and we're very worried. 到现在她已失踪三天了,我们非常担心。 the painting, which has been missing for almost half a century, only turned up when the owner of the house died. 这幅遗失了近半个世纪的画作,直到房主去世才又再重现。missing from police are ‘very concerned’ for the safety of a teenager who's been missing from home for three days. 一名十几岁的儿童失踪三天没有回家,警方对他的安全“非常关切”。 two pages were missing from my copy of the report. 我的这份报告有两页缺失。go missing (from) british become lost or be stolen 【英】丢失;被窃 a small sum of money went missing from the office last night. 昨晚办公室有一笔金额不大的钱不见了。report somebody/something missing (from) tell someone in authority that someone or something is lost or stolen 报告某人/某物失踪 the man had reported his girlfriend missing three days after she disappeared. 女朋友失踪三天以后,那人报了警。 lost /lɒstǁlɔːst/ [adjective] if something is lost, no-one knows where it is 丢失的,遗失的 i've looked everywhere for the car keys. i think they must be lost. 车钥匙我到处都找过了,我想肯定是丢了。 divers are searching for the plane's lost flight recorder. 潜水员正在寻找飞机上丢失的飞行记录器。get lost you haven't gotten my letter yet? it must have gotten lost in the mail. 你还没收到我的信?肯定是邮寄过程中遗失了。 disappear /ˌdɪsəˈpɪəʳ/ [intransitive verb] if something or someone disappears, they cannot be found and you think they may have been stolen or may be in danger 消失;失踪;不见 i thought i had a copy of the notes, but they seem to have disappeared somewhere. 我记得我有一份这样的笔记,但不知道到哪里去了。 the parents of an art student who disappeared in the middle of his exams have made an emotional plea for him to come home. 一名艺术系学生考试中途出走,他的父母伤心地恳求他回家。disappear from the letter had mysteriously disappeared from the file overnight. 那封信一夜之间从档案里神秘消失了。 disappearance [countable/uncountable noun] it's now three months since his disappearance. 他已经失踪三个月了。 be nowhere to be seen/found /biː ˌnəʊweəʳ tə biː ˈsiːn, ˈfaʊnd/ [verb phrase] if someone or something is nowhere to be seen or nowhere to be found, you have looked everywhere for them but still cannot find them 哪里都见不到/找不到 our tour guide was nowhere to be seen, so we set off to explore the city alone. 我们的导游不见了,所以我们就自己在城里逛逛。 she'd looked everywhere for her glasses, but they were nowhere to be found. 她到处找眼镜,哪里也找不到。3. to lose a game, argument, election, war etc 输掉比赛、争论、竞选、战争等 lose /luːz/ [intransitive/transitive verb] to lose a game, competition, fight, or war 失败,输掉 i always lose when i play tennis with my sister. 我和姐姐打网球总是我输。lose a game/fight/election etc everyone expected the democrats to lose the election. 大家都预料民主党会败选。 the chicago bears lost their eighth game in a row they lost eight games, one after the other. 芝加哥熊队连续第八场输了比赛。lose to england lost to brazil in the final. 决赛中英格兰队输给了巴西队。 he lost his title unexpectedly to a man who is virtually unknown outside boxing circles. 他出人意料地把他的冠军称号输给了拳坛以外几乎无人认识的一个人。lose 3-2/by 1 goal/by 10 votes/by 20 points etc the springboks lost by only three points to the all blacks. “跳羚”队仅以三分之差输给“全黑”队。 the match was lost 3 to 1. 比赛以1比3落败。lose somebody the game/competition/election etc be the reason that someone lost 是某人在比赛/竞赛/竞选等中失败的原因 many people think that the democrats’ tax policies lost them the election. 许多人认为民主党的税收政策导致了他们的落选。 be beaten /biː ˈbiːtn/ [verb phrase] to lose a game, competition, or race, often by a large amount or when you were expecting to win 失利,被打败 in 37 fights, lewis has only been beaten once. 37场拳击赛中,刘易斯只被打败过一次。 jake sure doesn't like being beaten. 杰克当然不希望输掉。be beaten by the barbarians were beaten in the quarter-finals by the korean side. 野蛮人队在四分之一决赛中被韩国队击败。get beaten we always seems to get beaten when we play in europe. 我们在欧洲比赛好像总是输。 be defeated /biː dɪˈfiːtə̇d/ [verb phrase] to lose an important or difficult battle, election, or game 被击败;被战胜[指在重要或艰难的战役、竞选或比赛中] government forces took control of the town after the rebel forces were defeated. 叛军被击溃以后,政府军占领了小镇。be defeated by last night, the raiders were defeated by a superior team. 昨晚“突袭者”队被一支技高一筹的球队打败。be badly/heavily/decisively defeated be very badly defeated 惨败 he ran for congress last year, but was decisively defeated. 去年他参加了国会竞选,却遭到惨败。be narrowly defeated to lose but be very close to winning 以轻微之差落败,惜败 the democratic party was narrowly defeated in the general election, and will form a coalition with the congress party. 民主党在大选中以很小的差距落败,将与国会党组成联盟。 defeat /dɪˈfiːt/ [countable/uncountable noun] when a person, team, or army is defeated in a game, competition, election, battle etc [个人、运动队、军队等的]失利,失败 it was the christian democratic party's fourth successive electoral defeat. 这是基督教民主党连续第四次竞选失败。defeat of the defeat of napoleon at the battle of waterloo 拿破仑在滑铁卢战役中的溃败somebody's defeat of somebody the fact that one person or team defeats another 某人打败某人 scotland's defeat of spain 苏格兰队挫败西班牙队somebody's defeat by somebody the fact that one person or team is defeated by another 某人被某人打败 mr taylor blamed bad publicity for his defeat by mr jones. 泰勒先生把自己被琼斯先生击败归因于宣传不力。a crushing/humiliating/resounding defeat the captain offered no excuses for his team's humiliating defeat. 队长对于这场丢脸的败仗没有作出任何辩解。 the new york times described the withdrawal of troops as a resounding defeat for the government. 《纽约时报》称这次撤军是政府的惨败。suffer a defeat she retired from the sport after suffering a series of humiliating defeats. 她遭受一连串丢人的失败之后退出了体坛。 meet your match /ˌmiːt jɔːʳ ˈmætʃ/ [verb phrase not in progressive] if a very good player, team etc meets their match, they are beaten by an even better player, team etc, especially after a long period during which they were never beaten [优秀的运动员、队伍等]遇到劲敌,棋逢对手 she's a good player but she'll meet her match when she plays sara. 她是个非常优秀的选手,但与萨拉较量算是遇上了对手。meet your match in i slowly started to realize i had met my match in nigel. 我渐渐意识到,遇到奈杰尔,我是棋逢对手了。 take a beating /ˌteɪk ə ˈbiːtɪŋ/ [verb phrase] to lose very badly in a game of football, tennis etc [足球、网球等比赛中]惨败 ‘i hear you took a bit of a beating last night.’ ‘yeah, we lost 12 -2.’ “听说你们昨天晚上输得很惨。”“是啊,我们2比12输掉了。”4. to stop trying to win 认输 admit/accept defeat /ədˌmɪt, əkˌsept dɪˈfiːt/ [verb phrase] to stop playing, fighting, or trying to succeed because you know you will lose, especially after you have struggled to succeed for a long time 承认失败,认输[尤指在长时间的努力后] the four climbers were eventually forced to admit defeat when weather conditions made it impossible to continue. 天气条件使那四名登山运动员无法继续前行,最后被迫认输。 she simply refuses to accept defeat, no matter how bad things seem. 不管情况看起来有多糟,她就是不肯认输。 give in /ˌgɪv ˈɪn/ [intransitive phrasal verb] to stop playing, fighting, arguing etc because you know that you are not good enough to win 屈服,服输 marie's stubborn, and she doesn't give in easily. 玛丽很固执,不会轻易认输。give in to i figured if we gave in to them this time, they'd be back for another fight. 我估计如果我们这一次向他们屈服,他们还会回来找我们再战。 in the end, i had to give in to dad -- he's usually right anyway. 最后,我只得屈从于爸爸一—无论如何,他通常是对的。 surrender /səˈrendəʳ/ [intransitive verb] to officially say that you want to stop fighting in a war because you realize that you cannot win 投降 finally, on april 16th, the enemy surrendered. 敌军最终于4月16日投降。surrender to 19 rebels hiding in the czech embassy surrendered to the authorities. 躲在捷克大使馆里的19名叛乱分子向当局投降。 surrender [singular/uncountable noun] the milanese were starving, and forced into surrender. 米兰市民在挨饿,他们被迫投降。 colonel casado was anxious to negotiate a surrender. 卡萨多上校急于谈判请降。unconditional surrender complete acceptance of defeat 无条件投降 general haig would accept nothing less than unconditional surrender. 黑格将军只愿接受无条件投降。 concede /kənˈsiːd/ [intransitive/transitive verb] to admit that you are not going to win a battle, argument, or game because you are not strong enough or good enough to win 承认失败,认输 eventually, the chairman was forced to concede and announce his resignation. 最后,主席被迫认输,宣布辞职。 ‘sam, you have to apologise to her’ -- ‘i know,’ sam conceded grudgingly. “萨姆,你得向她道歉。”“知道了。”萨姆很不情愿地屈服了。concede defeat admit you are defeated 认输 matthew kept on arguing his point, unwilling to concede defeat. 马修为自己的观点辩个不休,不肯认输。concede that environmentalists concede that it will not be easy to persuade car drivers to use their vehicles less often. 环保主义者承认,要说服驾车的人少用汽车并非易事。concede to we both had a point, but neither of us would concede to the other. 我们俩各持己见,互不相让。5. when you are likely to lose a game etc 比赛等可能会输 be losing /biː ˈluːzɪŋ/ [verb phrase] to be in a position where you are likely to lose a game, competition, election or war because you are not doing as well as your opponent 要输;将失败 ‘is joachim winning?’ ‘no, he's losing.’ “乔基姆会赢吗?”“不,他要输了。”be losing the game/war etc it can be difficult not to show your frustration when you're losing the match. 比赛要输的时候很难隐藏失望的心情。be losing 3--1/by 15 points/by 2 goals etc ‘what's the score?’ ‘we're losing 3 -- nil.’ “比分是多少?”“我们0比3落后。” be behind /biː bɪˈhaɪnd/ [verb phrase] to be losing a game, competition, or election 落后 be behind by two goals/by10 points etc the opinion polls show that the republicans are behind by 3%. 民意测验显示,共和党落后3%。be 10 points/a goal etc behind ‘how are we doing?’ ‘we're 10 points behind, i'm afraid.’ “我们成绩怎么样?”“恐怕我们落后10分。”be a long way behind/be way behind be losing by a large amount 远远落后 although we only had a short break, we were a long way behind the front runners. 虽然我们只短暂地休息了一会儿,但是我们比领先的赛跑运动员落后了一大截。 the eagles are way behind. we'll never win at this rate. 鹰队远远落后,照这样下去我们赢不了。 trail also trail behind /treɪl, ˌtreɪl bɪˈhaɪnd/ [intransitive/transitive verb] to be losing a game or competition, or election - used especially in news reports 落后[于][尤用于新闻报道] penn state trail west virginia by only 1 point. 宾州队仅以1分之差落后于西弗吉尼亚队。trail 3--0/by 10 points/by 8 votes etc sweden was trailing by 2 games to 1. 瑞典队以二负一胜落后。 with his team trailing 72--78, the manager was forced to bring back his star player. 球队以72比78落后时,领队只得重新派他的明星球员上场。trail behind these two top drivers have left the others trailing behind. 这两名领先的车手已经把其他人甩在了后面。 labour trailed third, behind the conservative and liberal parties. 工党落后于保守党和自由党,屈居第三。 outsider /aʊtˈsaɪdəʳ/ [countable noun] a person or team that is not expected to win 不大可能获胜的选手[球队] the defending champion was beaten by an outsider in the first round. 卫冕冠军在第一回合被一个无名小卒打败了。 smith, a little-known outsider with limited political experience, came from behind to score a surprise victory. 史密斯—一匹鲜为人知的政治黑马,从政经验有限,却后来居上意外获胜。rank outsider someone with a very small chance of winning 【英】无望获胜的人 british he started as a no-hoper -- a rank outsider for the title. 他开始的时候毫无希望,根本无缘取得冠军。6. someone who has lost 已经输掉的人 loser /ˈluːzəʳ/ [countable noun] the person or group that has lost a game, competition, or election 输家,失败的一方 the losers walked slowly off the field. 输掉比赛的一方慢慢地离开场地。 i'd like to congratulate all our entrants, the winners and the losers. 我要祝贺我们所有的参赛者,不管是赢的还是输的。bad loser someone who behaves badly when they lose 输不起的人 you're just a bad loser phil, that's your problem. 你是个输不起的人,菲尔,这是你的问题所在。 losing /ˈluːzɪŋ/ [adjective only before noun] losing side/team etc one that has lost 输掉的一方/球队等 nobody wants to be on the losing side. 没有人想在输球的球队里。 the quiz show gives losing contestants the chance to see what they would have won. 这个问答比赛节目给输掉比赛的参赛者一个机会,让他们看看自己本来可以拿到什么奖品。 runner-up /ˌrʌnər ˈʌp/ [countable noun] the person or team that comes second or third in a game, race, or competition 亚军;季军 100 lucky runners-up will receive a boxed set of cds. 除第一名之外的100名幸运的得奖者将获得一套盒装cd唱片。 gordon was also presented with a cheque as runner-up of the closely fought contest. 在这场旗鼓相当的比赛中,戈登作为第二名也获得了一张支票。 defeated /dɪˈfiːtɪd, dɪˈfiːtəd/ [adjective only before noun] defeated army/finalist/opponent etc one that lost the battle, war, game etc 失败的军队/决赛选手/对手等 let's have a quick word with the two defeated finalists. 我们和两位在决赛中失利的选手说几句话吧。 the rebels hope to weaken the regime further by attacking its defeated and demoralised forces. 叛军向士气已丧的溃军发动了袭击,希望借此再度削弱该政权的力量。 lose /luz; luːz/v lost /lɔst; lɒst/ , lost, losing 1. [t] to no longer have something that is important to you or that you need 失去[重要或需要的东西]:◇tom lost his job. 汤姆失去了工作。◇drunk drivers should lose their licence. 酒后驾车者应当被吊销驾驶执照。 2. [t] to be unable to find someone or something 丢失,遗失:◇danny's always losing his keys. 丹尼老是丢失钥匙。 3. [i,t] to fail to win a game, argument, war etc 输掉[比赛、辩论、战争等]:◇liverpool lost to ac milan. 利物浦队输给了 ac 米兰队。◇the democrat candidate lost by 8,000 votes. 民主党候选人输了 8,000 票。 4. [t] to have less of something than before 降低,减少:◇she's lost a lot of blood. 她失了很多血。◇lose weight (=become thinner) 体重减轻◇lose your memory/sight etc (=when your memory, sight etc is failing) 记忆力/视力等减退 5. [t] to no longer have a particular quality, belief, attitude etc 不再有[某种特性、信念、态度等]:◇the kids were losing interest in the game. 孩子们对那种游戏渐渐失去了兴趣。◇lose your temper/head (=become angry) 发怒/失去理智 6. lose an arm/leg etc to have a serious injury in which your arm etc is cut off [由于重伤而]失去手臂/腿等 7. lose your balance to become unsteady and fall 失去平衡,摔倒 8. if you lose your husband, wife, mother etc, that person dies [丈夫、妻子、母亲等]去世 9. lose your life to die 丧生:◇5000 soldiers lost their lives. 5000 名士兵丧生。 10. [t] to waste time or an opportunity 浪费[时间]; 错过[机会]:◇you lost your chance! 你错过了机会! 11. [t] if a clock or watch loses time, it runs too slowly [钟、表]走慢:◇my old watch loses about five minutes every day. 我那只旧手表每天要慢五分钟左右。 12. have nothing to lose to be in a situation in which you should try to do something because you may be successful, and you will not be in a worse situation if you fail 不会损失什么[指应该尝试做某事,因为有可能成功,即使失败也无妨] 13. lose touch (with) a) to no longer speak to, write to, or see someone (与…)失去联系:◇i've lost touch with all my high school friends. 我与高中时代的朋友都失去了联系。 b) to not know the most recent information about something 不了解[某事的最新发展] 14. lose your touch to stop having an ability or skill 失去[做某事的]能力 15. lose heart to stop having hope and become disappointed 灰心:◇the team lost heart after they lost their fifth game. 该队输掉第五场比赛后丧失了信心。 16. lose sight of to forget about the most important part of something 忘记[最重要的部分]:◇we can't lose sight of our goals. 我们不能忘记自己的目标。lose outto be less likely to succeed, usually because someone else gets something important which you do not 失利,输掉:◇+ to/in/on he lost out on a scholarship because his grades were low. 他因为分数低,未能获得奖学金。 ☞ lose




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