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单词 check²
释义 check²n 1. [c] an examination to find out if something is correct, true, or safe 检查; 核查:◇a security check 安全检查◇do/run a check (=find out information about) 进行调查: i'll have them run a check on this blood sample. 我会让他们查一下这个血样。 2. [c] the american spelling of cheque ☆ cheque 的美式拼法 3. [c,u] something that controls something else and prevents it from becoming too large or getting worse 控制,抑制:◇hold/keep sth in check i was barely able to hold my temper in check. 我几乎控制不住自己的脾气。 4. [c] ame a list that you are given in a restaurant that shows how much you have to pay for your meal; bill 【美】 [餐馆的]账单 5. [c,u] a pattern of coloured squares 方格,格子:◇a tablecloth with red and white checks 一块红白格子的桌布 6. [c] ame a mark (√) that you put next to an answer to show that it is correct or next to something on a list etc to show that you have noticed it 【美】 勾号[√]; tick bre 【英】 7. [u] the position of the king in a game of chess when it can be directly attacked by the other player's pieces [国际象棋中]被“将军”的局面




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