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单词 first
释义 first noun¹ 1 (also first gear) lowest gear on a bicycle/vehicle自行车或汽车的最低挡verb + first | preposition verb + first➤get into, move into, slam into挂上头挡◆as he moved into first, the engine made a strange noise.他挂一挡时,发动机发出奇怪的噪声。➤engage (formal) 挂上一挡◆she engaged first gear and pulled off.她挂上一挡把车开到路边停下。➤put sth into把⋯挂上头挡◆put the car into first and pull off slowly.把车挂到头挡驶向路边慢慢停下来。➤find找到一挡位置◆it's very difficult to find first on this car.这辆车的一挡很难挂。preposition➤in first挂一挡◆i had to drive all the way home in first.我不得不挂一挡一路开车回家。first noun² 2 (bre) highest level of university degree大学中的优等成绩adjective | verb + first | preposition adjective➤double两名学科获优等成绩◆she did philosophy and english literature and got a double first.她修了哲学和英国文学并且都获得了优等成绩。verb + first➤be awarded, gain, get, obtain获得优等成绩preposition➤first in⋯获得优等◆he got a first in modern history.他的现代史得了优。 first determiner, adjectivefirst ♦︎ initial ♦︎ original ♦︎ preliminary ♦︎ opening ♦︎ earliest ♦︎ primary ♦︎ introductory ♦︎ preparatorythese words all describe sth that happens or exists at the beginning.这些词均表示最初的、开始的、最早的。patterns and collocations 句型和搭配◆preliminary / preparatory to sth◆the first / initial / preliminary / opening / earliest / primary / introductory / preparatory stage◆first / initial / original / preliminary / opening / introductory remarks◆a first / an initial / an original / a preliminary estimate / draft / version◆the first / initial / preliminary / introductory / preparatory meeting◆a first / an initial / a preliminary step / appointment / visit◆the first / opening / introductory chapter / paragraph◆the initial / the original / a preliminary / a preparatory study◆the initial / original / preliminary findings■ first determiner(of a person or thing) happening or coming before all other similar things or people; 1st第一◆his first wife他的第一任妻子◆king richard i (= said as 'king richard the first') 英王理查一世◆it was the first time they had ever met.这是他们初次见面。◆she resolved to do it at the first opportunity.她决定一有机会就去做。◆first impressions can be misleading.最初的印象有时会误导人。◆you can have first choice of all the rooms.所有房间由你优先挑选。◆we're having chicken for the first course.我们的第一道菜是鸡肉。opp last → last 1 , last → last 2 ▸ first adverb◆first i had to decide what to wear.首先我得决定穿什么。◆who came first in the race (= who won)?赛跑谁得第一?▸ at first idiom◆at first i thought she was joking but then i realized she meant it.起先我以为她在开玩笑,但随后意识到她是认真的。◆i didn't like the job much at first.起初我并不太喜欢这个工作。■ initial /ɪnɪʃl/ [only before noun] happening at the beginning; first最初的;开始的;第一的◆my initial reaction was to decline the offer.我最初的反应是想要谢绝这个提议。◆it is the initial preparation that takes the time.花时间的是最初的准备工作。◆there is an initial payment of £60 followed by ten instalments of £25.首期付款 60 英镑,接下来还有十次 25 英镑的分期付款。ⓘ initial is used especially to talk about a reaction or feeling that does not last very long * initial 尤用以描述持续时间不太长的反应或感觉◆by 1960 the initial optimism had evaporated.到 1960 年时,最初的乐观主义已经消失了。◆sb's initial response / impression / instinct / shock / surprise / enthusiasm / euphoria / excitement / scepticism / reluctance某人最初的反应/印象/本能/震惊/惊诧/热情/兴奋/激动/怀疑/不情愿; about a stage in a process还可形容过程中的一个阶段◆the initial stage / phase / step / planning / preparation初始阶段/时期;第一步;最初的计划/准备; or about paying or spending money.亦可描述付款或花费◆the initial investment / payment / outlay首期投资/付款;初期项目经费opp final → last 1 ▸ initially adverb◆my contract is initially for three years.我的合同最初订了三年。◆initially, the system worked well.开始时系统运转良好。■ original [only before noun] existing at the beginning of a particular period, process or activity, especially before being changed into sth else原来的,起初的,原本的(尤指历来发生了变化)◆the room still has many of its original features.房间还保留着当初的许多特点。◆i think you should go back to your original plan.我认为你应该回头执行你原来的计划。▸ originally adverb◆the school was originally very small.这所学校一开始很小。◆he comes originally from peru.他原本来自秘鲁。■ preliminary /prɪlɪmɪnəri; name prɪlɪmɪneri/ happening before a more important action or event, especially by introducing or preparing for it预备性的;初步的;前期的◆after a few preliminary remarks he announced the winners.说了几句开场白后,他即宣布优胜者名单。◆this is just a pilot study preliminary to a full-scale study.这只是进行全面研究之前的试验性研究。■ opening [only before noun](especially of sth that sb says or writes, or a piece of music, etc.) happening at the beginning(尤指讲话或文字作品、乐曲等)开始的,开篇的◆she was humming the opening bars of a song she had heard on the radio.她正哼着在收音机里听过的一首歌的开头几句。◆united scored in the opening minutes of the game.比赛一开场没几分钟联队就得分了。opp closing → last 1  ➡ see also opening → start noun , open → begin verb ■ earliest the nearest to the beginning of an event or period of time最早的◆the earliest description of this species dates from 1816.对这一物种最早的描述可以追溯到 1816 年。◆the earliest possible date i can make is the third.我能定下来的最早的日期是 3 号。■ primary /praɪməri; name praɪmeri/ [usually before noun] (formal or technical术语) developing or happening first; earliest最初的;最早的◆the disease is still in its primary stage.这病尚处于初始阶段。◆it is not self-evident what the primary causes of this phenomenon are.这种现象最初的原因是什么,并非显而易见。 ➡ see also primary → main ■ introductory /ɪntrədʌktəri/ written or said at the beginning of sth as an introduction to what follows; intended as an introduction to a subject or activity for people who have never done it before引导的;介绍的;入门的◆the booklist at the end of the chapter contains some introductory reading on the subject.章节末尾的书单列出了一些有关该主题的导读材料。◆i took an introductory class in psychology during my first year at college.我大学一年级时修了一门心理学基础课程。  ➡ see also introduction → basics , introduction → introduction 2 ■ preparatory /prɪpærətri; name prɪpærətɔːri/ [only before noun] (especially bre, formal) done in order to prepare for sth预备的;作准备的◆after a few preparatory drawings, she completed the portrait in one session.试画了几幅之后,她一气呵成地完成了这幅肖像。◆security checks had been carried out preparatory to (= to prepare for) the president's visit.为迎接总统来访,已预先进行了安全检查。  ➡ see also preparation → planning , prepare → prepare 1 , prepare → prepare 2 firstdeterminer(of a person or thing) happening or coming before all other similar things or people; 1st第一◆his first wife他的第一任妻子◆king richard i (= said as 'king richard the first') 英王理查一世◆it was the first time they had ever met.这是他们初次见面。◆she resolved to do it at the first opportunity.她决定一有机会就去做。◆first impressions can be misleading.最初的印象有时会误导人。◆you can have first choice of all the rooms.所有房间由你优先挑选。◆we're having chicken for the first course.我们的第一道菜是鸡肉。opp last → last 1 , last → last 2 ▸ first adverb◆first i had to decide what to wear.首先我得决定穿什么。◆who came first in the race (= who won)?赛跑谁得第一?▸ at first idiom◆at first i thought she was joking but then i realized she meant it.起先我以为她在开玩笑,但随后意识到她是认真的。◆i didn't like the job much at first.起初我并不太喜欢这个工作。firstdeterminermost important or best最重要的;首要的;最优秀的◆your first duty is to your family.你首先要对家庭尽责。◆she won first prize in the competition.她在竞赛中获得头等奖。ⓘ when first means 'most important', typical collocates are duty, importance and consideration. when first means 'best in a competition', typical collocates are prize and place.当 first 表示“最重要”时,常见搭配词有 duty、importance 和 consideration。当 first 表示“在竞争中表现最佳”时,常见搭配词有 prize 和 place。firstadverb◆first i had to decide what to wear.首先我得决定穿什么。◆who came first in the race (= who won)?赛跑谁得第一?firstadverb◆first i had to decide what to wear.首先我得决定穿什么。◆who came first in the race (= who won)?赛跑谁得第一?first¹/fɜ:st ||; fɝst/det coming before all others; that has not happened before 第一;最先: ◇she's expecting her first baby. 她要生头胎。◇the first half of the game (比赛的)上半场◇you've won first prize! 你赢了头奖!◇what were your first impressions of this country when you arrived? 你到这个国家时最初的印象如何?◇king charles i (= king charles the first) 查尔斯一世 ☞look at one. 参看one。 at first glance/sight when first seen or examined 乍一看: ◇the task seemed impossible at first glance, but it turned out to be quite easy. 乍看起来,这任务似乎是无法完成的,但结果却相当容易。 first/last thing→thingfirst²/fɜ:st ||; fɝst/adv1. before any others 在他人之前: ◇sue arrived first at the party. 休最早到酒会。◇mike's very competitive -- he always wants to come first when he plays a game. 迈克很有竞争精神──比赛时他总想拿第一。◇do you want to go first or second? 你先去还是随后去? 2. before doing anything else 在做别的事情之前: ◇i'll come out later. i've got to finish my homework first. 我等会儿出来。我得先把功课做完。 3. the time before all the other times; for the first time 首次;初次: ◇where did you first meet your husband? 你在哪儿初次认识你丈夫的? 4. at the beginning 最初;起初: ◇when i first started my job i hated it. 起初我很不喜欢这份工作。 5. used for introducing the first thing in a list (用于列出第一项): ◇there are several people i would like to thank: first, my mother. 我要感谢几个人:第一,我的妈妈。 [syn] firstly 同义词为firstlyat first at the beginning 最初;起初;当初: ◇at first i thought he was joking, but then i realized he was serious. 我最初以为他在开玩笑,后来才知道他是认真的。 come first to be more important to sb than anything else 最受重视: ◇although she enjoys her job, her family has always come first. 虽然她很喜欢她的工作,但她始终以家庭为重。 first and foremost more than anything else; most importantly 最主要的;最重要的: ◇he worked in television but he was a stage actor first and foremost. 他在电视台工作,但最主要的职业是舞台演员。 first come, first served(informal 非正式) people will be dealt with, served, seen, etc strictly in the order in which they arrive 先到者先受招待;先到先办;先到先得: ◇tickets can be bought here on a first come, first served basis. 这儿的票按先来先买的规定出售。 first of all as the first thing (to be done or said) (要做或要说到的)第一件事;首先: ◇in a moment i'll introduce our guest speaker, but first of all, let me thank you all for coming. 我马上要介绍我们请来的讲演者,但首先我要感谢你们的光临。 first off(informal 非正式) before anything else 首先: ◇first off, let's decide who does what. 首先,我们来决定谁做什么。 head first→head¹first³/fɜ:st ||; fɝst/noun pronoun1. the first [c] (plural the first) the first person or thing, people or things 第一个人或事物;第一批人或事物: ◇are we the first to arrive? 我们是不是最早到?◇they enjoyed the holiday -- their first for ten years. 这个假期他们玩得很高兴──那是他们十年来第一次度假。 2. a first [sing] an important event that is happening for the first time 首次发生的重要事件;创举: ◇this operation is a first in medical history. 这次手术是医学史上的创举。 3. [c] (brit 英) the highest mark given for a university degree 一级荣誉学位;优等学位: ◇he got a first in history. 他历史系毕业,获一级荣誉学位。 from the (very) first from the beginning 从一开始: ◇they hated each other from the first. 他们从一开始就互相讨厌。 first1 happening, existing, done etc first2 first in a race or competition3 when something is the first thing you want to say4 someone's first performance, appearance, or speech5 to do something that has never been done before6 something that is the firstrelated wordsoppositelast,see alsostart,beginning,introduce,new,invent,1. happening, existing, done etc first 最先发生的、存在、做的等 first /fɜːʳst/ [adjective] before everyone or everything else 第一的;最先的 laurie's name was first on the list. 劳丽的名字在名单上是第一个。 i still remember my first day of school. 我仍记得第一天上学的情形。 she had her first baby in 1998. 她的第一个孩子是1998年生的。 i've only read the first chapter, but it seems like a really good book. 这本书我只看了第一章,但似乎是一本很不错的书。 the first thing i ever had published was an article for the boy scout magazine. 我刊出的第一篇东西是为《男童子军》杂志写的一篇文章。 first /fɜːʳst/ [adverb] before you do any other things, or before anything else happens 首先,第一,最早 i always read the sports page of the newspaper first. 我总是先读报纸的体育版。 shall we go out now, or do you want to eat first? 我们现在出去,还是你想先吃东西? i'll help you with your homework, but first let me finish the dishes. 我会帮你一起做家庭作业,但让我先把碗碟洗了。 first of all /ˌfɜːʳst əv ˈɔːl/ [adverb] at the beginning, before other events or actions - use this especially to say what you should do or what you did do first 首先 first of all, fry the onions. 首先,把洋葱油炸一下。 first of all, let me welcome everyone to the meeting. 首先,让我来欢迎各位出席这次会议。 first of all i went to tell my wife and then my daughter and son-in-law what had happened. 首先我告诉了妻子,然后是告诉女儿和女婿发生了什么事。 original /əˈrɪdʒɪnəl, -dʒənəl/ [adjective only before noun] use this about something that existed at the beginning, especially before a lot of things were changed 原先的,最早的,最初的 the house still has its original stone floors. 这房子仍保留着原先的石地板。 our original plan was to go camping, but it was pouring with rain. 我们原先的计划是去野营,但下着倾盆大雨。 initial /ɪˈnɪʃəl/ [adjective only before noun] use this to talk about what happened at the beginning of a process or activity or what someone felt at the beginning, especially when this changes later 最初的[阶段、活动等] initial response/reaction/feeling etc my initial reaction was one of complete disbelief. 我最初的反应是完全不相信。 after the initial shock, people adjusted to the new circumstances. 最初的震惊过后,人们就逐渐适应了新的环境。initial difficulties/problems/setbacks etc initial difficulties with the computer system were soon fixed. 电脑系统最初的问题很快就解决了。initial stage/trial/step etc i was only involved in the initial stages of the planning. 我只参与了最初几个规划阶段。 classes in gun handling are recommended as the initial step for those who want to own a handgun. 建议想要拥有手枪的人把去参加枪支使用培训班作为第一步。 initially [adverb] far fewer people have applied for the visas than the government initially expected. 申请签证的人数比政府原先预计的要少得多。 earliest /ˈɜːʳliɪst, ˈɜːʳliəst/ [adjective usually before noun] happening or existing before all others 最早的;最先的 ‘the comedy of errors’ is one of shakespeare's earliest plays. 《错误的喜剧》是莎士比亚最早的剧本之一。 the earliest form of transport was probably some kind of sledge. 最早的交通工具可能是某种雪橇。 ginger was one of the earliest oriental spices known to europeans. 姜是欧洲人最早认识的东方调味品之一。 the first time /ðə ˌfɜːʳst ˈtaɪm/ [adverb] use this to say that something happens that has never happened before 第一次,初次 the first time (that) the first time i went on a plane i was really nervous. 我第一次坐飞机时非常紧张。 it was the first time that she had seen her mother cry. 那是她第一次见到母亲哭泣。for the first time for the first time, representatives from the two countries will talk at a conference table. 两国的代表将第一次坐到会议桌上谈判。 unprecedented /ʌnˈpresɪdentəd, ʌnˈpresədentəd/ [adjective] something that is unprecedented has never happened before and is usually unexpected 前所未有的;空前的 an unprecedented number of cars entered the race. 参加比赛的汽车之多前所未有。 the police took the unprecedented step of publishing the victim's photograph. 警方公布了被害者的相片,这是史无前例的。 the depression that started in mid-1929 was a catastrophe of unprecedented dimensions for the united states. 始于1929年中期的经济萧条对美国来说是一场规模空前的灾难。2. first in a race or competition 在比赛或竞赛中获第一 be first/come first/finish first /biː ˈfɜːʳst, ˌkʌm ˈfɜːʳst, ˌfɪnɪʃ ˈfɜːʳst/ [verb phrase] to be the person who wins a race or a competition 获第一名,取得第一 jones came first in the 200 metres. 琼斯在200米赛跑中获第一名。 maryam was first to cross the line, in just 12 seconds. 马娅姆第一个冲过了终点线,只用了12秒。 krzystof finished first among the 147 professional cyclists. 克日什托夫在147名专业自行车运动员中第一个冲过终点线。3. when something is the first thing you want to say 某事是你想说的第一件事 firstly/first /ˈfɜːʳstli, fɜːʳst/ [adverb] spoken say this to introduce the first fact, reason, or question, when you are going to mention several more things 【口】首先,第一 i wanted to change schools, firstly because i didn't like the teacher and secondly because it was too far away. 我要换学校,首先我不喜欢这老师,其次它太远了。 first, may i say that i am extremely grateful for the trust my colleagues have put in me. 首先请允许我对同事们表示由衷的感激,他们对我很信任。 african leaders are worried, firstly about the official flow of aid, and also about levels of private investment. 非洲的领导人首先是担心官方援助的提供,同时也担心私人投资的水平。 first of all /ˌfɜːʳst əv ˈɔːl/ [adverb] spoken say this when the reason you are giving first is the most important one 【口】首先 freddy, first of all, i didn't flirt with him. he flirted with me. 弗雷迪,首先我没和他打情骂俏,是他想和我打情骂俏。 i called the book ‘drum planet’ because first of all, there are drums in every culture. 我把该书起名为《鼓的行星》,首先因为在每种文化中都有鼓。 to start/begin with /tə ˈstɑːʳt, bɪˈgɪn wɪθ/ [adverb] spoken say this when your reason or fact is the most easy to see or understand 【口】首先,第一 to start with, one of the biggest problems in the classroom is that the kids don't get enough discipline at home. 首先班里最大的问题之一是这些孩子在家里都不够有规矩。 working at home is a good option, because, to begin with, what's the point of driving two hours a day just to sit in front of a computer? 在家上班是个很好的选择,首先因为一天开两小时车就为了坐在电脑前有什么意思呢? in the first place also for a start british /ɪn ðə ˈfɜːʳst pleɪs, fər ə ˈstɑːʳt/ [adverb] spoken say this when you are arguing or discussing something with someone and you are going to give the main reason that proves that what you are saying is true 【口】首先,第一 in the first place, they have a more experienced team, so they're more likely to win. 首先他们的球队有更多经验,所以他们更有可能赢。 we haven't made a decision, because, in the first place, we do not know enough at this point. 我们还未决定,因为首先我们目前对情况了解得不够多。 for a start, someone's sex should not matter in a job interview. 第一,个人的性别不应该影响到求职面试。 before i start /bɪˌfɔːr aɪ ˈstɑːʳt/ spoken say this when you are going to say something before you start the main part of a speech or talk to a group of people 【口】讲正题以前,首先 before i start, i'd like to thank everyone for coming. 进入正题以前,我要感谢各位的光临。 all right, before i start, could everyone please stand up and introduce themselves. 好,首先请各位起立作一下自我介绍。4. someone's first performance, appearance, or speech 某人的首次演出、出场或讲话 debut /ˈdeɪbjuː, ˈdebjuːǁdeɪˈbjuː, dɪ-/ [countable noun usually singular] someone's first public performance, especially in a play, a film or a sport 首次演出;首次亮相[尤指在戏剧、电影或体育比赛中] ‘little man tate’ was jodie foster's directorial debut. 《我的天才宝贝》是乔迪福斯特导演的第一部影片。debut for this is his debut for his new club, manchester united. 这是他为新转入的曼联队踢的首场比赛。make your debut charlie chaplin made his film debut in 1913. 查利·卓别林于1913年首次登上银幕。 premiere /ˈpremieəʳǁprɪˈmɪər/ [countable noun usually singular] the first public performance of a play or film [电影或戏剧的]首次公演 i've been invited to the premiere of the new schliessman play. 我被邀请出席施利斯曼新戏的首演。world premiere the first performance anywhere in the world 世界首演 music-lovers gathered in boston for the world premiere of gershwin's opera, ‘porgy and bess’. 音乐爱好者聚集在波士顿来参加格什温的歌剧《波吉与贝丝》的全球首次公演。film/movie premiere ‘singing in the rain’ begins with its stars attending a movie premiere. 《雨中曲》开始时是影星们在参加一次电影首映式。 maiden /ˈmeɪdn/ [adjective only before noun] maiden voyage/flight/speech the first one that a particular ship, aircraft, or person makes 首次的航行/飞行/演讲 the titanic sank on its maiden voyage. 泰坦尼克号首航时沉没了。 two jets crashed on their maiden flights last year. 去年有两架飞机在首次飞行中失事。 the new prime minister admitted that her maiden speech had been too long. 新首相承认她的首次讲演太冗长了。 inaugural /ɪˈnɔːgjɑrəl/ [adjective only before noun] inaugural lecture/address/speech etc one that an important person does or makes when they first start a new job [重要人物的]就职讲座/致辞/讲话等 the inaugural address drew a large audience. 就职演讲吸引了大批听众。 professor eston gave the inaugural lecture in 1860. 伊斯顿教授在1860年作了首次讲座。5. to do something that has never been done before 做以前从未做过的事 be the first to do something /biː ðə ˌfɜːʳst tə ˈduː something/ [verb phrase] the spanish were the first to keep cattle in the american deserts. 西班牙人是首先在美洲的沙漠上养牛的人。 she was the first to see the link between poverty and poor health. 她是第一个看出贫困与健康不佳之间关系的人。be the first person to do something yuri gagarin became the first man to fly in space. 尤里·加加林是第一个作太空飞行的人。 show the way/lead the way /ˌʃəʊ ðə ˈweɪ, ˌliːd ðə ˈweɪ/ [verb phrase] to be the first to do something, especially something good or successful, which may encourage others to do something similar 带头[尤指做好事或成功的事] once the japanese had shown the way, manufacturers in other countries soon began to use robots on a large scale. 日本人带头之后,其他国家的制造商也都很快大规模地使用机器人。lead the way in doing something the company has led the way in developing environmentally friendly products. 该公司在开发环保产品方面带了头。 never been done/attempted/tried before /ˌnevəʳ biːn ˈdʌn, əˈtemptə̇d, ˈtraɪd bɪˌfɔːʳ/ use this about something someone does or tries to do that no-one has ever done before 以前从未做过/尝试过 the special effects in the movie included things that had never been done before. 这部影片中的特技效果有些是前所未有的。 because of advances in technology, we are able to try something that has never been attempted before. 由于技术的进步,我们能够尝试一些从未尝试过的事。 pioneer /ˌpaɪəˈnɪəʳ/ [transitive verb] to be the first to invent or find a new method of doing something, and make it possible or easier for others to do the same 开拓,开发;开创 he pioneered techniques for photographing moving objects. 他为拍摄移动物体开创了新技术。 heart-transplant surgery was pioneered by professor christiaan barnard. 心脏移植手术是由克里斯蒂安·巴纳德教授开创的。 pioneer [countable noun] she became famous as a pioneer of the person who pioneered prison reform. 她作为监狱改革的先驱而闻名于世。 pioneering /ˌpaɪəˈnɪərɪŋ◂/ [adjective only before noun] using new and better methods or ideas for the first time 开拓的,开发的,首创的 her pioneering work in the field of education will be remembered. 她在教育领域所做的开拓性工作将流芳后世。 cowley's pioneering development of modern emergency medicine helped save countless lives. 考利对现代急救医学的开拓性发展拯救了无数人的生命。 break new ground /ˌbreɪk njuː ˈgraʊndǁ-nuː-/ [verb phrase] if someone or their work breaks new ground, their work is completely new and different from anything that existed before [某人或其想法]开辟新天地;创新 roosevelt's social reform program broke new ground. 罗斯福的社会改革计划开辟了新的天地。 the album is enjoyable, but breaks no new ground. 这个专辑很好听,但没有新意。 there's a lot of new ground being broken in the field of genetic research. 基因研究领域有许多创新。 ground-breaking /ˈgraʊnd ˌbreɪkɪŋ/ [adjective only before noun] he won praise as governor for his ground-breaking educational reforms. 作为推行创新教育改革的州长,他受人称赞。 break the mould british /mold american /ˌbreɪk ðə ˈməʊld/ [verb phrase] to be the first to do something in a different way from the way it was usually done before 打破常规,创新 the governor urged teachers to break the mold in establishing new ways of teaching. 州长鼓励教师破除陈规,创出新的教学方法。 the new party promised to break the mould of british politics. 新政党答应要打破英国政治的陈规旧习。6. something that is the first 首次出现的某事 a first /ə ˈfɜːʳst/ [singular noun] something that has never been done or achieved by anyone before and is therefore surprising or exciting 首次出现的事物,新鲜事;创举 if an animated film was nominated as best picture, it would be a first. 如果动画影片被提名为最佳影片,那将是第一次。a first in roger bannister's four-minute mile was a notable first in the history of athletics. 罗杰·班尼斯特四分钟跑一英里在运动史上是引人注目的新纪录。 during the 1960's, the soviet union achieved a series of firsts in space exploration. 在20世纪60年代,苏联在太空探索中做出一连串创举。a first for delivering a baby on the job was a first for the two police officers. 执勤时接生婴儿对这两位警察来说是新鲜事。 prototype /ˈprəʊtətaɪp/ [countable noun] the first model of something, especially of a machine or a new invention, that is often improved in later models [尤指机器或新发明的]原型;样品 no damage to the prototype aircraft was reported after its first test flight. 样机首次试飞后没有接到损坏的报告。prototype of pilots have begun testing a prototype of the new aircraft. 飞行员已经开始试飞这种新式飞机的原型了。 the prototype of this particular computer was developed by an american in 1975. 这种电脑的原型是由一位美国人于1975年研制的。prototype for within a year, the company expects to have a prototype for military use. 一年不到,该公司期望生产出一种供军用的样品。 original /əˈrɪdʒɪnəl, -dʒənəl/ [countable noun] something such as a picture or a piece of writing that is not a copy but is the one produced for the first time by the artist or writer themselves [画或文章等的]原作;原稿 i wasn't sure whether the portrait was an excellent copy or the original. 我无法确定这幅肖像画是出色的临摹本还是原作。 this is a photograph of the manuscript. the original is in the city museum. 这是手稿的照片。原稿在市博物馆里。 original [adjective] only a millionaire could afford to buy an original picasso a picture by picasso that is not a copy. 只有百万富翁才能买得起毕加索的原作。 first-generation /ˌfɜːʳst dʒenəˈreɪʃən/ [adjective only before noun] first-generation computers, machines etc were the first ones of their type to be produced, and are the ones that later computers, machines etc of the same type are based on 第一代的[电脑、机器等] the first-generation digital televisions cost over $2000. 第一代数字电视机要2,000多美元一台。 there were a variety of problems common to first-generation computer software programs. 第一代的电脑软件程序存在各种各样的常见问题。 first generation [singular noun] first-generation of the first generation of cellular phones used analog transmitters and receivers. 第一代手机使用了模拟传输器和接收器。☞ first¹☞ first²




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