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单词 on²
释义 on²adv 1. used to say that someone continues to do something, or that something continues to happen 继续,不停地:◇the peace talks dragged on (=continued slowly) for months. 和平谈判拖拖拉拉地谈了好几个月。 2. operating or working 运作着,工作着:◇the lights are still on in her office. 她办公室的灯仍然亮着。→ opposite 反义词 off¹ 3. if you have a piece of clothing on, you are wearing it 穿上:◇put sth on put your coat on, it's cold out. 把大衣穿上吧,外面很冷。 4. into a bus, plane, train, or ship 登上[巴士、飞机、火车、船等]:◇i got on at vine street. 我在葡萄藤街上车。 5. from then on/from that day on after that time into the future 从那时起/从那天起:◇from that day on he hasn't drunk any alcohol. 从那天起他便再没有喝过酒。→ see also 另见 head-on, later on (later¹), off and on /on and off (off¹)




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