The Application of Situational Teaching in Middle School Chinese TeachingWANG Xin-yao (3)

    The Improvement of the Humanistic Accomplishment of Junior Middle School Students in

    Chinese TeachingHU Su-xiang (5)

    The Four-step Jump in the Middle School Students' Chinese Language TrainingFANG Qi-yin (7)

    The Chinese Classroom Teaching Design in Reversing Classroom Model

    --A Case Study of ZHU Zhi-wu Causes the Withdrawal of the Qins Army

    WANG Wei-qi (10)

    The Magical Titles The Enhancement of Teaching EfficiencyXU Yan (14)

    The Unit Introduction The Overall TeachingJIANG Zhen-miao (15)

    The Establishment and Implementation of the Complete Book Reading in Chinese Classes in Senior

    Middle SchoolsWANG Sheng-hua (19)

    The Masterpiece Throughout the Ages

    --The Appreciation of Describing the Musical Skills in Song of a Pipa PlayerLIU Li-juan (23)

    Carefully Reading I am going home!

    -- Problem Location, In-depth InterpretationZHANG Min (26)

    Eight Tactics of the Compositions for Examinations to Stand outYUE Hai-min (28)

    The Local materials,The Combination of Reading and Writing Materials

    --A Tentative Study on the Imitation of Micro-writing in Rural Junior Middle Schools

    HUANG De-mao (33)

    Discussion on the Strategy of Enhancing Scene Description Ability from the Relationship of Scene

    YANG Mei (38)

    How to Make Students "Read"ZHANG Zhan-hong SONG Zhi-hai (40)

    The Innovative Teaching Design on ZI Lu, ZENG Xi, RAN You, GONGXI Hua Sitting with

    ConfuciusPAN Li (42)

    Where Was It That the Wonders Lie in the Sentence "The oblique branches are covered in the top;

    even during the day the sun is so dark. The sparse branches are intercourse, and sometimes you

    can see the sunlight." HUANG Yun (44)

    The New Understanding of the Last Sentence in the Verse On the Height QIAN Chang-wu (46)


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