孙秀荣 江少波 黄有泉

摘要: 鉴于目前直井杆管偏磨分析仅停留于抽油杆柱在油管内的静力屈曲理论,提出了一种基于抽油杆柱屈曲位移激励的抽油杆柱在油管内横向振动与杆管偏磨的动力学分析方法。考虑轴向分布载荷和泵端动载荷的作用,以下冲程某时刻抽油杆柱在油管内的屈曲构型作为抽油杆柱横向振动的位移激励,建立了直井抽油杆柱在油管内横向振动的仿真模型。采用有限差分法对井深进行离散,Newmark法对时间进行离散,以恢复系数法建立了杆管碰撞条件,碰撞冲量作为碰撞效果的度量,对抽油杆柱在油管内横向振动数学模型进行了数值仿真。仿真结果表明:杆管碰撞现象主要发生在下冲程杆柱发生屈曲后,且几乎沿全井都有发生,从井口至泵端附近的碰撞力峰值逐渐增大;中位点以下碰撞最强烈,碰撞力最大,且呈现高频次碰撞;中位点以上至井口附近,碰撞频次和碰撞力依次减弱;而上冲程碰撞现象很少,碰撞力也较小。所建立的抽油杆柱屈曲位移激励下的横向振动仿真模型适用于杆管偏磨分析,同时为扶正器的优化配置提供新的理论基础。
关键词: 横向振动; 抽油杆柱; 屈曲位移激励; 碰撞; 仿真模型
中图分类号: O327; TE933+.2 文献标志码: A 文章编号: 1004-4523(2018)05-0854-08
引 言
1 抽油杆柱横向振动力学模型
1) 抽油杆柱为弹性杆柱,杆柱轴心与井眼中心线重合。
2) 以井口为坐标原点,任意井深x处抽油杆柱的轴向分布载荷为 q(x)(N/m);抽油杆柱底端周期变化的集中轴向载荷为P(t)(N)。
3) 设抽油杆柱为均质单级杆,不考虑接箍和扶正器对杆柱局部弯曲刚度的影响。
4) 不考虑纵向振动和扭转振动对横向振动的影响。
5) 只给出杆柱在xoy平面内的位移激励,即只研究杆柱在该平面内的横向振动。
4.2 仿真结果分析
4.2.1 碰撞力变化规律
根据上述仿真模型,开发了抽油杆柱在屈曲位移激励下的横向振动仿真系统。图3,4绘出了前12个完整冲程,即180 s内碰撞力随井深和时间的变化规律。由图3可知:(1)碰撞力沿全井都有分布。在每个运动周期内,碰撞主要发生在下冲程,且抽油杆柱的碰撞力随井深的增加而增大,泵端附近的碰撞力最大。(2)碰撞力近似呈现周期性变化。各冲程碰撞力的波峰相差小于15%。由图4可知,中位点以下至泵端,碰撞频率高,且碰撞力幅值大;中位点以上至接近井口碰撞力幅值越来越小,碰撞频率也逐渐减弱。由图5进一步可知:(1)中位点以下碰撞最为剧烈;下冲程内,中位点以下的碰撞力明显高于中位点以上的碰撞力;(2)上冲程碰撞节点较少,碰撞力微弱;(3)中位点以下各冲程碰撞力峰值相差3%以内,振动规律具有明显的周期性。
4.2.2 横向振动规律
5 结 论
(1) 建立了平面下抽油杆柱在油管内横向振动模型,采用有限差分法和Newmark法综合计算,充分考虑杆管间的碰撞效应,实现了对直井系统横向振动下杆管碰撞的非线性动力学的仿真。
(2) 横向振动导致杆管碰撞的现象几乎沿全井都有分布。中位点以下呈现高频次高碰撞力,中位点以上至井口附近,碰撞频次依次减弱。
(3) 一个运动周期内,杆管碰撞现象主要发生在下冲程杆柱发生屈曲后,其碰撞频率高,碰撞力也大;而上冲程碰撞现象很少,碰撞力也很小。
(4) 通过分析杆柱在油管内的横向振动和碰撞规律,对直井杆管偏磨机理与偏磨位置有了新的认识:直井杆管偏磨不仅仅发生于中位点以下的受压段杆柱,而且也会发生于中位点以上的受拉段杆柱;中位点以下抽油杆柱配置扶正器可有效地预防或减轻底部受压段杆管偏磨现象,但由于整体抽油杆柱仍然存在屈曲位移,中位点以上杆管仍然存在碰撞偏磨,并有可能因为没有扶正器的保护而成为新的薄弱点,进而产生严重偏磨、甚至磨断。上述理论认识与工程实际相符。
(5) 所建立的抽油杆柱屈曲位移激励下的横向振动仿真模型可进一步应用于杆管偏磨分析,同时为扶正器的优化配置提供新的理论基础,对此有待深入研究。
[1] Lubinski A. A study of the buckling of rotary drilling string [J]. Drilling and Production Practice, 1950: 178—214.
[2] Huang W J, Gao D L, Liu Y H. A study of tubular string buckling in vertical wells [J]. International Journal of Mechanical Sciences, 2016, 118: 231—253.
[3] 董世民. 水驱抽油机井杆管偏磨原因的力学分析 [J]. 石油学报, 2003, 24(4): 108—112.
Dong Shimin. Mechanical analysis on causes of worn rod string and tubing of rod pumping wells in the water-flooding oilfield [J]. Acta Petrolei Sinica, 2003, 24(4): 108—112.
[4] Jin H, Zhang J, Zhang Y Y. Mechanism and control of eccentric wear of sucker rod [J]. Applied Mechanics & Materials, 2014, 528: 232—236.
[5] Nurmohamed D, Lien H, Chin A, et al. Case study for reducing tubing failures in Suriname′s Tambaredjo field [C]. Trinidad and Tobago Energy Resources Conference, Port of Spain, Trinidad and Tobago, 2014: 667—681.
[6] 劉 合, 郝忠献, 王连刚, 等. 人工举升技术现状与发展趋势 [J]. 石油学报, 2015, 36(11): 1441—1448.
Liu He, Hao Zhongxian, Wang Liangang, et al. Current technical status and development trend of artificial lift[J]. Acta Petrolei Sinica, 2015, 36(11): 1441—1448.
[7] Juvkam-Wold H C, Wu J. Casing deflection and centralizer spacing calculations [J]. SPE Drilling Engineering, 1992, 7(4): 268—274.
[8] 史楠楠, 李军强. 直井抽油杆柱扶正器安装间距设计计算 [J]. 石油钻探技术, 2007, 35(2): 59—61.
Shi Nannan, Li Junqiang. Design and computation for installing interval between centralizers of sucker-rod strings in vertical wells [J]. Petroleum Drilling Techniques, 2007, 35(2): 59—61.
[9] Xing M M, Dong S M. An improved longitudinal vibration model and dynamic characteristic of sucker rod string [J]. Journal of Vibroengineering, 2014, 16(7): 3432—3448.
[10] Shokrollahi M, Nejad A Z B. Numerical analysis of free longitudinal vibration of nonuniform rods: Discrete singular convolution approach [J]. Journal of Engineering Mechanics, 2014, 140(8): 06014007.
[11] 趙伟东, 杨亚平, 李秀莲, 等. 简谐干扰力作用的弹性基础上压杆的横向振动与屈曲 [J]. 应用力学学报, 2015, 32(4): 642—646+708.
Zhao Weidong, Yang Yaping, Li Xiulian, et al. The transverse vibration and buckling of a compressive bar on elastic foundation subjected to harmonic excitation [J]. Chinese Journal of Applied Mechanics, 2015, 32(4): 642—646+708.
[12] Li Z F, Wang P, Zhao M, et al. Transverse vibration analysis of the riser in deep water [J]. Source: Open Petroleum Engineering Journal, 2015, 8(1): 38—44.
[13] Morozov N F, Tovstik P E. Transverse rod vibrations under a short-term longitudinal impact [J]. Doklady Physics, 2013, 58(9): 387—391.
[14] Blevins R D, Coughran C S, Utt M E, et al. Drilling-induced riser vibration[J]. International Journal of Offshore and Polar Engineering, 2017, 27(3): 232—238.
[15] 祝效华, 胡志强. 基于钻头破岩钻进的下部钻具横向振动特性研究 [J]. 振动与冲击, 2014, 33(17): 90—93.
Zhu Xiaohua, Hu Zhiqiang. Lateral vibration characteristics analysis of a bottom hole assembly based on interaction between bit and rock [J]. Journal of Vibration and Shock, 2014, 33(17): 90—93.
[16] Kiani K. Longitudinally varying magnetic field influenced transverse vibration of embedded double-walled carbon nanotubes [J]. International Journal of Mechanical Sciences, 2014, 87(4) :179—199.
[17] Thalapil J, Maiti S K. Analysis of coupled transverse and axial vibrations of Euler Bernoulli and Timoshenko beams with longitudinal crack for its detection [J]. Mechanisms and Machine Science, 2015, 23 :433—448.
[18] Malaeke H, Moeenfard H, Ghasemi A H. Nonlinear coupled transverse and axial vibration of variable cross-section beam flexures interconnecting rigid body [C]. ASME 2016 Dynamic Systems and Control Conference, Minneapolis, USA, 2016.
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Abstract: Considering the limitations of the static buckling theory on the eccentric wear between the sucker rod and the tube, a dynamic analysis method for the study of the transverse vibration of the sucker rod in the tube is proposed. Taking the axial distributed load and the dynamic load at the pump head, the dynamic model of the transverse vibration is established based on the buckling configuration of the rod string which is regarded as the deformation excitation during the down stroke. To solve the equation, the finite difference method is used to discretize the well depth and the Newmark method is used to discretize the time. Meanwhile, a restitution coefficient is introduced to build the collision condition, and the impact momentum is measured and taken as the collision strength. The result shows that the phenomenon of rod-tubing collision occurs mainly in the down stroke after the post buckling of the rod string, and the collision force, which distributed almost along the entire well depth, will increase gradually from the wellhead to the bottom. It also shows that the high frequency collision occurs below the neutral point where the collision force takes the largest value. Furthermore, the collision frequency and the collision force decrease successively along the direction from the neutral point to the wellhead. On the other hand during the up stroke, few collisions occur and the collision force is also very small. The simulation model is suitable for the eccentric wear analysis of rod-tubing and provides a new theoretical basis for the optimal allocation of the centralizer.
Key words: transverse vibration; sucker rod string; bucking deformation excitation; collision; simulation model
作者簡介: 孙秀荣(1984-),女,博士研究生。电话:13513343996;E-mail: sunxiurong84@163.com
通讯作者: 董世民(1962-),男,博士生导师,教授。电话:13833575208;E-mail: ysudshm@163.com

摘要: 鉴于目前直井杆管偏磨分析仅停留于抽油杆柱在油管内的静力屈曲理论,提出了一种基于抽油杆柱屈曲位移激励的抽油杆柱在油管内横向振动与杆管偏磨的动力学分析方法。考虑轴向分布载荷和泵端动载荷的作用,以下冲程某时刻抽油杆柱在油管内的屈曲构型作为抽油杆柱横向振动的位移激励,建立了直井抽油杆柱在油管内横向振动的仿真模型。采用有限差分法对井深进行离散,Newmark法对时间进行离散,以恢复系数法建立了杆管碰撞条件,碰撞冲量作为碰撞效果的度量,对抽油杆柱在油管内横向振动数学模型进行了数值仿真。仿真结果表明:杆管碰撞现象主要发生在下冲程杆柱发生屈曲后,且几乎沿全井都有发生,从井口至泵端附近的碰撞力峰值逐渐增大;中位点以下碰撞最强烈,碰撞力最大,且呈现高频次碰撞;中位点以上至井口附近,碰撞频次和碰撞力依次减弱;而上冲程碰撞现象很少,碰撞力也较小。所建立的抽油杆柱屈曲位移激励下的横向振动仿真模型适用于杆管偏磨分析,同时为扶正器的优化配置提供新的理论基础。
关键词: 横向振动; 抽油杆柱; 屈曲位移激励; 碰撞; 仿真模型
中图分类号: O327; TE933+.2 文献标志码: A 文章编号: 1004-4523(2018)05-0854-08
引 言
1 抽油杆柱横向振动力学模型
1) 抽油杆柱为弹性杆柱,杆柱轴心与井眼中心线重合。
2) 以井口为坐标原点,任意井深x处抽油杆柱的轴向分布载荷为 q(x)(N/m);抽油杆柱底端周期变化的集中轴向载荷为P(t)(N)。
3) 设抽油杆柱为均质单级杆,不考虑接箍和扶正器对杆柱局部弯曲刚度的影响。
4) 不考虑纵向振动和扭转振动对横向振动的影响。
5) 只给出杆柱在xoy平面内的位移激励,即只研究杆柱在该平面内的横向振动。
4.2 仿真结果分析
4.2.1 碰撞力变化规律
根据上述仿真模型,开发了抽油杆柱在屈曲位移激励下的横向振动仿真系统。图3,4绘出了前12个完整冲程,即180 s内碰撞力随井深和时间的变化规律。由图3可知:(1)碰撞力沿全井都有分布。在每个运动周期内,碰撞主要发生在下冲程,且抽油杆柱的碰撞力随井深的增加而增大,泵端附近的碰撞力最大。(2)碰撞力近似呈现周期性变化。各冲程碰撞力的波峰相差小于15%。由图4可知,中位点以下至泵端,碰撞频率高,且碰撞力幅值大;中位点以上至接近井口碰撞力幅值越来越小,碰撞频率也逐渐减弱。由图5进一步可知:(1)中位点以下碰撞最为剧烈;下冲程内,中位点以下的碰撞力明显高于中位点以上的碰撞力;(2)上冲程碰撞节点较少,碰撞力微弱;(3)中位点以下各冲程碰撞力峰值相差3%以内,振动规律具有明显的周期性。
4.2.2 横向振动规律
5 结 论
(1) 建立了平面下抽油杆柱在油管内横向振动模型,采用有限差分法和Newmark法综合计算,充分考虑杆管间的碰撞效应,实现了对直井系统横向振动下杆管碰撞的非线性动力学的仿真。
(2) 横向振动导致杆管碰撞的现象几乎沿全井都有分布。中位点以下呈现高频次高碰撞力,中位点以上至井口附近,碰撞频次依次减弱。
(3) 一个运动周期内,杆管碰撞现象主要发生在下冲程杆柱发生屈曲后,其碰撞频率高,碰撞力也大;而上冲程碰撞现象很少,碰撞力也很小。
(4) 通过分析杆柱在油管内的横向振动和碰撞规律,对直井杆管偏磨机理与偏磨位置有了新的认识:直井杆管偏磨不仅仅发生于中位点以下的受压段杆柱,而且也会发生于中位点以上的受拉段杆柱;中位点以下抽油杆柱配置扶正器可有效地预防或减轻底部受压段杆管偏磨现象,但由于整体抽油杆柱仍然存在屈曲位移,中位点以上杆管仍然存在碰撞偏磨,并有可能因为没有扶正器的保护而成为新的薄弱点,进而产生严重偏磨、甚至磨断。上述理论认识与工程实际相符。
(5) 所建立的抽油杆柱屈曲位移激励下的横向振动仿真模型可进一步应用于杆管偏磨分析,同时为扶正器的优化配置提供新的理论基础,对此有待深入研究。
[1] Lubinski A. A study of the buckling of rotary drilling string [J]. Drilling and Production Practice, 1950: 178—214.
[2] Huang W J, Gao D L, Liu Y H. A study of tubular string buckling in vertical wells [J]. International Journal of Mechanical Sciences, 2016, 118: 231—253.
[3] 董世民. 水驱抽油机井杆管偏磨原因的力学分析 [J]. 石油学报, 2003, 24(4): 108—112.
Dong Shimin. Mechanical analysis on causes of worn rod string and tubing of rod pumping wells in the water-flooding oilfield [J]. Acta Petrolei Sinica, 2003, 24(4): 108—112.
[4] Jin H, Zhang J, Zhang Y Y. Mechanism and control of eccentric wear of sucker rod [J]. Applied Mechanics & Materials, 2014, 528: 232—236.
[5] Nurmohamed D, Lien H, Chin A, et al. Case study for reducing tubing failures in Suriname′s Tambaredjo field [C]. Trinidad and Tobago Energy Resources Conference, Port of Spain, Trinidad and Tobago, 2014: 667—681.
[6] 劉 合, 郝忠献, 王连刚, 等. 人工举升技术现状与发展趋势 [J]. 石油学报, 2015, 36(11): 1441—1448.
Liu He, Hao Zhongxian, Wang Liangang, et al. Current technical status and development trend of artificial lift[J]. Acta Petrolei Sinica, 2015, 36(11): 1441—1448.
[7] Juvkam-Wold H C, Wu J. Casing deflection and centralizer spacing calculations [J]. SPE Drilling Engineering, 1992, 7(4): 268—274.
[8] 史楠楠, 李军强. 直井抽油杆柱扶正器安装间距设计计算 [J]. 石油钻探技术, 2007, 35(2): 59—61.
Shi Nannan, Li Junqiang. Design and computation for installing interval between centralizers of sucker-rod strings in vertical wells [J]. Petroleum Drilling Techniques, 2007, 35(2): 59—61.
[9] Xing M M, Dong S M. An improved longitudinal vibration model and dynamic characteristic of sucker rod string [J]. Journal of Vibroengineering, 2014, 16(7): 3432—3448.
[10] Shokrollahi M, Nejad A Z B. Numerical analysis of free longitudinal vibration of nonuniform rods: Discrete singular convolution approach [J]. Journal of Engineering Mechanics, 2014, 140(8): 06014007.
[11] 趙伟东, 杨亚平, 李秀莲, 等. 简谐干扰力作用的弹性基础上压杆的横向振动与屈曲 [J]. 应用力学学报, 2015, 32(4): 642—646+708.
Zhao Weidong, Yang Yaping, Li Xiulian, et al. The transverse vibration and buckling of a compressive bar on elastic foundation subjected to harmonic excitation [J]. Chinese Journal of Applied Mechanics, 2015, 32(4): 642—646+708.
[12] Li Z F, Wang P, Zhao M, et al. Transverse vibration analysis of the riser in deep water [J]. Source: Open Petroleum Engineering Journal, 2015, 8(1): 38—44.
[13] Morozov N F, Tovstik P E. Transverse rod vibrations under a short-term longitudinal impact [J]. Doklady Physics, 2013, 58(9): 387—391.
[14] Blevins R D, Coughran C S, Utt M E, et al. Drilling-induced riser vibration[J]. International Journal of Offshore and Polar Engineering, 2017, 27(3): 232—238.
[15] 祝效华, 胡志强. 基于钻头破岩钻进的下部钻具横向振动特性研究 [J]. 振动与冲击, 2014, 33(17): 90—93.
Zhu Xiaohua, Hu Zhiqiang. Lateral vibration characteristics analysis of a bottom hole assembly based on interaction between bit and rock [J]. Journal of Vibration and Shock, 2014, 33(17): 90—93.
[16] Kiani K. Longitudinally varying magnetic field influenced transverse vibration of embedded double-walled carbon nanotubes [J]. International Journal of Mechanical Sciences, 2014, 87(4) :179—199.
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Abstract: Considering the limitations of the static buckling theory on the eccentric wear between the sucker rod and the tube, a dynamic analysis method for the study of the transverse vibration of the sucker rod in the tube is proposed. Taking the axial distributed load and the dynamic load at the pump head, the dynamic model of the transverse vibration is established based on the buckling configuration of the rod string which is regarded as the deformation excitation during the down stroke. To solve the equation, the finite difference method is used to discretize the well depth and the Newmark method is used to discretize the time. Meanwhile, a restitution coefficient is introduced to build the collision condition, and the impact momentum is measured and taken as the collision strength. The result shows that the phenomenon of rod-tubing collision occurs mainly in the down stroke after the post buckling of the rod string, and the collision force, which distributed almost along the entire well depth, will increase gradually from the wellhead to the bottom. It also shows that the high frequency collision occurs below the neutral point where the collision force takes the largest value. Furthermore, the collision frequency and the collision force decrease successively along the direction from the neutral point to the wellhead. On the other hand during the up stroke, few collisions occur and the collision force is also very small. The simulation model is suitable for the eccentric wear analysis of rod-tubing and provides a new theoretical basis for the optimal allocation of the centralizer.
Key words: transverse vibration; sucker rod string; bucking deformation excitation; collision; simulation model
作者簡介: 孙秀荣(1984-),女,博士研究生。电话:13513343996;E-mail: sunxiurong84@163.com
通讯作者: 董世民(1962-),男,博士生导师,教授。电话:13833575208;E-mail: ysudshm@163.com