
摘 要: 采用大数据分析方法进行少年健康体育行为统计分析,指导少年体育训练管理,提出基于数据挖掘技术的少年健康体育行为建模分析方法。首先采用模糊决策方法构建体育行为特征的实体模型,结合支持向量机进行体育行为大数据信息挖掘,构建数据挖掘的统计决策目标函数;然后采用粒子群方法进行挖掘目标函数的参数寻优,实现对少年健康体育行为大数据准确挖掘和特征分析。仿真结果表明,采用该方法进行少年健康体育行为应用分析,使体育关联数据挖掘准确度较高,统计分析的可靠性较好。
关键词: 数据挖掘; 少年健康体育行为; 统计; 支持向量机; 模糊决策
中图分类号: TN911.1?34; TP391 文献标识码: A 文章编号: 1004?373X(2017)09?0112?03
Abstract: The big data analysis method is used to perform the statistical analysis of the juvenile healthy sports behavior, and guide the juvenile sports training and management. The data mining technology based modeling analysis method of juvenile healthy sports behavior is proposed. The fuzzy decision method is used to construct the entity model of the sports behavior characteristics. The support vector machine is combined to mine the big data information of the sports behavior, and construct the statistic decision objective function of data mining. The parameter optimization of the mining objective function is performed with particle swarm optimization method to mine the big data of the juvenile healthy sports behavior accurately, and analyze its characteristics. The simulation results show that the method to analyze the juvenile healthy sports behavior has high mining accuracy of sports associated data mining, and high reliability of statistical analysis.
Keywords: data mining; juvenile healthy sports behavior; statistics; support vector machine; fuzzy decision
0 引 言
1 实体模型构建
1.1 大数据信息拟合模型描述
3 实验测试分析
对少年健康体育行为特征数据库的大数据分析采样,分析少年健康体育行为统计特征,首先确定决策变量:体育运动季节的影响因素选定,其相应的变量定义为; 少年健康体育行为的教育重视度,定义为;少年健康体育行为的社会投入,定义为惯性权重为0.78,相关系数均方误差MSE=0.032 1,根据上述设定。
4 结 语
[1] 曾志, 王晋, 杜震洪,等.一种云格环境下可计算资源与服务高效调配机制[J].浙江大学学报(理学版),2014,41(3):353?357.
[2] 徐晓斌,张光卫,孙其博,等.一种误差可控传输均衡的WSN 数据融合算法[J].电子学报,2014,42(6):1205?1209.
[3] 罗亮,吴文峻,张飞.面向云计算数据中心的能耗建模方法[J].软件学报,2014,25(7):1371?1387.
[4] 赵志刚,张振文,张福刚.自适应扩展的简化粒子群优化算法[J].计算机工程与应用,2011,47(18):45?47.
[5] 劉杨,田学峰,詹志辉.粒子群优化算法惯量权重控制方法的研究[J].南京大学学报(自然科学版),2011,47(4):364?371.
[6] 方芳,程效军.海量散乱点云快速压缩算法[J].武汉大学学报(信息科学版),2013,38(11):1353?1357.
[7] MERNIK M, LIU S H, KARABOGA M D, et al. On clarifying misconceptions when comparing variants of the artificial bee colony algorithm by offering a new implementation [J]. Information sciences, 2015, 291(10): 115?127.
[8] HSIEH T J. A bacterial gene recombination algorithm for solving constrained optimization problems [J]. Applied mathematics and computation, 2014, 231(15): 187?204.
[9] KHALILI A, SAMI A. SysDetect: a systematic approach to critical state determination for industrial intrusion detection systems using Apriori algorithm [J]. Journal of process control, 2015, 32(11): 154?160.

摘 要: 采用大数据分析方法进行少年健康体育行为统计分析,指导少年体育训练管理,提出基于数据挖掘技术的少年健康体育行为建模分析方法。首先采用模糊决策方法构建体育行为特征的实体模型,结合支持向量机进行体育行为大数据信息挖掘,构建数据挖掘的统计决策目标函数;然后采用粒子群方法进行挖掘目标函数的参数寻优,实现对少年健康体育行为大数据准确挖掘和特征分析。仿真结果表明,采用该方法进行少年健康体育行为应用分析,使体育关联数据挖掘准确度较高,统计分析的可靠性较好。
关键词: 数据挖掘; 少年健康体育行为; 统计; 支持向量机; 模糊决策
中图分类号: TN911.1?34; TP391 文献标识码: A 文章编号: 1004?373X(2017)09?0112?03
Abstract: The big data analysis method is used to perform the statistical analysis of the juvenile healthy sports behavior, and guide the juvenile sports training and management. The data mining technology based modeling analysis method of juvenile healthy sports behavior is proposed. The fuzzy decision method is used to construct the entity model of the sports behavior characteristics. The support vector machine is combined to mine the big data information of the sports behavior, and construct the statistic decision objective function of data mining. The parameter optimization of the mining objective function is performed with particle swarm optimization method to mine the big data of the juvenile healthy sports behavior accurately, and analyze its characteristics. The simulation results show that the method to analyze the juvenile healthy sports behavior has high mining accuracy of sports associated data mining, and high reliability of statistical analysis.
Keywords: data mining; juvenile healthy sports behavior; statistics; support vector machine; fuzzy decision
0 引 言
1 实体模型构建
1.1 大数据信息拟合模型描述
3 实验测试分析
对少年健康体育行为特征数据库的大数据分析采样,分析少年健康体育行为统计特征,首先确定决策变量:体育运动季节的影响因素选定,其相应的变量定义为; 少年健康体育行为的教育重视度,定义为;少年健康体育行为的社会投入,定义为惯性权重为0.78,相关系数均方误差MSE=0.032 1,根据上述设定。
4 结 语
[1] 曾志, 王晋, 杜震洪,等.一种云格环境下可计算资源与服务高效调配机制[J].浙江大学学报(理学版),2014,41(3):353?357.
[2] 徐晓斌,张光卫,孙其博,等.一种误差可控传输均衡的WSN 数据融合算法[J].电子学报,2014,42(6):1205?1209.
[3] 罗亮,吴文峻,张飞.面向云计算数据中心的能耗建模方法[J].软件学报,2014,25(7):1371?1387.
[4] 赵志刚,张振文,张福刚.自适应扩展的简化粒子群优化算法[J].计算机工程与应用,2011,47(18):45?47.
[5] 劉杨,田学峰,詹志辉.粒子群优化算法惯量权重控制方法的研究[J].南京大学学报(自然科学版),2011,47(4):364?371.
[6] 方芳,程效军.海量散乱点云快速压缩算法[J].武汉大学学报(信息科学版),2013,38(11):1353?1357.
[7] MERNIK M, LIU S H, KARABOGA M D, et al. On clarifying misconceptions when comparing variants of the artificial bee colony algorithm by offering a new implementation [J]. Information sciences, 2015, 291(10): 115?127.
[8] HSIEH T J. A bacterial gene recombination algorithm for solving constrained optimization problems [J]. Applied mathematics and computation, 2014, 231(15): 187?204.
[9] KHALILI A, SAMI A. SysDetect: a systematic approach to critical state determination for industrial intrusion detection systems using Apriori algorithm [J]. Journal of process control, 2015, 32(11): 154?160.