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标题 旅游环境承载力研究综述

    杨秀平 翁钢民




    [摘 要]旅游环境承载力的研究对加强旅游目的地的管理、提升目的地相关主体的满意度、促进目的地可持续发展具有重要意义,旅游环境承载力问题的研究成为旅游管理领域的研究热点。文章从旅游环境承载力的概念、指标体系、计量模型、应用研究和管理工具等5个方面梳理了近年来国内外学者的研究,提出旅游环境承载力问题的研究方向和侧重点,指出:(1)针对旅游相关主体偏好的区间性特征、界定基于多主体需求的旅游环境承载力概念体系,从旅游环境承载力的供给指标与主体对旅游环境的需求要素角度构建指标体系;(2)提高旅游环境承载力计量模型的科学性与精确性,分析系统内部与系统之间的动态匹配机理、测度模型,模拟特定主体的行动轨迹与旅游环境承载力的波动轨迹;(3)结合时代特征,关注典型区域,并展开应用研究;(4)对旅游环境可持续承载进行优化,分析可持续承载“潜力”转化为可持续承载“实力”的系统性管理举措。





    Doi: 10.19765/j .cnki.1002-5006.2019.04.013

    引 言

    旅游承载力(tourism canying/bearing capacity)又被称为旅游容量,当今国内外学者关于此问题的研究多集中在旅游环境承载力、旅游环境容量方面[1],相关文章多发表在旅游、生态、环境、地理等主题的学术期刊,虽有学者质疑两者的差异,但多数学者坚持旅游环境容量与旅游环境承载力是同义语。20世纪60年代,旅游环境承载力问题受到学者的关注;20世纪90年代后,随着可持续发展理念研究的深入,旅游环境承载力相关问题逐渐成为旅游资源开发与规划领域研究的热点问题。旅游环境承载力相关问题的研究凭借其独特的理论与广阔的应用前景,阐释着“人一地”系统的相互作用机制以及人类活动产生的生态与环境效益。




    1 旅游环境承载力概念的研究



    2 旅游环境承载力指标体系的研究


    3 旅游环境承载力计量模型的研究




    4 旅游环境承载力的应用研究


    5 旅游环境承载力管理工具的研究

    因国情的差异,国内外管理工具的发展路径相差很大。国外学者呼吁制定国家法律保证管理工具作用的发挥,国内学者更多强调旅游目的地改进性的管理举措。国外常见的管理工具有可接受改变的极限理论(limits of acceptable change,LAC)、旅游者体验和资源保护理论(visitor experience andresource protection,VERP)、旅游者活动管理程序(visitor activities management process, VAMP)、旅游者影響管理(visitor impact management,VIM)、游憩机会谱系(recreation opportunity spectrum,ROS)、最优化旅游管理模型(tourism optimizationmanagement model,TOMM)等;针对国外学者提出的管理工具[63],张骁鸣进行了其适应范围的对比研究[64];Navarro提出应用较为广泛的驱动力一压力一状态一影响一响应模型(driving force-pressure- state-



    6 旅游环境承载力相关问题的研究展望






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    A Review of Studies on Tourism Environment Carrying Capacity

    YANG Xiuping1,2, WENG Gangmin2

    (1. School ofEconomy and Management. Lanzhou University of Technology. Lanzhou 730050, China;

    2. School ofEconomy and Management. Yanshan University. Qinhuangda0 066040, China)

    Abstract: In recent years, with the rapid development of tourism and the changes in tourism demandaround the world, the environmental problems created by that industry have attracted widespreadattention. In China, the concept of tourism environment carrying capacity has become an importantbasis for formulating tourism destination planning and development policies for the tourism industry.Evaluating tourism environment carrying capacity is of great significance in the following areas:improving management in tourism destinations; enhancing satisfaction among visitors with respect totourism destinations; and promoting the sustainable development of tourism destinations. Accordingly,studies about tourism environment carrying capacity have become an area of particular interest in thefield of tourism management. In this paper, we review studies by Chinese and overseas scholarsfocused on tourism environment carrying capacity that have been published in recent years. We do sowith respect to the following five areas: the concept of tourism environment carrying capacity itself; therelated index system; measurement models; empirical research findings; and management tools. In thisstudy, we were able to identify the achievements and shortcomings of previous research into tourismenvironment carrying capacity. We also made suggestions about possible future research directionsregarding tourism environmental carrying capacity. Several conclusions emerged from the presentstudy. (1) It is necessary to conduct a deep analysis of the concept and index system of tourismenvironment carrying capacity. In view of the interval characteristics of preferences among tourismstakeholders, we defined the concept of tourism environment carrying capacity based on stakeholders'demand characteristics concerning the tourism environment system. We constructed an index systemfor tourism environment carrying capacity by adopting the perspectives of both the supply and demandfor the tourism environment system among stakeholders according to specific geographic backgrounds.(2) To enrich the econometric model analysis of tourism environment carrying capacity towardachieving harmonious development of the tourism environment system, it is essential to undertake thefollowing: focus on cross- disciplinary research; improve the scientificity and accuracy of theeconometric model; analyze the dynamic matching mechanism of the supply and demand system forthe tourism environment; create a measurement model and optimization path between that system andrelated subsystems; and simulate the action track of specific actors (for example, tourists and residents)and the fluctuating track of tourism environment carrying capacity. (3) On the basis of dynamicsimulation and optimization of changes in tourism environment carrying capacity, it is necessary toanalyze the principles and laws of spatial symmetry and nonequilibrium or polarization. In specificregions, it is requisite to examine the influence of spatial and temporal order change on tourismenvironmental carrying capacity. An emphasis should be placed on empirical research into tourismenvironment carrying capacity in tourism destinations; such research should be time sensitive and covera number of regions. (4) This paper investigates the management tools for tourism environmentcarrying capacity. It demonstrates how that capacity can be optimized to achieve sustainabledevelopment of the tourism environment system under different scenarios. This study analyzes theresearch framework for systematic management measures toward achieving sustainable carrying capacity.

    Keywords: tourism environment carrying capacity; sustainable tourism; human-environment integration;tourism impact





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