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标题 不同pH条件下五倍子中β-PGG水解产物分析及其含量研究

    张艳娇 杨玲 向润清 黄宽 方山丹 范源 朱培芳







    【Abstract】Objective: To study and analyze the content changes and β-PGG hydrolysates of β-PGG, 3GG, GA and PA in different pH phosphate buffers.?Methods: The classic constant temperature method was used to investigate the hydrolysis of β-PGG, GA, and PA in different pH buffers (pH=2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, and 8).?The RP-HPLC method was used under the same chromatographic conditions.?Results: Under the same chromatographic conditions, it was found that β-PGG was decomposed into GA and a small amount of 3GG.?At the same time, the product analysis of GA in different buffer solutions was investigated and GA was found to generate a small amount of 3GG and PGG, and no PA decomposition was seen.?Conclusion: The content changes of β-PGG, GA and PA under different pH conditions reflect the influence of different pH on the hydrolysis reaction of β-PGG.?This experiment also find that β-PGG can be decomposed into GA and 3GG and GA under certain conditions can synthesize 3GG and β-PGG.?At present, the literature mostly reports the synthesis of β-PGG, and few research reports on its decomposition products and product content changes under different pH conditions.?This study helps to understand the chemical stability of β-PGG and the correlation of its decomposition products and can provide a reference for further research on the physical and chemical properties of β-PGG and the maintenance, storage, processing and clinical application of tannin Chinese medicine.

    【Key words】β-PGG, 1,3,6-Tri-O-galloylglucose, gallic acid, pyrogallic acid, pH buffer, hydrolysis reaction


    β-PGG是5个没食子酸与1个葡萄糖酯化反应的产物,在该反应过程中没食子酸(gallic acid,GA)与葡萄糖上的羟基结合,逐步生成二没食子酰葡萄糖、三没食子酰葡萄糖、四没食子酰葡萄糖和五没食子酰葡萄糖,其在pH值为5~6范围内较稳定,在pH值为7.0条件下分解[17]。β-PGG在酸、碱条件下水解过程与上述酯化过程相反,分解为1,3,6-Tri-O-galloylglucose(3GG),最终水解为GA。GA在五倍子、苏木、金缕梅、茶叶、橡树树皮和其他植物中大量存在,具有清除自由基的能力,是一种优良的抗氧化剂,具有广谱的治疗作用,包括抗肿瘤[18-19]、抗炎[20-21]、抗肥胖[22]、抗菌和抗糖尿病[23-27]等。目前其主要药用用途包括镇痛剂、收敛剂和抗菌药物,研究发现它和它的酯类衍生物可作为一种有价值的抗癌药物[28-29]。焦性没食子酸(Pyrogallol Acid,PA),又称邻苯三酚、焦醅酚、焦棓酸,是存在于许多植物果实中的天然多酚类化合物,其多应用于农药、合成医药、显影剂以及化学分析试剂等,是许多药物的有效成分和重要的抗氧化剂;GA经过化学法脱羧反应后得PA,也可利用生物法在没食子酸脱羧酶的作用下发生脱羧反应生成PA[30-31]。化学结构式见图1。




    1.2?仪器?Agilent 1200系列高效液相色谱仪(VWD 紫外检测器),美国安捷伦公司;FA1004N型1/1万电子分析天平,上海菁海仪器有限公司;YL-080ST型超声清洗机,深圳市语路清洗设备有限公司;酸度计,梅特勒-托利多仪器有限公司;数显恒温水浴锅,北京永光明医疗仪器厂。



    2.1.2?对照品溶液的制备?分别精密称取对照品β-PGG 2.3mg,3GG 2.2mg,GA 3.1mg,PA 2.6mg置于10mL容量瓶中,用甲醇溶解定容至刻度,摇匀,备用。


    2.1.4?色谱条件?色谱柱ZORBAX SB-C18柱(4.6×250mm,5μm);柱温25℃;检测波长280nm;流速1mL/min;进样量10μL;乙腈和0.1%磷酸梯度洗脱,洗脱程序见表1。

    2.1.5?测定不同pH条件下β-PGG、GA分解和或合成产物的含量变化?使用色谱柱ZORBAX SB-C18柱(4.6×250mm,5μm),按表4色谱条件,取2.2.1对照品分别2、4、6、8、10、12、14、16μL不同体积进样,以其峰面积(Y)对其标准品的质量(X)测得β-PGG、3GG、GA、PA的线性范围如表5所示,其精密度分别为1.14、1.14、1.54、1.53%;同时测定2.2.2供试品溶液的含量变化如表6所示。







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