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标题 硬膜外镇痛分娩中发生持续性枕后位的临床分析



    [摘要] 目的 观察分析硬膜外镇痛分娩中发生持续性枕后位临床情况(枕后位发生率、母婴解决以及临床分娩方式)。方法 方便选取该院在2017年1月—2019年2月收治的100例产妇,按照有无接受硬膜外镇痛分娩分为实验组(50例,接受硬膜外镇痛分娩)和对照组(50例,未接受硬膜外镇痛分娩)。采用统计学分析两组产妇的持续性枕后位发生率、母婴结局。 结果 实验组产妇的持续性枕后位发生率、第一产程催产素使用率、第二产程催产素使用率、产后平均出血量分别为12.00%、60.00%、32.00%、(200.02±100.15)mL,對照组分别为10.00%、30.00%、30.00%、(290.36±110.38)mL,两组产妇的持续性枕后位发生率、第二产程催产素比较差异无统计学意义(χ2=10.455、10.212,P>0.05),实验组产妇第一产程催产素使用率高于对照组(χ2=5.993,P<0.05),实验组产妇产后平均出血量显著少于对照组(t=18.326,P<0.05);实验组新生儿窒息率、胎儿窘迫率、新生儿出生体重分别为2.00%、2.00%、(3.26±0.21)kg,对照组分别为2.00%、2.00%、(3.30±0.14)kg,两组新生儿窒息率、胎儿窘迫率、新生儿出生体重比较差异无统计学意义(χ2=3.512、3.485、3.522,P>0.05);实验组产妇剖宫产发生率为62.00%,对照组为82.00%,实验组产妇剖宫产发生率显著低于对照组(χ2=3.554,P<0.05)。结论 硬膜外镇痛分娩可有效改善母婴结局。

    [关键词] 硬膜外镇痛;分娩;持续性枕后位;母婴结局

    [中图分类号] R5? ? ? ? ? [文献标识码] A? ? ? ? ? [文章编号] 1674-0742(2020)02(b)-0048-03

    Clinical Analysis of Persistent Occipital Posterior Position in Epidural Analgesia during Delivery

    LI Li-ping

    Department of Anesthesiology, Changsha Maternal and Child Health Hospital, Changsha, Hunan Province, 410007 China

    [Abstract] Objective To observe and analyze the clinical situation of persistent occipital posterior position in epidural analgesia delivery (incidence of occipital posterior position, maternal and infant solutions and clinical delivery mode). Methods A total of 100 parturients admitted to our hospital (from January 2017 to February 2019) were convenienty selected and divided into an experimental group (50 parturients who received epidural analgesia) and a control group (50 parturients who did not receive epidural analgesia). Statistics were used to analyze the incidence of persistent posterior occipital position and maternal and infant outcomes in the two groups. Results Experimental group the incidence of persistent pillow after a maternal, the first stages of oxytocin utilization, the second labor oxytocin average utilization rate, postpartum blood loss were 12.00%, 60.00%, 32.00%, (200.02±100.15)mL, the control group were 10.00%, 30.00%, 30.00%, (290.36±110.38)mL, two groups of maternal persistent pillow after the incidence, the second labor oxytocin is no statistical significance (x2=10.455, 10.212, P>0.05). The utilization rate of oxytocin in the first stage of labor in the experimental group was higher than that in the control group(χ2=5.993, P<0.05), and the average postpartum blood loss in the experimental group was significantly lower than that in the control group(t=18.326, P<0.05). The rates of neonatal asphyxia, fetal distress and neonatal birth weight in the experimental group were 2.00%, 2.00% and (3.26±0.21) kg, respectively, while those in the control group were 2.00%, 2.00% and (3.30±0.14) kg, respectively. There were no statistically significant differences in the rates of neonatal asphyxia, fetal distress and neonatal birth weight in the two groups(χ2=3.512, 3.485,3.522, P>0.05). The incidence of cesarean section was 62.00% in the experimental group and 82.00% in the control group. The incidence of cesarean section in the experimental group was significantly lower than that in the control group(χ2=3.554, P<0.05). Conclusion Epidural analgesia can improve maternal and infant outcomes.




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    [作者简介] 李利平(1986-),女,湖南长沙人,硕士,主治医师,研究方向:镇痛分娩,单肺通气。





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