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标题 三种方法检测肺炎支原体抗体的一致性分析

    李桦 肖鸽飞 张霞 胡嘉颖 王铭壑




    【摘要】 目的 探究吖啶酯化學发光法(CLIA)、酶联免疫吸附法(ELISA)和明胶颗粒凝集法(GPA)三种检测肺炎支原体(MP)抗体的一致性, 以确定临床使用以上方法进行筛查的可行性。方法 1404例疑似小儿肺炎支原体肺炎(MPP)患儿, 分别使用CLIA、ELISA和GPA三种方法检测其血清中MP抗体, 分析CLIA、ELISA和GPA检测结果的一致性。结果 CLIA与ELISA检测MP-IgG、MP-IgM抗体结果比较差异具有统计学意义(χ2=9.095、4.272, P<0.05)。CLIA与ELISA检测MP抗体结果比较差异具有统计学意义(χ2=18.712, P<0.05)。CLIA与GPA检测MP抗体的Kappa值=0.626, 总符合率为82.05%, 具有一致性。ELISA与GPA检测MP抗体结果比较差异具有统计学意义(χ2=48.463, P<0.05)。ELISA与GPA检测MP抗体的Kappa值=0.496, 总符合率为75.07%, 具有一致性。结论 采用CLIA、GPA和ELISA检测MP抗体诊断儿童MPP均有一定的价值, 三种方法具有一致性, 可用于早期MPP的检测。

    【关键词】 肺炎支原体;肺炎支原体肺炎;吖啶酯化学发光法;酶联免疫吸附法;明胶颗粒凝集法;一致性分析


    Consistency analysis of chemiluminescent immunoassay and gelatin particle agglutination test, enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay for detection of mycoplasma pneumoniae antibody? ?LI Hua, XIAO Ge-fei ZHANG Xia, et al. Department of Clinical Laboratory, Zhuhai Maternal and Child Health care Hospital, Zhuhai 519001, China

    【Abstract】 Objective? ?To investigate the consistency of chemiluminescent immunoassay (CLIA) and gelatin particle agglutination (GPA) test, enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) for detection of mycoplasma pneumoniae (MP) antibody, so as to determine the feasibility of the above methods for screening. Methods? ?1404 children suspected of mycoplasma pneumoniae pneumonia (MPP) were tested for MP antibody by three methods of CLIA, ELISA and GPA, and the consistency of CLIA, ELISA and GPA test results was analyzed. Results? ?The difference between CLIA and ELISA in detecting MP-IgG and MP-IgM antibodies is statistically significant (χ2=9.095, 4.272, P<0.05). The difference between CLIA and ELISA in detecting MP antibody is statistically significant (χ2=18.712, P<0.05). Kappa value of MP antibody detected by CLIA and GPA was 0.626, the total coincidence rate was 82.05% and had consistency. The difference between ELISA and GPA in detecting MP antibody is statistically significant (χ2=48.463, P<0.05). Kappa value of MP antibody detected by ELISA and GPA was 0.496, the total coincidence rate was 75.07% and had consistency. Conclusion? ?Application of CLIA, GPA and ELISA for detection of MP antibodies to diagnose MPP in children has certain value. The three methods are consistent and can be used for early MPP detection.

    【Key words】 Mycoplasma pneumoniae; Mycoplasma pneumoniae pneumonia; Chemiluminescent immunoassay; Enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay; Gelatin particle agglutination test; Consistency analysis

    目前, 对血清或分泌物的病原菌培养依旧是诊断MP感染的金标准, 但此种方法要求高并且具有时间滞后性, 难以应用于MPP的早期用药指导。GPA仍作为诊断MP近期感染或急性感染最常用的方法之一[11], 同时也具有较好的诊断效能, 2015年的儿童MPP诊治指南中提出>1∶160可以確诊为MPP[6]。但是, 自动化程度低, 更多的依赖于人工操作, 对于实验室的大规模普及带来极大困难。而ELISA具有较高的自动化程度, 并且较为简便经济, 但诊断效能较低[12, 13], 在检测过程当中会受温度、标本状态以及固相对抗体的影响等环节干扰, 有较多的假阳性结果出现。而本次研究结果显示CLIA与GPA的一致性大于ELISA, 并且极大的提高了自动化程度, CLIA检测肺炎支原体抗体时间上大大缩短, 首个结果从凝集法的3 h以上, 缩短至30 min, 能够有效减少检验报告时限, 为患者提供更好就诊体验[14]。

    综上所述, CLIA、ELISA、GPA阳性率符合流行病学, 有较好一致性。其中CLIA与GPA的检测具有更高的一致性, 可用于早期MPP的检测。


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