吴平 摘 要: 对式(1)的谱进行了研究,得到了谱的上界不等式。文中采用的分部积分、Rayleigh定理和不等式估计等数学方法。 关键词: 一类系统; 离散谱; 上界估计 中图分类号: O 175.9 文献标志码: A 文章编号: 1671-2153(2018)03-0096-04

 Abstract: This paper considers estimates for discrete spectrum of a system .The inequality of the upper bound of the (n+1)th eigenvalue is estimated from the first n eigenvalues by using integral, Reyleigh theorem and inequality estimation. The estimate coefficients do not depend on the measure of the domain in which the problem is concerned. Keywords: a system; discrete spectrum; upper bound; estimate (責任编辑:徐兴华) |