标题 | 无生命主语句让表达“语”众不同 |
范文 | 孙文经 人教版高中英语模块1中Unit 5有这样一个句子: The last thirty years have seen the greatest number of laws stopping our rights and progress, until today we have reached a stage where we have almost no rights at all. 过去30年来所出现的大量法律剥夺我们的权力,阻挡我们的进步,一直到今天,我们还处在几乎什么权力都没有的阶段。 这里,The last thirty years是无生命的名词,在句中直接充当主语。英语中,这种句子被称为无生命主语句。无生命主语句的主语是“赋予了生命的、具有人的意识特征的”主语,而这种主语之所以能被赋予生命、具有人的意识特征,是通过它与表示人的感觉、意识、情感或动作之类的动词谓语搭配使用实现的。 无生命主语句,是英语书面语中常见的一种典型句型,是一种极具英语民族特色的句式,主要是运用拟人或借代的修辞手法,使句子结构紧凑,语言新鲜活泼、精炼传神,增添文趣、形象性和可感性,可收到幽默、委婉、清新的艺术效果。让读者在阅读时有一种爽心悦目之感。 常用于无生命主语句的谓语动词有:see,find,witness,peer,keep,make,drive,prevent,enable,show, lead,come,reach,bring,show,tell,say,kill,greet,invite,kiss,seize,form,appear等表示感觉、意识、情感或动作之类的动词。 试比较下列句子: 1. 最近几个月发生了越来越多的交通事故。 a. More and more traffic accidents have happened in the last few months. b. The last few months has seen more and more traffic accidents. 2. 天气不好,大家都呆在屋里。 a. Everyone stayed indoor on account of the bad weather. b. The bad weather kept everyone indoors. 3. 看她的表情,大家就知道她心里的秘密。 a. Everyone knows the secret in his mind by his expression. b. His expression tells everyone the secret in his mind. 4. 上星期,我出差到上海。 a. I went to Shanghai on business last week. b. Business took me to Shanghai last week. 5. 太阳刚刚染红地平线。 a. The sun was just gently touching the horizon. b. The sun was just kissing the horizon. 6. 登上甲板,我们便见到了一轮红日。 a. We saw the morning sun as we came out on the deck. b. The morning sun greeted us as we came out on the deck. 7. 大雪造成北京多日的交通堵塞。 a. A heavy snow caused traffic blocks in Beijing for days. b. A heavy snow visited Beijing and caused traffic blocks for days. 以上例句中的谓语动词(黑体字)都是表示感觉、意识、情感或动作之类的动词,正是这类用于描写人的各类词语用于描写事物,赋予各种“物”以人类特有的言行或思想感情,拟人使无生命主语句更加具有感染力和生命性,使表现对象栩栩如生、活灵活现,并使其特征更为突出感人。 8. 对不起,我的钱不够,买不起这双鞋。 a. Sorry, I dont have enough money to buy such a pair of shoes.(I cant afford such a pair of shoes.) b. Sorry, my pocket cant afford such a pair of shoes. 9. 普雷斯利一登台,整个音乐厅爆发出一片欢呼声。 a. The minute Presley took the stage,the audiences in the museum hall burst into cheers. b. The minute Presley took the stage,the museum hall burst into cheers. 10. 老年人急需帮助。 a. Old people are in bad need of help. b. White hair is crying for help. 第8句的主语my pocket 实际上是指the money in my pocket;第9句中的主语the museum hall 是指 the audiences in the museum hall; 第10句中的white hair 是指old people,恰当地使用借代,可以突出本实物的特征,使语言新鲜,表达形象、生动。 总之,通过以上句子比较不难发现a句平铺直叙、呆板单调,而b句比a句更出彩,更富表现力,更能让读者眼前一亮。所以不管是在写作还是在说话中巧用无生命主语句会让你的表达“语”众不同。 即时练习 请翻译下列句子。 1. 这座老房子曾有过风光的日子。 2. 一个更好的计划开始在我脑子里形成。 3. 半秒钟的犹豫使他失去了第一的位置。 4. 他们相信很快就会有人来帮忙。 5. 清晨好些人在公园里锻炼身体。 6. 中华人民共和国成立于1949年10月1日。 7. 由于酒驾,今年道路交通事故大增。 8. 这些地区见证了经济和社会的持续发展。 9. 小汽车不知道往哪儿开。 10. 芝加哥队刚刚又获得了一个冠军。 参考答案: 1. This old house has seen better days. 2. A better plan began to form in my mind. 3. Half a seconds hesitation cost him the first place. 4. They felt sure that help would come very soon. 5. Morning found a lot of people doing sports in the park. 6. Oct 1,1949, saw/ witnessed the foundation of the Peoples Republic of China. 7. This year has seen a big increase in road accidents due to drunk driving. 8. These regions have witnessed continued economic and social development. 9. The car doesnt know where he is going. 10. Chicago has just won another Championship. (作者单位:广州市南武中学) 责任编校 蒋小青 |
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