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标题 七选五原创练习21篇




    Looking back I never thought at the time that we were poor. I always thought about trying to help those in the village that were poorer than we were. My mother, a cane(甘蔗)cutter, had all thirteen of us well educated. 1

    We would go to the cane fields to assist her to cut and bundle(捆)canes during our growing up ages until we could provide for ourselves. 2 At times we would go early in the morning long before sunrise to assist leaving the fields at dusk.

    Moya, my mother, would be paid for only the three tons per day even if we cut and loaded four tons or more. 3 So it could be 2x3 tons and we would be happy to get the extra money.

    4 We even had our own 5 acre field. Soon enough I was employed as an apprentice(實习的)worker and followed my mothers commitment to hard work and eventually ended up as a Chief Engineer at the sugar factory and focused on doing my best at all times.

    5 I was later given the opportunity(机会) to travel the world in the sugar industry as I was able to do good work that others required. Those years in the field were not child labor but the best learning opportunity I ever had in spite of the hard work. Thanks Moya ... I love you more for it.

    A. My mother pulled through it all.

    B. It was hard work under the burning sun.

    C. There were times she was allowed twice work.

    D. She sent all of us to school by her care and devotion.

    E. It was a sugar cane worker that worked in the sugarcane fields.

    F. I learned many lessons from the experience of helping my mother.

    G. During the planting season we would assist so we all learned to grow canes.

    (江苏洪泽中学 韩守会)


    Last summer, I went on a two-month trip to America to lead a childrens summer camp in Malibu, California, USA.

    The first week of camp was used as training for the staff.

    1 During this week we also did many bonding activities, the first of which was a six hour hike (徒步旅行) to the beach. As someone who usually avoids any form of exercise wherever possible, I was very nervous about doing such a long hike. 2 We arrived on the beach at about 5 oclock, and started to cook. This was probably my favourite part of the day, as the camp fires provided us with some warmth against the wind.

    3 I had to sleep in the same tent as my campers, sit with them at meal times, take them to activities, and keep them entertained throughout the day.

    The experience did have some low points. For example, we shared our tent with bats, racoons and mice and I was often woken up by animals at night. 4 I got to try many new things that I would never have got a chance to do like rock climbing and horse riding. 5 So I would strongly recommend Camp America to anyone who enjoys working with children, wants to try something different and is interested in travelling in America.

    A. However, I am so glad I went.

    B. The experience had positive aspects.

    C. To my surprise, the hike was a lot easier than I expected.

    D. Some of my friends went as far as New York after Camp America.

    E. We learnt about the problems campers might have, such as bed wetting.

    F. While I was working at camp, my job was to look after the campers all day.

    G. Another highlight was watching my campers growing independent on camp.

    (四川省內江市教科所 唐长贵)


    It is every kids worst nightmare (恶梦) and six-year-old Jaden Hayes has lived it -- twice. First he lost his dad when he was four and then last month his mom died unexpectedly in her sleep.

    “I tried and I tried and I tried to get her awake -- I couldnt,”said Jaden. 1 . But theres another side to his grief(悲伤). A side he first made public a few weeks ago when he told his aunt, and now guardian, Barbara DiCola, that he was sick and tired of seeing everyone sad all the time. 2 .

    “And that was the beginning of it,”said Barbara.“Thats where the adventure began.”

    3 and bring him to downtown Savannah, Georgia near where he lives, so he could give them away.

    “Im trying to make people smile,”said Jaden.

    4 . Hes gone out on four different occasions now and he is always successful. Even if sometimes he doesnt get exactly the reaction he was hoping for.

    Of course he is paid handsomely in hugs -- and his aunt says the reactions have done wonders for Jaden.

    “But Im still sad my mom died,”he said.

    This is by no means a fix, but in the smiles hes made so far -- nearly 500 at last count -- Jaden has clearly found a purpose.

    “Im counting on it to be 33,000,”said Jaden. 5 , he answered:“I think I can.”

    I think he just did.

    A. And he had a plan to fix it

    B. Jaden is understandably heartbroken

    C. Of course he is paid handsomely in hugs

    D. When asked if he thinks he can make that goal

    E. Jaden asked his aunt Barbara to buy a bunch of little toys

    F. And his aunt says the reactions have done wonders for Jaden

    G. Jaden targets people who arent already smiling and then turns their day around

    (广东省深圳市布吉高级中学 廖仕欢)


    A faithful dog is a wonderful companion. More and more Chinese families are getting pets now, and there are enormous benefits from having a pet in the family. It teaches youngsters responsibility. They need feeding, walking, brushing and if they get sick they need caring for. 1 . They are terrific company, give unconditional love, and stay faithful to the end.

    2 . My favourite pet was a little gray poodle(獅子狗)called Suzie. We got her from an SPCA home. She had long dirty hair, needed a bath and hair cut, but had such a beautiful face. I took her home, bathed her and clipped(修剪)all her hair back to appear the most lovable little dog.

    Poodles are very intelligent and she was too. 3 . She knew when my fathers car was coming down the road, and would run around madly barking then rush out to the front driveway and sit there waiting for him. 4 . As long as she had one of my shoes or slippers to cuddle(卷缩着睡)up to, she would stay there until we came back for her.

    5 before she got so sick that we had to put her down.

    A. She loves cars very much

    B. We could take Suzie anywhere

    C. My father once bought me a little dog

    D. She was my faithful companion for 13 years

    E. Our family had many pets over the years, mostly cats, dogs and birds

    F. She learned to recognize the sounds that different cars in our household made

    G. They can also be wonderful companions for an only child in a Chinese household

    (广东省新会梁启超纪念中学 唐金妹)



    I remember the holidays we used to have as young children. Dad insisted that February always had the best weather, so we always missed the first two weeks of school to have our holiday at the beach. 1 apart from one or two days of rain. Our favorite sport is fishing.

    2 . It was white canvas(帆布), heavy and old. We also borrowed the camp stretchers(撑具). We took the old dinner plates from home.

    These were the days when petrol cost about 3 shillings and sixpence for a gallon. 3 . But for our holidays my sister and I were given one pound each an absolute fortune. Today it is equal to $2.00, probably not enough for one ice-cream.

    We usually shared our holidays with several other families, the sort of lifelong friends that families have, so my sister and I had other playmates. 4 . These were carefree days of safety, when children could play on the beach and our parents knew no-one would harm us. The beach was very safe for swimming, but we knew we were not allowed to go swimming without a parent being there.

    5 . Every evening he would be on the beach with his huge long rod(杆). During the daytime he would take us rock climbing and oyster(牡蛎)gathering on the rocks, where rock oysters were plentiful.

    A. He was right too

    B. Dad loved fishing

    C. The weather was fantastic

    D. It often rained during those days

    E. We borrowed a tent from Uncle Harold

    F. We didnt get much pocket money during the year

    G. We went to a beach called Ohope beach, in the Bay of Plenty, New Zealand

    (廣东省新会梁启超纪念中学 唐金妹)


    By the end of the 15th century many things were changing in Europe. A new class of merchants came up. They wanted to buy and sell expensive and valuable products from Asia, like gold, jewels and silk. In those days, people had no refrigerators to preserve their food. 1 To make food taste better they used spices(调味品), like pepper.

    2 But in the 15th century the overland passageways were being controlled by the Turkish Empire, which made it even more difficult for European merchants to pass through. As a result, some European countries, like Spain and Portugal, decided to find out if there was a sea passageway to India.

    At the end of the 15th century the Portuguese started to explore the west coast of Africa. 3 In 1487, the Portuguese explorer Bartholomeu Dias sailed around the southern part of the continent and got as far as the east coast of Africa, but a storm made him turn back. 4 The Portuguese named it the Cape of Good Hope because they were hopeful of finding a passageway to India. In 1497, Vasco Da Gama set out from Lisbon, sailed around the Cape of Good Hope and into the Indian Ocean. 5 He took some spices and gold back with him to prove that he had reached India.

    A. They began collecting gold and silver.

    B. They dried meat to make it last longer.

    C. He reached the west coast of India the next year.

    D. On his return voyage, he saw some land stretching out into the sea.

    E. With the help of advanced ships, they started the Age of Exploration.

    F. For centuries Europeans brought them on a land passageway from Asia.

    G. They believed by sailing around it they would find a passageway to India.

    (四川省内江市教科所 唐长贵)


    Last year, my family and I moved from our home in Virginia to a snowy corner of the world in northwestern Pennsylvania.

    1 Well, here what Id like to focus on is that it was even harder to say goodbye to the close friends in Virginia. Both my husband and I have stayed close with our friends from Virginia. But the way weve done that has been notably different.

    2 The following are its main ideas. Men need to hang out together in person, preferably bonding over an activity, to stay connected. Thats where men watching sports or playing video games together comes from. 3 Women, on the other hand, can stay in touch via phone calls, emails — or as in my case — even texts.

    “Its a very striking sex difference,”Robin Dunbar, the lead professor of the study,told The Guardian. But heres one similarity that Dunbar did find between men and women: the long-distance friendships that stayed strong were the ones in which friends made an effort to keep the connection alive.

    4 For men, it meant making an effort to get together.

    5 However, no matter what gender(性別)you are, the only way to keep those friendships going strong is to put forth the effort to stay close and connected.

    A. It was hard to leave behind that Virginia weather.

    B. Mens and womens friendships work differently.

    C. For them, out-of-sight generally means out-of-mind.

    D. For women, that meant reaching out with frequent phone calls.

    E. We stay in touch with our friends after moving out of Virginia.

    F. Men and women may maintain friendships in totally different ways.

    G. A study has found men and women have different ways of staying connected.

    (四川省内江市教科所 唐长贵)


    “Have confidence!”is one of the most important pieces of advice youll receive in life. 1 You also know the advantages they get. Its something worth imitating(模仿).

    Generally, confidence is to know what youre good at and the value you provide. 2 Why does this definition matter? The reason is that if you want to raise your confidence to a level that helps you, its important to know what youre aiming for. Blindly thinking positive wont necessarily help, and its possible to go too far. In some cases, the latter is referred to as the Dunning-Kruger effect(效应). 3 Over-confident people will display(表现出)more confidence than their skill level deserves.

    4 A study showed that giving men some perfume improved their confidence enough to be rated as visibly more attractive in photographs. Similarly, researchers at Webster University found something as simple as a confident, warm smile from a woman was enough to catch the attention of a potential date.

    The importance of confidence in romantic(浪漫的) relationships doesnt end at the dating stage, either. A research showed that men in particular can have a tendency to feel worse about themselves when their partner has a higher level of success.

    5 But rather that, in those situations, men must work harder on improving their own confidence level.

    A. You know confidence is the key to success.

    B. You know what confident people look like.

    C. Of course, it doesnt mean that women should succeed less.

    D. Namely, its when someone overestimates(高估)their own abilities.

    E. Confidence can be more important than physical attractiveness.

    F. Its a feeling that you are sure about your abilities, qualities or ideas.

    G. Improving your own self-confidence in real world has many benefits.

    (廣东省佛山市南海区西樵镇南海执信中学 雷霜)


    Being a teenager isnt easy. Teens can be put under great stress in school, at home, and with friends. But as teenagers, you will always need to be responsible for yourselves. 1 . Being a responsible teenager is all about finding who you are and following a couple of simple rules.

    Focus on your schoolwork. You may find high school boring and frustrating(使人沮丧的), but how you do in high school can shape the rest of your life. 2 , you must do well in high school and earn high grades. Even if youre not planning on going to college, high school can teach you about responsibility, time management, and the importance of hard work - all lessons that apply to adult life outside of school.

    Be honest with your parents. Every parent wants whats best for their kids. Believe it or not, your parents were also kids, once upon a time. 3 . Being honest with your parents will give them feedback about whats working and what isnt, and it will help you communicate better.

    4 Whether the money you earn comes from doing housework for your parents or working a part-time job, its important to learn responsible spending/saving habits early on in life. Spending responsibly and starting a savings account in your teenage years can help prepare you for a more stable and secure adulthood.

    Find positive, responsible role models. Experts on adolescent development have found that having a good, positive role model from an early age can help teenagers be more responsible as adolescents and adults. 5 , youre less likely to make bad decisions if you have a strong role model in your life.

    A. Spend money responsibly

    B. If you are planning on going to college

    C. Its a bad habit to spend money at random

    D. Even if you go through a rebellious(叛逆)stage

    E. So they definitely know what you are going through

    F. If you behave responsibly, you will be able to find help in lots of different places.

    G. Parents appreciate it when you take some time to tell them whats going on in your life.

    (广东省佛山市南海执信中学 黄欣欣)


    Communication is important for strong family relationships. However, if you dont truly listen to others, it can be difficult to communicate. Working on your listening skills can help you communicate better and form stronger bonds. 1

    2 When you listen to a family member, its important to try hard to be focused to make your family member feel heard and valued. If you feel your mind wandering, return your thoughts to the speakers words.

    Focus on the speakers words and not what youll say next.When talking to someone, you often are focusing on what youre going to say next. If youre, for example, discussing a family problem or disagreement, you may be eager to share your thoughts. 3 Focus only on the speaker and their thoughts and opinions on the matter.

    4 Its okay to accept a pause. A couple of seconds of silence in a conversation is not a bad thing, and allows the speaker a chance to fully express themselves. Instead of immediately making your response, pause for a moment after the speaker finishes talking. This will allow you to make sure theyre completely finished talking.

    5 If theres anything the speaker said you did not understand, ask. When someone finishes talking, ask for further understanding if necessary. This will show you are truly listening to your family member and value their views.

    A. Make sure to listen actively.

    B. Ask questions for further understanding.

    C. Do not let your mind wander to other things.

    D. Its never a good idea to listen with judgment.

    E. However, you cant solve another persons problems.

    F. Make sure the speaker has finished talking before you talk.

    G. However, do not think about how you feel or wish to respond.

    (廣东省深圳市新安中学 雷康成)


    One of the best things you can do for your body is exercise. Not everyone agrees on exactly how much people should exercise each day. 1 Others hold that doing heavy exercise every day such as running is good. One thing experts do agree on is that any kind of exercise is good for you.

    2 Foods like vegetables and fruits should be eaten several times each day. It is also important to eat foods high in fiber such as beans, grains, fruit and vegetables. Fiber helps your body to digest the food you eat. Avoiding foods with a lot of sugar, salt and fat is a good idea. 3





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