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标题 基于情境的高中英语词汇教学





    1. 引言




    2. 基于情境的词汇教学课例

    本课例选用的是人教版高中英语教材必修4 Unit 1 Reading A Student of African Wildlife出现的核心词汇。

    Step 1 A morning report about Jane Goodall.


    Step 2 Vocabulary learning

    Situation 1

    Guess the meaning of “childhood” and think of other words with “-hood”.

    childhood n. the period of time when someone is a child

    boyhood, girlhood, adulthood, neighborhood


    Situation 2

    Match the different meanings of “bond”.

    (1) We signed a formal bond with them.

    (2) My mum bought a lot of government bonds.

    (3) The experience in the forest formed a close bond between David and me.

    (4) You need to bond wood to metal.

    A. close connection

    B. written promise that has legal force

    C. join two things together

    D. money has been lent to a government and will be paid back with interest


    Situation 3

    Guess the meaning of “behave”.

    When chimps feel happy, they behave well.

    When chimps feel unhappy, they behave badly.

    Situation 4

    Eating up is good behaviour.


    Wasting food is bad behaviour.

    3. Discuss in groups:

    At school, __________________ is good behaviour.

    At school, __________________ is bad behaviour.


    Situation 5

    1. Match different meanings of “observe”.

    (1) As students, we must observe the school rules.

    (2) We are going to observe Dragon Boat Festival.

    (3) Before an experiment, students should observe the teacher doing it carefully.

    A. obey (rules, laws, etc.)

    B. watch carefully

    C. celebrate

    2. Multiple choice

    (1) We must _______ the laws, or we shall be punished.

    A. break B. watch

    C. observe D. fall

    (2) In the park, I observed him _______ in a chair, reading a book.

    A. sat B. was sitting

    C. to sit D. sitting


    Situation 6

    Fill in the blanks with behave, behaviour and observe.

    Parents should _______ the traffic rules, because their good _______ can tell children how to _______ well.


    Situation 7

    1. Guess the different meanings of “shade”.

    In summer, people usually rest in the shade of the big tree, because it can shade the sunshine for them.

    2. Fill in the blank with a word.

    One generation plants the trees in whose _______ another generation rests, which is worth respecting.

    Translate it into Chinese.


    Situation 8

    1. 九寨沟值得一游。

    Jiuzhaigou is worth visiting.

    It is worthwhile visiting Jiuzhaigou.

    It is worthwhile to visit Jiuzhaigou.

    2. Multiple choice

    This famous novel written by Mo Yan is well worth _______, and I think it is worthwhile _______.

    A. to read; translating

    B. reading; to translate

    C. being read; to be translated

    D. to be read; of being translated

    Situation 9

    Choose one picture and make up sentences in form of “be worth doing”, “It is worthwhile doing ...” and “It is worthwhile to do ...”


    Step 3 Consolidation

    Situation 10

    Enjoy a piece of video. Then fill in the blanks with the new words.

    In my _______, I _______ so badly that I always made my parents angry. When I grow up, I _______ that my parents are becoming old and realize the strong _______ between my family and me. Now I should _______ them from the difficulty of life. What my parents and I do is _______ because we are a family.


    Step 4 Homework

    (1) Retell the text by filling in the blanks with the new words.

    (2) Make up a short story with the new words.


    3. 结语


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