标题 | 基于情境的高中英语词汇教学 |
范文 | 秦文晶 1. 引言 《普通高中英語课程标准(实验)》中八级词汇知识目标之一为:学会使用3300个左右的单词和400-500个习惯用语或词语搭配(教育部,2003)。词汇是语言三要素之一,它维系着语音和语法,是构筑语言结构和意义的基本单位。没有语法,表达甚微;没有词汇,表达为零(Wilkins,1972)。由此可见词汇教学的重要性。 教材中的词汇通常可分为两个层次:第一层是核心词汇;第二层是非核心词汇即认知词汇。对于认知词汇,学生会认读,了解其词义、词性即可;而对于核心词汇则要求学生不但能在听和读的过程中感知词语形式并提取其意义,还要求在说和谐的活动中有能力输出这些词汇(葛庆波,2012)。因此,词汇教学的重点要放在核心词汇上。 在词汇教学领域,很多专家和教师都提出过有效的方法,如任务型词汇教学法、话题词汇教学法、游戏竞赛法、自主探究法、归类记忆法和例句记忆法等(魏恒健,2007)。而实际上词汇教学大都形式单一,“领读——跟读——讲解——背诵——听写”,词汇学习枯燥无味,事倍功半。只有高度化的语境才能充分展示词汇的语义、句法和搭配特征等深度知识(张文忠、吴旭东,2003)。因此,教师应当创设语境进行词汇教学。 2. 基于情境的词汇教学课例 本课例选用的是人教版高中英语教材必修4 Unit 1 Reading A Student of African Wildlife出现的核心词汇。 Step 1 A morning report about Jane Goodall. 【设计说明】课文大意能使学生接触到熟悉的语境,快速进入学习状态。 Step 2 Vocabulary learning Situation 1 Guess the meaning of “childhood” and think of other words with “-hood”. childhood n. the period of time when someone is a child boyhood, girlhood, adulthood, neighborhood 【设计说明】根据语境判断childhood的含义,再说出几个同根词的意思。 Situation 2 Match the different meanings of “bond”. (1) We signed a formal bond with them. (2) My mum bought a lot of government bonds. (3) The experience in the forest formed a close bond between David and me. (4) You need to bond wood to metal. A. close connection B. written promise that has legal force C. join two things together D. money has been lent to a government and will be paid back with interest 【设计说明】词义推断作为基于语境的词汇认知处理方式,有利于学生对特定语篇语境中生词的相关信息进行深加工,从而促进其对词汇的理解、记忆和提取(刘炜,2011)。 Situation 3 Guess the meaning of “behave”. When chimps feel happy, they behave well. When chimps feel unhappy, they behave badly. Situation 4 Eating up is good behaviour. 汉译英:浪费食物是不好的行为。 Wasting food is bad behaviour. 3. Discuss in groups: At school, __________________ is good behaviour. At school, __________________ is bad behaviour. 【设计说明】用图片创设贴近学生生活的情境能够激发学习兴趣。同时向学生灌输正确的价值观。 Situation 5 1. Match different meanings of “observe”. (1) As students, we must observe the school rules. (2) We are going to observe Dragon Boat Festival. (3) Before an experiment, students should observe the teacher doing it carefully. A. obey (rules, laws, etc.) B. watch carefully C. celebrate 2. Multiple choice (1) We must _______ the laws, or we shall be punished. A. break B. watch C. observe D. fall (2) In the park, I observed him _______ in a chair, reading a book. A. sat B. was sitting C. to sit D. sitting 【设计说明】本环节3句话内容都是和学生真实生活相关的,因此学生不难找出匹配的答案。活动2介绍了新词用法。 Situation 6 Fill in the blanks with behave, behaviour and observe. Parents should _______ the traffic rules, because their good _______ can tell children how to _______ well. 【設计说明】再次考查了3个新词的用法,并对学生进行交通安全教育。 Situation 7 1. Guess the different meanings of “shade”. In summer, people usually rest in the shade of the big tree, because it can shade the sunshine for them. 2. Fill in the blank with a word. One generation plants the trees in whose _______ another generation rests, which is worth respecting. Translate it into Chinese. 【设计说明】图片1反映了新校区没有遮阳之处,而图片3人们可以在树荫下乘凉,这要感谢图片2中的植树者。英译汉的句意正是“前人栽树后人乘凉”,并引出单词worth。 Situation 8 1. 九寨沟值得一游。 Jiuzhaigou is worth visiting. It is worthwhile visiting Jiuzhaigou. It is worthwhile to visit Jiuzhaigou. 2. Multiple choice This famous novel written by Mo Yan is well worth _______, and I think it is worthwhile _______. A. to read; translating B. reading; to translate C. being read; to be translated D. to be read; of being translated Situation 9 Choose one picture and make up sentences in form of “be worth doing”, “It is worthwhile doing ...” and “It is worthwhile to do ...” 【设计说明】对于刚学过的词汇,加深记忆的最好的办法是在表达中运用,学用结合永远是复习与巩固所学知识的最佳途径(文秋芳,2003)。 Step 3 Consolidation Situation 10 Enjoy a piece of video. Then fill in the blanks with the new words. In my _______, I _______ so badly that I always made my parents angry. When I grow up, I _______ that my parents are becoming old and realize the strong _______ between my family and me. Now I should _______ them from the difficulty of life. What my parents and I do is _______ because we are a family. 【设计说明】公益视频“爱的表达式”让学生感念父母的伟大,从而学会关爱父母。再以篇章的形式回顾视频内容并用本节课所学词汇填空。 Step 4 Homework (1) Retell the text by filling in the blanks with the new words. (2) Make up a short story with the new words. 【设计说明】分层作业:用所学新词填空复述课文;运用新词写篇短文,充满了趣味性和挑战性。 3. 结语 基于核心素养的词汇教学应以语境为依托,使词汇学习和运用自然渗透到学习过程之中。本节课词汇教学目标清晰,词汇处理语境化,不同活动场景的衔接自然。大量的输入保证了高质量的输出。练习的设计有梯度,有利于学生语言综合运用能力的提高。德育教育也贯穿始终。 [1] 黄跃辉. 基于“接受”和“产出”特征分析的词汇教学研究[J]. 中学外语教与学, 2017(07). [2] 教育部. 普通高中英语课程标准(实验)[M]. 北京:人民教育出版社, 2003. [3] Wilkins, D. A. Linguistics in Language Teaching[M]. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 1972. [4] 葛庆波. 探索高中英语阅读课中的有效词汇教学[J]. 英语广场, 2012(03). [5] 魏恒健. 新课程理念下的英语词汇教学[J]. 中小学外语教学(中学篇), 2007(02). [6] 张文忠, 吴旭东. 课堂环境下二语词汇能力发展的认知心理模式[J]. 现代外语, 2003(04). [7] 刘炜. 中国高中生英语语境猜词策略使用透视:现状描述与归因分析[J]. 中小学英语教学与研究, 2011(12). [8] 文秋芳. 英语学习的成功之路[M]. 上海:上海外语教育出版社, 2003. (作者单位:广西南宁市第八中学) |
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