标题 | 注入式教学法教学设计 |
范文 | 【摘要】注入式教學法是培养批判性思维能力的四种方法之一。本文首先对注入式教学法进行概念解释,紧接着介绍了它的基本框架和设计依据,最后以人教版第一单元中的阅读“Friendship”为例对注入式教学法的教学设计和步骤进行了详细说明,期望为高中阶段的课程学习与批判性思维培养有机融合提供参考。 【关键词】注入式教学法;教学设计 【作者简介】高艳,延安大学。 一、注入式教学法概念 1994年由斯沃茨(Swartz)和帕克斯(Parks)共同提出这一教学方法。斯沃茨(Swartz)和帕克斯(Parks)认为“注入”指的是把批判性思维嵌入学科内容教学,即确保批判性思维原则和标准被明确展现出来。Swartz等提出注入式教学法的基本原理的三个主要原则:1.越是明确的批判性思维原则教学,对学生的影响越大;2.课堂教学越是包含一种关怀气氛,就越有利于让学生重视好思维;3.思维教学越是与内容教学相结合,学生就越多地思考所学的东西。 二、注入式教学法步骤 导入:教师首先在阅读课的第一课时向学生清楚地介绍本单元阅读课的内容目标,学生可以清楚地了解到这节课即将学到什么以及学完这篇阅读后要达到的目标要求;接着教师还要介绍阅读中即将学到的批判性思维技能,批判性思维技能的核心技能主要有解释、分析、评估、推论、说明、自校准,教师在进行内容教学的时候要给学生解释清楚并在课程中反复地练习;然后向学生表明为什么这类思维是最重要的,帮助他们将这种重要性与他们自己的经验练习起来。 积极思考:将解释、分析、评估、推论、说明、自校准这六种批判性思维技能在不同背景的课程中反复练习和强化,借助于语言提示、图形、苏格拉底式提问或批判性问题。 对思维的思考:这是注入式教学法的元认知部分。老师提出一些反省性问题,帮助学生拉开他们与他们正在思考的东西之间的距离,以便他们能开始注意他们在如何思考。元认知涉及三个主要问题:你所进行的是何类思维?你是如何完成的?这是从事这类思维的一个有效方式吗? 应用思维:老师给学生提供更多机会使他们能够将思维技能应用于类似和不同的内容,以促进他们对知识的迁移。关于迁移活动有两个大的范畴,它们分别是紧随课堂内容的正迁移或负迁移活动。近迁移:将该过程应用于同一类或类似于注入式教学法阅读课程的内容。在这个过程中,减少教师对思维的提示。远迁移:学生可以运用思维技能学习其他课程,解决生活中的一些问题。 评估:教师要检查学生对思维技能或过程是否有效使用,可以用写作、周记或口头作业的方式进行评估。 三、教学案例 Title:Unit1 Friendship Textbook:People Education Press Senior High School English Compulsory1 Grade:Senior high school students,Grade1 Introduction to Content and Thinking Skill/Process Content:This passage consists two parts.One part is leading the topic, introducing Annes best friend is a diary and the reason why her kept her diary as her best friend .The diary part mainly talks about Annes long-term hiding in the house and she has a great interest and desire for nature, expressing her desire to be close to nature. Through the learning of this lesson, students are supposed to learn the structure of diary and how to write a diary;to learn words,expressions,special sentence patterns and rhetorical devices. Thinking skill/process:The core skills of critical thinking:interpretation, analysis,explanation, evaluation,inference,self-regulation are infused and practiced in the course of learning. Methods and Materials Content:individual work,pair work,group work,teachers instruction;The text, Annes Best Friend video,pictures and references related to this story Thinking skill/process:prompts,graphic organizers,mind-mapping,brainstorm Thinking Actively (1)Paraphrase the difficult sentences in the text.(Interpretation)(2)Analyze the consistent elements of the diary.(Analysis)①Introducing the four elements of the diary to help students identify and analyze the diary②Prompting students to find reasons and conclusions by figure and questions.(explanation and reasoning)a.What happened during World War Ⅱfor Anne and her family?b.Why she kept her diary as her best friend?c.Why do you think her feelings changed towards nature?d.Why did Anne no longer just like looking at nature out of the window? (3)This passage reveals some facts that the war and the murder of the Nazis during World War Ⅱ,and it also expresses the pursuit and desire for peace and nature.So whats your feelings and thoughts after you read the passage,such as whats your opinion about friendship and what qualities do you think a good friend should have?Does this passage benefit you in improving your own thinking and writing?(self-regulation) Thinking about Thinking What thinking skills are used in your work?Are they effective to help you accomplish the tasks?In what way are they effective? Applying thinking Step1: Play a film to tell the students about the life and encounters of Jews during World War II. Choosing “Pianist”.Let the students understand the historical background of the unit text Experience the psychology and emotions of the protagonist in a particular environment at the time;Step 2: Group activities. Students express their personal opinions and opinions on the film clips they enjoy. Teachers rejected in this unit when students express their personal opinions;Step 3: The teacher evaluates the students discussion and results. Assessing Homework:Write a composition about your friend. 參考文献: [1]Swartz.R.J.,&Parks,S.(1994).Infusing the teaching of critical and creative thinking into content instruction.Pacific Grove:Critical Thinking Press&Software. [2]Swartz.R.J.,&Sandra Parks,1994,P24. |
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