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标题 多角度、多层次解读阅读语篇


    摘 要:为了有效地开展试卷讲评课,教师在讲评课上可采用支架式教学和合作学习的方式,帮助学生多角度、多层次地解读语篇的语言和文脉。本文结合高三英语模拟考试中的完形填空题型,探讨如何开展高效、深入的试卷讲评教学。



    《普通高中英语课程标准(2017年版)》(以下简称《课标》)指出,完整的教学活动包括教、学、评三方面,教师应处理好教和学之间的关系,推动教、学、评一体化实施(中华人民共和国教育部,2018)。这里的“评”,不仅仅指测试这样的教学评价,也包括测试过后的评讲和反馈。《课标》还指出,在评价活动中,教师的提问和反馈也是重要的评价手段,教师应深度挖掘语篇意义和文脉,同时“反馈要关注师生、生生有意义的互动,促进学生高层次思维和文化意识的发展。”(中华人民共和国教育部,2018)由此可见,试卷讲评课不是对标准答案的复读和解释,不是对知识点讲解的集合, 更不应是教师单方面的展示和灌输。



    1. 语篇分析


    2. 学情分析


    3. 课前学习活动

    课前,教师选定天文学知识丰富的学生A分享与本课相关的天文学知识,教师在A准备的过程中给予个别指导,以便其合理地处理相关词汇和背景知识。课上,学生通过A的分享,了解了有关月尘的基础知识,并习得了天文学中的常见词汇及短语,例如:月尘(lunar dust)、太空舱(capsule)、航天飞机(space shuttle)、近地轨道(low Earth orbit)、绕地球飞行(orbit the earth)、太阳能电池板(solar panel)、月球车(lunar rover)、碰撞(collide)和探测器(probe)等。活动目标


    1. 借助思维导图提取语篇中的重要信息,理解段落逻辑和文脉结构。

    2. 借助多元任务单强化对长难句的分析,并获得定位关键信息的学习经验。

    3. 借助思维导图完成给本语篇写梗概的任务。活动过程


    Task 1:语篇文脉梳理







    Task 2:语篇难点理解



    ● 锁定题目线索:在学生出错较多的题目方面,帮助学生锁定相关线索。

    ● 标明指代:在文中的名词和代词的具体指代方面,帮助学生准确定位重点信息。

    ● 语法填空:在长难句切分和理解方面,帮助学生深入分析长难句中的主从句关系和动词之间的关系。







    ① Its formed when shooting stars crash on the moons surface, heating its rocks and dirt and reducing them to fine particles. (make them small until they are like powder)

    ② The dust not only coats the moons surface, but floats up to sixty miles above it... (cover)


    ① Since theres no wind or water to smooth _______ (soft/ hard/ rough/ flat) edges, the tiny grains are sharp and uneven, and cling to nearly everything.(rough对应smooth和uneven)

    ② In the 1960s, the Surveyor probes filmed a glowing cloud floating just above the lunar surface during sunrise. Later, Apollo 17 astronaut Gene Cernan, while orbiting the moon, recorded a a. _______ (strange/ similar/ common/ different) phenomenon at the sharp line where lunar day meets night. Cernan sketched a series of pictures illustrating the changing scene; streams of particles b. _______ (get under/ lay on /popped off /fell to) the ground and hovered.

    a. 两个例证都论证了月尘飘浮在空中,第一个例证中的“floating”对应第二个例证中的“hovered”,都表示飘浮,为类比,答案为“similar”。

    b. 同理,因为是从地面“飘起”,所以选择“popped off”。


    Since theres no wind or water to smooth rough edges, the tiny grains are sharp and uneven, and cling to nearly everything.

    “The intruding nature of lunar dust represents a more challenging engineering design issue, as well as a health issue for settlers, ...”

    “tiny grains”指代“lunar dust”,“intruding nature”指代上文的“cling to nearly everything”。


    When Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin returned from the moon, their cargo a. _______ (include) nearly fifty pounds of rock and soil, b. _______ were packed in an aluminum box with seals c. _______ (design) to maintain the lunar surfaces low-pressure environment. d._______ back at Johnson Space Center, in Houston, scientists discovered that the seals e. ________ (destroy)—by moon dust. Lunar dust is fine, like a powder, f.________ it cuts like glass.


    b.“which”,定语从句修饰“rock and soil”。


    d. “But”,表示“本来要好好保存,却全部被破坏了”,表转折。

    e.“had been destroyed”,宾语从句中的谓语动词。


    Task 3:梗概写作和同主题延伸阅读(课后学习活动)


    “The intruding ___6___ of lunar dust represents a more challenging engineering design issue, as well as a(n) ___7___ issue for settlers, than does radiation,” wrote Harrison Schmitt, an Apollo 17 astronaut, in his 2006 book, Return to the Moon. The dust damaged spacesuits and ate away layers of moon boots. Over the ___8___ of six Apollo missions, not one rock box ___9___ its vacuum seal. Dust followed the astronauts back into their ships, too. According to Schmitt, it smelled like gunpowder and made breathing difficult. No one knows precisely what the extremely small particles do to human lungs.

    The dust not only ___10___ the moons surface, but floats up to sixty miles above it—as an outer part of its atmosphere, where particles are bound to the moon by gravity, but are so thin that they ___11___ collide. In the 1960s, the Surveyor probes filmed a glowing cloud floating just above the lunar surface during sunrise. Later, Apollo 17 astronaut Gene Cernan, while orbiting the moon, recorded a ___12___ phenomenon at the sharp line where lunar day meets night. Cernan sketched a series of pictures___13___ the changing scene; streams of particles ___14___ the ground and hovered, and the resulting cloud came into sharper focus as the astronauts orbiter approached daylight. ___15___ theres no wind to form and sustain the clouds, their origin is something of a mystery. Its presumed that theyre made of dust, but no one fully understands how or why they do their thing.

    1. A. solar B. lunar C. dusty D. mysterious

    2. A. destroyed B. survived C. changed D. redesigned

    3. A. because B. however C. but D. so

    4. A. adapting B. reducing C. tailoring D. shaping

    5. A. soft B. hard C. rough D. flat

    6. A. nature B. speed C. degree D. troops

    7. A. intelligence B. health C. fund D. future

    8. A. moment B. situation C. course D. program

    9. A. installed B. lost C. found D. maintained

    10. A. coats B. affects C. protects D. spoils

    11. A. frequently B. violently C. gently D. rarely

    12. A. strange B. similar C. common D. different

    13. A. illustrating B. examining C. leaving D. acting

    14. A. get under B. lay on C. popped off D. fell to

    15. A. Although B. Wherever C. Unless D. Since






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