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单词 balance
释义 balance noun¹ 1even combination/distribution平均组合;均匀分布adjective | verb + balance | balance + verb | preposition | phrases adjective➤correct, equal, even, exact, ideal, necessary, optimal, optimum, perfect, proper, right正确的/同等的/均衡的/准确的/理想的/必要的/最佳的/最优的/完美的/恰当的/适当的平衡◆with children, it is important to achieve the right balance between love and discipline.对待孩子,在爱护与管教之间适当地掌握平衡很重要。➤comfortable, excellent, good, happy, harmonious, healthy令人舒适的/极好的/良好的/令人满意的/和谐的/健康的平衡◆a healthy balance of foods健康均衡的饮食➤acceptable, appropriate, fair, reasonable, sensible (bre) 可以接受的平衡;适当的平衡;合理的均衡◆how do you find an acceptable balance between closeness and distance in a relationship?在人际关系中,你怎样在亲密与疏离之间找到恰当的平衡?➤careful, delicate, fine, subtle微妙的平衡◆being a good boss requires a fine balance between kindness and authority.做一个好老板需要在仁慈与权威之间找到微妙的平衡。➤fragile, precarious, uneasy脆弱的平衡;不稳定的平衡▸➤overall整体平衡◆it is the overall balance of the diet that is important.重要的是要保持饮食的整体均衡。➤ecological, natural生态/自然平衡◆pulling up all the plants will disturb the natural balance of the pond.把所有植物都拔掉会破坏池塘的自然平衡。➤hormonal, nutritional激素平衡;营养均衡➤work-life工作与生活的平衡▸➤ethnic, gender, racial, social民族/性别比例/种族/社会均衡◆there is an even gender balance among staff and students.教师与学生中男女比例平衡。verb + balance➤require需要平衡▸➤seek寻求平衡▸➤achieve, attain, create, find, strike获得/实现/建立/找到/达到平衡◆we need to strike a balance between these conflicting interests.我们需要在这些利益冲突中找到平衡。➤keep, maintain, preserve, sustain保持平衡◆you have to maintain a balance in your life or else you'll go crazy.你必须在生活中保持某种平衡,否则是会发疯的。➤improve改善平衡◆ways to improve your work-life balance改善工作和生活之间平衡的良方➤disrupt, disturb, upset破坏/打乱/打破平衡◆tourists often disturb the delicate balance of nature on the island.游客常常打乱岛上微妙的生态平衡。➤redress, re-establish, restore恢复平衡▸➤affect影响平衡▸➤adjust, alter, change, shift调节/变更/改变/转变平衡balance + verb➤change, shift平衡改变preposition➤on balance (= after considering all the information) 总的来说◆on balance, the company has had a successful year.总的来说,公司这一年是成功的。➤in balance处于平衡状态◆it is important to keep the different aspects of your life in balance.保持生活各个方面的平衡很重要。➤balance between⋯之间的平衡◆the balance between academic and practical work理论工作与实际工作之间的平衡➤balance of⋯的平衡◆the balance of animals and plants in the environment环境中动物与植物之间的平衡phrases➤the balance of nature自然界的生态平衡balance noun² 2division of power/influence权力分配adjective | verb + balance | balance + verb | phrases adjective➤changing, shifting变化中的平衡▸➤military, political军事上的平衡;政治上的均衡➤competitive竞争性平衡verb + balance➤affect影响均衡▸➤change, shift改变均衡▸➤swing, tilt, tip影响事态的结果◆in an interview, good presentation can tip the balance your way.面试时,良好的自我介绍会有助于你取得成功。balance + verb➤change, shift, swing, tilt平衡变化/转移/摇摆/倾向一边◆he argues that the balance has swung too far in favour / favor of capitalism.他提出说,天平过分倾向于对资本主义有利的一边。phrases➤the balance of advantage (especially bre) 优势对比◆the balance of advantage has shifted from the unions to employers.优势已经从工会转移到雇主一方。➤the balance of forces力量对比◆they assessed the balance of forces between israel and other countries.他们评估了以色列与其他国家之间的力量对比。➤the balance of power权力对比;均势◆who holds the balance of power in this relationship?在这关系之中,谁居于举足轻重的地位?◆there was a dramatic shift in the balance of power.权力对比发生了戏剧性的改变。➤checks and balances制衡◆democracy depends on a system of checks and balances.民主的实行依赖于相互制衡的制度。balance noun³ 3of the body身体adjective | verb + balance | balance + noun | preposition | phrases adjective➤excellent, good极好的平衡能力;平衡性好▸➤poor平衡性差verb + balance➤have能平衡◆gymnasts have excellent balance.体操运动员的平衡能力极好。➤affect影响平衡◆tightness in one set of muscles will affect your whole balance.一组肌肉紧张会影响整个人的平衡。➤improve提高平衡能力◆yoga improves balance as well as flexibility.瑜伽会改善平衡性和灵活性。➤keep保持平衡◆i struggled to keep my balance on my new skates.我穿着新溜冰鞋努力保持平衡。➤lose失去平衡◆she lost her balance and fell.她失去平衡摔倒了。➤catch, recover, regain恢复平衡➤adjust调整平衡◆he set his feet wider and adjusted his balance.他把两只脚分得很开,调整一下身体的平衡。➤knock sb off, throw sb off撞倒某人;使某人失去平衡◆the sudden movement threw him off balance.突然的移动使他失去了平衡。balance + noun➤beam (especially name) 平衡木◆the gymnasts finish with floor exercises and the balance beam.体操运动员以自由体操和平衡木项目结束比赛。preposition➤off balance失去平衡phrases➤a sense of balance平衡感◆cats have a very good sense of balance.猫的平衡感很好。balance noun⁴ 4money金钱adjective | verb + balance | balance + noun | phrases adjective➤account, bank银行账户余额▸➤cash, money现金结存;库存现金▸➤credit, favourable/favorable, healthy, positive贷方余额;顺差▸➤debit, negative借方余额;逆差▸➤cleared, net结账余额;净余额◆interest is calculated on the daily cleared balance and paid direct to your account.利息每日结账计算,直接存入账户。➤opening期初余额▸➤final, outstanding期末结余;未结余额▸➤trade贸易差额verb + balance➤have有余额◆everyone likes to have a healthy bank balance.人人都想自己的银行账户有充足的余额。➤ask for, request索要结单◆he asked the cashier for the balance of his current account.他向出纳员要他活期存款账户的结单。➤check核对收支账目◆i'll need to check my bank balance before i spend so much money.我在支出这么一大笔钱之前需要核对一下银行结余。➤show显示账户余额▸➤pay支付差额◆i'll pay the balance later.我以后会把差额补上。➤use用余额◆the balance of the proceeds will be used for new equipment.余下的收入将用于添置新设备。➤bring forward, carry forward结转余额◆the balance brought forward from the previous year前一年结转的余额balance + noun (see also balance sheet) phrases➤the balance of payments, the balance of trade国际收支差额;贸易差额balance verb¹ 1keep steady使保持稳定adverb | preposition adverb➤carefully, delicately, precariously小心地保持平衡;不稳定地平衡preposition➤on使在⋯上保持平衡◆he balanced the glasses carefully on the tray.他小心地使玻璃杯在托盘上保持平衡。balance verb² 2compare two things; give them equal value权衡adverb | verb + balance | preposition adverb➤beautifully, delicately, evenly, finely, nicely, perfectly美妙地/小心地/平稳地/微妙地/良好地/完美无瑕地保持着平衡◆the song perfectly balances melody and rhythm.歌曲的旋律和节奏相得益彰。verb + balance➤have to, need to需要平衡▸➤seek to, try to谋求平衡;试图平衡◆the plan seeks to balance two important objectives.这个计划试图平衡两大重要目标。➤manage to设法平衡➤fail to没有达到平衡◆the party lost because it failed to balance economic growth with social equity.该党因为在经济增长与社会公平之间未能实现平衡而失利。preposition➤against对比⋯权衡◆we have to balance the risks of the new strategy against the possible benefits.我们得权衡新策略的风险与可能带来的利益。➤with权衡⋯和⋯◆she tries to balance the needs of her children with those of her employer.她尽力在孩子的需要与雇主的需要之间求得平衡。balance /bæləns/ noun1. [countable, usually singular] the difference in a bank account between the total amount of money coming in and the total amount going out at a particular time (银行账户的)余额,差额,结余,结存额◆the company's cash balance increased to $4.5 billion this quarter. 公司本季度的现金结存额增至 45 亿元。◆ enter your password to check your account balance online. 输入密码后在线查看你的账户余额。  ➡  bank balance (accounting 会计) [countable, usually singular] in a company's financial records, the difference between the total debits and total credits in a particular account 结余(公司财务记录中,特定账户中借方与贷方的差额)◆the balance on the profit and loss account at 31st march 2005 was $75 738. 2005 年 3 月 31 日损益表上结余为 75 738 元。◆transferring a balance from a revenue or expense account to a profit and loss account 将收支账户上的结余转入损益账户3. [countable, usually singular] the amount of money still owed after sb has paid part of the total 结欠;尾数◆a 10% deposit is required, with the balance payable on completion of the work. 要求缴付 10% 的订金,尾数待工程完成时支付。4. [countable] an amount of money that sb owes to the bank, etc. at a particular time, because they have bought things using a credit card 未偿余额,结欠款(在特定时间内,使用信用卡购物而未付给银行等金融机构的款项)◆the average consumer has an outstanding balance of $1 500 on his or her credit card. 一般消费者的信用卡结欠款为 1500 元。◆i try to pay off my monthly credit-card balance in full. 我努力全额结清每月信用卡的结欠款。5. [uncountable] what remains of sth after part of it has been used or taken 余额;剩余◆the balance of your order will be supplied when we have new stock. 我们有新货时,将会给你们补回订单中余下数额的货品。6. [uncountable; singular] a situation in which different things exist in equal, correct or good amounts 均衡;平衡◆try to keep a balance between work and relaxation. 尽量在工作与休闲之间取得平衡。 ●on balanceafter considering all the information 总的来说◆on balance, we have had a good year. 总的来说,我们这一年过得不错。  ➡  idiom at redress verb, strike verb adverse balance ◇ adverse trade balance ◇ bank balance ◇ closing balance ◇ compensating balance ◇ competitive balance ◇ credit balance ◇ debit balance ◇ life-balance ◇ life-work balance ◇ opening balance ◇ trade balance ◇ trial balance ◇ unfavourable balance ◇ unfavourable trade balance ◇ visible balance ◇ work-life balance balance /bæləns/ verb (accounting 会计) [transitive] balance sth (off) in a company's financial records, to compare the total debits and the total credits in an account and calculate the amount needed to make them equal 结算(计算借记与贷记的差额)◆it only needs an hour or so a month to organize and balance the accounts. 每月只需一小时左右的时间结算账目。◆all the accounts should have been balanced off correctly. 所有账目均应结算无误。 (accounting 会计) [intransitive] if an account balances, the debit and credit sides are equal 扎平(借方与贷方相等)◆these figures don't balance. there must be a mistake somewhere. 这些数字扎不平,某处一定有错。 3. [transitive] to spend only the money that is available; to make the money available equal to the amount of money spent 平衡(收支)◆the spending cuts are part of the government's plan to balance its budget. 削减开支是政府打算平衡预算的一部分。◆we have transferred $5 000 from our deposits to balance the accounts. 我们从存款中转出 5000 元用来平衡账目。 4. [transitive, intransitive] balance (sth) (out) to be equal in value, amount, etc. to sth else that has the opposite effect 抵消;和…相抵◆this year's profits will balance our previous losses. 本年度的赢利将可弥补我们以往的亏损。◆the advantages and disadvantages seem to balance out. 利弊似乎可以相互抵消。 5. [transitive] balance a against b to compare the relative importance of two contrasting things 衡量,比较(两个相对事物的重要性)◆the cost of bringing in consultants needs to be balanced against the benefits. 需要衡量聘用顾问的成本与其带来的效益。☞ balance☞ balance balance [transitive, intransitive] (usually approving) to be equal in value, amount or strength to sth else that has the opposite effect相抵;抵消◆his lack of experience was balanced by a willingness to learn.他的好学弥补了经验的不足。◆the good and bad effects of any decision will usually balance out.任何决策的效果往往利弊互见。 balance [intransitive, transitive] to put your body or sth else into a position where it will stand without falling to either side, even though there is danger of this happening使保持平衡;立稳◆how long can you balance on one leg?你单腿能站多久?◆she balanced the cup on her knee.她把杯子平稳地放在膝上。▸ balance noun [uncountable] ◆he lost his balance and fell over.他失去了平衡,倒在地上。 balance [countable, usually singular] the amount that is left after taking numbers or money away from a total; an amount of money still owed after some payment has been made余额;结欠◆i need to check my bank balance (= to find out how much money there is in my account).我得查查我的账户余额。◆the balance of $500 must be paid within 90 days.500 元结欠款必须于 90 天之内付清。balancenoun [uncountable] ◆he lost his balance and fell over.他失去了平衡,倒在地上。balancenoun [uncountable] ◆he lost his balance and fell over.他失去了平衡,倒在地上。balance¹/ˈbæləns ||; ˈbæləns/noun1. [sing] (a) balance (between a and b) a situation in which different or opposite things are of equal importance, size, etc 平衡的局面;均势: ◇the course provides a good balance between academic and practical work. 这门课程注重学术和实践均衡发展。◇tourism has upset the delicate balance of natureon the island. 旅游业破坏了该岛脆弱的自然平衡。 2. [u] the ability to keep steady with an equal amount of weight on each side of the body 保持平衡的能力: ◇to lose your balance (身体)失去平衡◇it's very difficult to keep your balancewhen you start learning to ski. 初学滑雪时很难保持身体平衡。◇you need a good sense of balance to ride a motor bike. 驾驶摩托车要有好的平衡感。 3. [c] [sing] the amount that still has to be paid; the amount that is left after some has been used, taken, etc 结欠;剩余: ◇you can pay a 10% deposit now, with the balance due in one month. 你可以先付10%的订金,余额一个月内付清。◇to check your bank balance(= to find out how much money you have in your account) 查询银行账户上的结余 4. [c] (technical术语) an instrument used for weighing things 秤;天平 in the balance uncertain 不确定;悬而未决: ◇following poor results, the company's future hangs in the balance. 那家公司业绩不好,前途未卜。 (catch/throw sb) off balance (to find or put sb) in a position that is not safe and from which it is easy to fall (发现或令某人)身体失去平衡: ◇a strong gust of wind caught me off balance and i nearly fell over. 一阵强风吹得我站不稳,差一点儿跌倒。 on balance having considered all sides, facts, etc 总括;考虑到各方面: ◇on balance, i've had a pretty good year. 总的来说,我这一年的光景不错。 strike a balance (between a and b)→strike²balance²/ˈbæləns ||; ˈbæləns/verb1. [i,t] to be or to put sb/sth in a steady position so that the weight of him/her/it is not heavier on one side than on the other (使)平衡: ◇i had to balance on the top step of the ladder to paint the ceiling. 我必须在梯子顶上站稳来漆天花板。◇carefully, she balanced a glass on top of the pile of plates. 她小心地将一个玻璃杯稳放在一迭盘子上。 2. [i,t] to have equal totals of money spent and money received 收支平衡: ◇i must have made a mistake -- the accounts don't balance. 我一定是算错了,账上收支不平衡。◇she is always very careful to balance her weekly budget. 她总是很小心地保持每星期收支平衡。 3. [i,t] balance (sth) (out) (with sth) to have or give sth equal value, importance, etc in relation to other parts 平等看待: ◇the loss in the first half of the year was balanced out by the profit in the second half. 上半年的亏损由下半年的盈利抵消。 4. [t] balance sth against sth to consider and compare one matter in relation to another 衡量(两方面): ◇in planning the new road, we have to balance the benefit to motorists against the damage to the environment. 计划建造新路的时候,我们必须权衡驾驶者的利益和对环境的破坏。 balance1 to remain steady and not fall2 to make something balance on a point or surface3 the ability to remain steady and not fall4 to become unsteady and start to fall5 unsteady and likely to fall6 feeling unsteady and unable to balancerelated wordsto make two things equal 使两件东西相等 equal/not equal (5),1. to remain steady and not fall 保持稳定 balance /ˈbæləns/ [intransitive verb] to remain steady and not fall, especially when this is difficult to do 保持平衡 the beam is very narrow - you may find it difficult to balance. 平衡木很窄—你也许会发觉很难保持平衡。balance on balancing awkwardly on one leg, he lowered himself into his wheelchair. 他很费力地靠一条腿保持平衡,然后在轮椅上坐了下来。balance precariously balance in a very dangerous position 摇摇欲坠 an angel was balancing precariously on top of the christmas tree. 一个小天使摇摇晃晃地站在圣诞树上。 keep your balance /ˌkiːp jɔːʳ ˈbæləns/ [verb phrase] to manage to remain steady and not fall, especially when something happens to nearly make you fall [尤指不容易]保持平衡,稳住,不倒下 the horse tried to throw her off but she managed to keep her balance. 那匹马想把她甩下来,但她努力保持住了平衡。 it's hard enough just keeping my balance on ice, let alone actually skating on it. 要我在冰上站稳就已经够费力的了,更别说在上面溜冰了。 steady /ˈstedi/ [adjective] completely balanced so that there is no chance of falling 稳的,平稳的,不摇晃的 she held on to hand rails to keep herself steady. 她抓紧扶手使自己站稳。 we need a steady platform above the waves before we can start drilling. 我们需要在海面上建一座稳固的平台才可以开始钻井。2. to make something balance on a point or surface 使某物在某个点或表面上保持平衡 balance /ˈbæləns/ [transitive verb] balancing my cup of coffee in one hand, i managed to open the door. 我用一只手小心地端着一杯咖啡,另一只手把门打开。balance something on something his favourite party trick is balancing tin cans on his head. 他在聚会上的拿手把戏是用头顶罐头。 we tried to balance the aerial on top of the tv set, but it kept falling over. 我们试图把天线支在电视机上,但它总要掉下来。 steady /ˈstedi/ [transitive verb] to make something or someone become balanced again, especially when they were falling over [尤指把要摔倒的某物或某人]扶住,稳住 when she looked as though she was going to fall, eddie's arm immediately went out to steady her. 她看上去似乎要跌倒时,埃迪立刻伸手扶住她。 he stood up, holding on to the desk to steady himself. 他站了起来,扶住书桌来稳住自己。3. the ability to remain steady and not fall 保持平稳、不倒下的能力 balance /ˈbæləns/ [uncountable noun] a walking stick is good for balance on rough trails. 在高低不平的小道上用根拐杖对保持平衡大有帮助。sense of balance you need a great sense of balance to be an acrobat. 当一名杂技演员需要有非常好的平衡感。4. to become unsteady and start to fall 变得不稳,开始倒下 lose your balance /ˌluːz jɔːʳ ˈbæləns/ [verb phrase] to suddenly become unsteady and start to fall [突然]失去平衡 put your arms out to the side so that you don't lose your balance. 把胳膊往两边伸直,这样就不会失去平衡。 she ran after the dog, lost her balance, and fell flat on her face. 她跑着去追那条狗,突然失去平衡,直挺挺地摔了个嘴啃地。 totter/teeter /ˈtɒtəʳǁˈtɑː-, ˈtiːtəʳ/ [intransitive verb] if someone or something totters or teeters they move unsteadily from side to side and look as if they are going to fall [某人或某物]摇摇晃晃;踉跄 i could feel the tray tottering and suddenly all the drinks crashed to the floor. 我能感到托盘摇摇欲坠,突然所有的饮料都摔在地上。 his chair teetered back dangerously on two legs. 他的座椅支撑在两只椅脚上,危险地朝后摇晃着。 wobble /ˈwɒbəlǁˈwɑː-/ [intransitive verb] to move unsteadily from side to side 摇摆不定,左右晃动 she bumped the table and the glasses wobbled. 她撞到了桌子,杯子都晃动了。 ‘who could that be?’ the old man said as he wobbled toward the door. “会是谁呢?”老人边说边颤巍巍地朝门口走去。5. unsteady and likely to fall 不稳、要倒下的 unsteady /ʌnˈstedi/ [adjective] someone who is unsteady is unable to balance properly, for example because of illness, old age or too much alcohol [某人行走]不平稳的;摇摆的,摇晃的[如由于疾病、年老或酗酒] for a few moments he was pale and unsteady but his colour gradually returned. 有一阵他的脸色苍白,走路摇摇晃晃,但后来气色又慢慢地好转了。 he walked with the unsteady gait of an old man. 他走路时步态不稳,像个老人。unsteady on your feet she'll be a little unsteady on her feet until the anaesthetic wears off. 麻醉药效消退以前,她走起路来会有些不稳。 unsteadily [adverb] she moved unsteadily towards the table, everyone expecting her to fall into a drunken heap. 她跌跌撞撞地朝桌子走去,大家都以为她要醉倒地上。 unstable /ʌnˈsteɪbəl/ [adjective] something that is unstable is unsteady because it is too big for the thing supporting it or not properly fastened to something, so that it is dangerous [因支撑物太小或没有系好等而]不稳固的;不安全的 that scaffolding looks unstable - get all the building workers off the site immediately. 那脚手架看上去不太牢固,所有的建筑工人要立即离开工地。 precarious /prɪˈkeəriəs/ [adjective] not safe and likely to fall down - use this especially about things or people that are in high places [尤指高处的物或人]不安全的,危险的;可能倒的 the bottle was in a precarious position on the edge of the table. 这瓶子在桌边上很危险。 are you sure he's safe on that ladder? it looks very precarious up there. 你说他在那梯子上安全吗?站在那里看起来非常危险。 precariously [adverb] when we found the girl she was perched precariously on the window ledge, twelve floors up. 我们发现那个女孩时,她正蹲在12楼的窗台上,十分危险。6. feeling unsteady and unable to balance 感觉不稳而无法保持平衡的 dizzy /ˈdɪzi/ [adjective not before noun] feeling as if everything is spinning around you and unable to balance 眩晕的,头昏眼花 sometimes i get dizzy at the top of staircases and escalators. 有时我在楼梯或自动扶梯的顶端会发晕。 if you feel dizzy or short of breath, stop exercising immediately. 你如果感到头晕或喘不上气,应立即停止运动。 dizziness [uncountable noun] a fall in glucose levels results in nausea, dizziness, and faintness. 葡萄糖浓度下降会导致恶心、头晕和昏厥。 giddy /ˈgɪdi/ [adjective] feeling unsteady and unable to balance, sometimes with the result that you want to be sick 头晕的;眩晕的[通常会想呕吐] she suddenly felt giddy and had to find somewhere to sit down. 她突然一阵头晕,不得不找个地方坐下来。 somebody's head is swimming / somebodyˈs ˈhed ɪz ˌswɪmɪŋ/ if someone's head is swimming they feel unsteady, unable to see properly, and as though the room is spinning around them very quickly, for example because they are ill or drunk 某人感到天旋地转 my head was swimming, and the floor seemed to be moving up and down. 我感到天旋地转,地板似乎在上下起伏。☞ balance¹☞ balance²




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