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标题 餐桌礼仪


    編者按:中华饮食文化博大精深、源远流长,在世界上享有较高的声誉。中国饮食不但强调“色、香、味”俱全,而且讲究食物的养生之道以及餐桌礼仪和用餐氛围。本篇选自《学英语 讲中国故事——饮食文化篇》,介绍了中国的就餐礼仪、座次安排和餐盘转桌等相关知识。通过阅读此篇,相信你不仅能对餐桌礼仪有更全面的了解,更会积累很多常用的英文表达!

    Chinese people have developed exquisite cuisines and regard food as an important part in daily life. The importance of food has even impacted aspects of the Chinese language. For example, people do not greet each other with “How are you?” but instead they ask, “Have you eaten?” This greeting is often given without a particular desire to know whether the person has eaten or not. What people mean is to know whether he or she is feeling quite well.

    The Chinese have not only created countless ways of cooking, but also have invented chopsticks to eat with. The use of chopsticks is a must in the Chinese cuisine. It is important for you not only to use the chopsticks, but also to be aware of the correct use of them. Otherwise, you would be regarded as being impolite. Therefore, you must have at least a basic idea about the correct method of using the chopsticks in order to avoid embarrassment1.

    Many traditional table manners are still observed2 today. It is better if the dinner table is round. Once everyone is seated, the food is served. The guests often wait for the host to invite them to begin. According to the Chinese table manners, there are many dos and donts. Chinese people have spent thousands of years in developing these set of values for the society. Dos and Donts 就餐礼仪

    Usually, the bowl of rice is held with the left hand and brought close to the mouth while the rice is lifted into the mouth with the chopsticks held in the right hand. One should not make any noise when chewing the food. While waiting for the next course, one should place the chopsticks neatly on the chopstick rest and avoid crossing them or putting them on the rice bowl.

    Whenever attending a wedding ceremony, one should bring a present wrapped in colorful or reddish3 gift wrap or cash in a red packet. When invited to a Chinese New Years party, one should dress cheerfully and bring New Years red packets for luck and good wishes.

    When taking a drink of wine at a formal dinner, one must first toast4 another dinner guest regardless of whether he or she responds5 by drinking. If one is toasted and doesnt wish to drink, he can simply touch his lips to the edge of the glass to show courtesy6.

    The spoon should not be used at the same time as the chopsticks. Also, toothpicks7 should not be used during the meal but rather at the end, and always while covering the mouth. Also, one should neither point with his chopsticks nor stick his chopsticks upright into his rice bowl; leaving chopsticks standing up resembles8 incensing9 sticks set before a grave, thus it is considered disrespectful.

     Seating Arrangement 座次安排

    The way Chinese people are seated is also an interesting part of table manners and is a sign of respect in the Chinese culture. Therefore, it is better to leave the best place on the dining table for the elders. If a group of people are having meal, the most respected members are given the place at the head of the table while the rest take their seats accordingly. Rotatable Tray10 餐桌转盘

    The rich culture of China is a matter of interest for many reasons. It has some very unique features which are quite unusual and surprising for foreigners. One of them is the rotatable tray, or Lazy Susan. It is a round rotating disc or tray in the center of the dining table. There are different materials to make the tray or the disc. However, the most commonly used are wood and glass. The idea behind the Lazy Susan is to ensure that all the participants have equal extent of accessibility11 to the served dishes. Because of this, circular-shaped dining tables are popular in most places of China. The basic purpose of the rotatable tray is to make everybody realize that each one is honored. This is one of the signs of hospitality and equality.



    1. embarrassment n. 尴尬

    2. observe v. 遵守;庆祝

    3. reddish adj. 微红的;略带红色的

    4. toast v. 向……祝酒;为……干杯

    5. respond v. 回答;作出反应

    6. courtesy n. 礼貌

    7. toothpick n. 牙签

    8. resemble v. 類似;像

    9. incense v. 向……焚香

    10. tray n. 托盘;文件盒

    11. accessibility n. 易接近;可亲





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