标题 | 上饶旅游外宣文本文化负载词翻译 |
范文 | 姜琳琳 汪佩文 徐方雯 【摘要】文化差异往往造成翻译的不可译,而其主要体现在带有文化含义的语项翻译上。本文将通过对上饶旅游景点——灵山风景区景点翻译实例中的文化负载词进行界定、分类,根据文本和语境对文化负载词翻译策略和变通方法的选择进行一定的分析和探讨,以期傳达翻译功效。 【关键词】上饶灵山风景区;文化负载词;翻译策略 【作者简介】姜琳琳,汪佩文,徐方雯,上饶师范学院外国语学院。 【基金项目】本论文获上饶师范学院校级自选课题项目(201723)支持。 灵山风景区景点介绍文本中包含大量文化负载词,笔者在梳理和分析后认为,具体可分为三大类,并就各类别翻译提出策略和变通方法。 一、 文化负载词分类 1.人名、地名、朝代、年号、别号等专名类。此类专名翻译涉及几个问题: (1)起介绍性作用的专名翻译:由于目的语读者对中国古代的人名、地名、朝代、年号名等不甚了解,其虽起介绍性作用,笔者在处理时仍采用了“翻译+注释”的方法,以期更好地传播文化及内涵。 【例1】这段源自辛弃疾《沁园春·灵山齐庵赋》中传神的描述,正是历代文人墨客对江西上饶灵山出神入化、惟妙惟肖的生动刻画。 【译1】The vivid depiction is excerpted from “Prose for Qi Nunnery in Mt. Lingshan - to the tune of Qin Yuan Chun”, written by Xin Qiji, a great poet in the Southern Song Dynasty(1127-1279 A.D.). It is an ode to the splendor of Mt. Lingshan from the intellectuals and poets of past dynasties. 【例2】其中南宋辛弃疾赞美灵山之词作最为著名,明大学士夏言也盛赞灵山“九华五老虚揽结、不及灵山秀色多”。 【译2】Xin Qijis poem was the most renowned in the Southern Song Dynasty (1127-1279 A.D.). Xia Yan, a Grand Scholar in the Ming Dynasty (1368-1644 A.D.) praised Mt.Lingshan, “Mt. Jiuhua together with Mt. Wulao is incomparable to Mt. Lingshan in its beauty”. (2)缺少通名的专名翻译。由于汉语本身逻辑模糊的特点,此类专名中缺少界定属性的通名,在翻译介绍专名的同时,应该补出通名,不然会造成信息的缺失。 【例3】驱车前往距景区5分钟车程,以浪漫花海为魂,以美丽田园为韵的花千谷。 【译3】A five-minute drive takes tourists to Huaqiangu( Flower Valley), an eco-friendly scenic spot where tourists can enjoy a fragrant and jolly tour amidst a romantic sea of flowers and vast gorgeous fields. 【例4】夜游玉龙盘山公路,宿灵山半山腰上的木林深舍。 【译4】In the evening, tourists have a night visit along the Yulong Hilly Road and stay in Deep Woods Youth Hostel(木林深舍) on the hillside. (3)运用到内涵义的专名翻译。有些专名在案例中除了起介绍性作用外,还传达了文本中的深层含义,或者说是内涵意义,笔者认为在翻译这类词时除了要翻译出表面义,还要补充说明其内涵义。 【例5】灵山有几十处洞穴景观,主要有养真岩、迷仙岩洞穴群、花岩洞穴群、乌鸦弄母子岩、夹层灵山洞穴群等。此外,灵山还有奇特的冰凌壁和回音壁。 【译5】Dozens of caves can be seen, among which are Yangzhen Cave (Cave for peaceful mind), MiXianyan Caves (Cave where even immortals may get lost), Granite Cave Group, WuYanong Cave (deep and dark cave inhabited by ravens), Interlayer Cave Group, etc. Apart from that, there exist abundant marvelous ice-cold and echoing walls in the area. 【例6】灵山的清泉形成众多的池塘与深潭,主要有石屏峰龙池、天池、上下天塘、南峰塘等。 【译6】With running spring water, numerous ponds and pools are formed which include: Shiping Peak Dragon Pool, Heaven Pond, Shang Xiatian Pool(Heavens water coming down to the earth) , South Peak Pool, etc. 2.宣传口号类。汉语中的宣传口号类词语,能较明确地传达内容,并与内容有一定的逻辑关联性。笔者认为在翻译此类词语时,应根据意义进行直译或一定程度上的转述或改写。 【例7】宾馆位于上饶市拥有“八百亩城市心肺地”之称的龙潭湖公园内。 【译7】Longtan Lake with an area of 800 mu (132 acres) has been called “A retreat for the heart and a lung for the city”. 【例8】上饶市地处浙赣闽案四省交汇处,自古就有“四省通衢要冲,江浙第一门户”的美誉! 【译8】Shangrao is located in the junction of four provinces of Zhejiang, Jiangxi, Fujian and Anhui, referred to as “the important transportation hub for four provinces and the first gate to Jiangxi and Zhejiang” since the ancient time. 【例9】这里,就是奇石海洋,心灵之山——江西上饶灵山。 【譯9】Here is Mt. Lingshan, in Shangrao, Jiangxi-- Spiritual Mountain, Wondrous Rocks. 3.具有文化特色的语项翻译。很多特色词在翻译传达中不能只考虑介绍性作用,而要传达词汇中的内涵意义。笔者通过分析认为,翻译处理此类词语更多地会运用到翻译的创造性,但在创造的同时,也应尽量参照原文。 【例10】万千怪石密布,世之罕见,是怪石之大观园。 【译10】As a garden of randomly scattered rocks, Mt. Lingshan tourist attraction is most worthy of visiting. 【例11】灵山岩洞多为崩塌后岩块堆积形成,多为历代僧道修真悟禅宝地。 【译11】Caves, deposited by collapsed granite, have been the sanctuaries for Buddhist monks and Taoist priests in search of truth. 【例12】始建于东汉建武年间的灵山石人殿,在石人峰下,为灵山龙脉结穴处。 【译12】The Stoneman (Shiren) Temple, lying at the foot of Stoneman (Shiren) Peak, was built during Jian Wu reign of the Eastern Han Dynasty(25-220 A.D.) and was regarded as the gathering spot of vigor in these dragonlike ridges (Mountain ridges are considered Longmai in Chinese Fengshui). 【例13】殿内香火鼎盛,自唐迄今,历经千余年,久盛不衰。 【译13】The temple has always been filled with incense since the Tang Dynasty (618-907A.D.) when a booming pilgrimage started. 【例14】在周易学说里,均有四大灵神,分别是青龙、白虎、朱雀、玄武,也称“四护卫神”。 【译14】According to Chinese folklore and “The Book of Changes”, there are four spiritual immortals, namely the Dragon, the White Tiger, The Phoenix, and the Tortoise Encircled by a Serpent. 【例15】玄武神可以镇宅、化煞、辟邪气、保平安。相传,玄武是太上老君八十二化身。 【译15】The Tortoise Encircled by a Serpent is also called Zhenwu which is the Taoist immortal to protect the house from evil spirits, ward off goblins, exorcise demons and ensure safety. According to legend, this immortal is the 82nd incarnation of the Supreme Lord Lao Tse. 二、 翻译策略总结 笔者通过上述的案例分析,对上饶旅游景点灵山风景区外宣文本中文化负载词的翻译策略进行了简要的总结,主要有如下几点:拼音译法;拼音+说明性翻译;不译;说明性翻译+补充翻译;改译法。 在采用这些翻译策略时,主要考查了词语在文本中的表述功能和表述意义,词语翻译传达过程中,目的语读者的认知和接受程度,词语中文化信息的特性(模糊性、歧义性、重要或非重要性)。 参考文献: [1]袁晓宁.外宣英译的策略及其理据[J].中国翻译,2005(01). |
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