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单词 overrule
释义 overrule /əʊvəruːl; name oʊvərr-/ verb [transitive] to change a decision or reject an idea from a position of greater power (以权力)更改决定,否定,拒绝◆the government overruled the decision to block the merger. 政府推翻了阻止合并的决定。◆one interviewer didn't want to give me the job, but the others overruled him. 一位面试考官不想录用我,但其他人否决了他的意见。 syn override ☞ overruleoverrule /əʊvəruːl; name oʊvərruːl/ [transitive, often passive] (rather formal) to use your authority to reject sb's decision(以权力)否决,推翻,不理会(某人的决定)◆the verdict was overruled by the supreme court.最高法院驳回了那个裁决。note 辨析 override or overrule? override suggests that there are more important factors to consider than the decision or wishes of one person or group; overrule places more emphasis on the use of sb's authority to reject sth. * override 意味着有比某个人或群体的决定或意愿更为重要的因素需要考虑,overrule 则更强调某人运用权力否决某事。overrule/ˌəʊvəˈru:l ||; ˌovɚˈrul/verb [t] to use your authority to change what sb else has already decided or done (利用权力)改变(别人已经作出的决定或做的事): ◇the appeal court overruled the judge's decision. 上诉法院宣布法官的判决无效。 overrulesee ⇨ tell 20 o·ver·rule /ˏovə`rul; ˌəʊvəˈruːl/v [t]to officially change an order or decision because you think that it is wrong 否决,驳回:◇"objection overruled," said judge klein. “反对无效。”克莱恩法官说道。




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