标题 | 浅谈英语阅读理解中的文本解读 |
范文 | 【摘要】高中英語阅读教学是提高学生英语能力的最重要的途径之一。教师在进行备课时要结合学生的学情和学生的生活实践水平去对教材进行文本解读。有效的文本解读既可以保障学生在知识能力提升,又可以通过对教材内容的分层解读,让学生在知识的内化和外显方面建立有效的联系。本文重在探讨英语阅读理解中一些可行性的文本解读的方式方法。 【关键词】高中英语阅读教学;文本解读的内容与方法;教学课例 【作者简介】李春艳,襄阳市第一中学。 一、文本解读的意义 阅读教学是实现学科的育人价值、促进学生思维发展、培养核心素养的重要途径。在高中英语教学中,教师对教材的使用,甄别,和深层挖掘文本阅读的内外延伸的内容,能够充分发挥教师的主导作用,经过教师的精心准备教学素材,利用教材的阅读文本内容,引导学生发现,感知,寻找认同的价值观,并联系社会实际生活,使呆板的教材内容在师生的教学互动过程中活跃起来,或是生成了超越文本所体现的、新的问题、深层的思考与感悟。要取得这一切的教学预期效果,教师要不断研究教学对象,教学情境的设置,教材的多个角度或维度的审视,信息的重组与分离,把文字信息如何升华成为一种精神享受,思想的洗礼。因此,教师如何引导学生对英语阅读理解进行文本解读就显得格外重要。 但实际上当前不少的高中英语阅读教学实践中,阅读文本的内涵和外延并没有得到充分体现,或者没有对阅读文本进行任何解读。一方面,很多教师在处理教材里的课文时,往往只是充斥着单词、短语和句型等“知识点”的碎片化信息。另一方面,迫于考试压力,学生习惯为文中的语言点而读(readingfor language points)(庄志琳,2011:1-2),高中英语阅读教学中对语言点过分重视却忽视了对文本信息的系统化解读。 二、文本解读的内容与方法 文本解读包括:文本含义解读及文化意义建构、语言知识与能力解读、文体类型与篇章结构,并在此基础上结合学生的知识背景、已有经验、语言水平等分析文本与学生之间的意义联系。我认为一节高中英语阅读课,必须涵盖课程标准中要求教师完成的基本任务:听、说、读、看、写。对教材进行文本解读就是教师对教材的再处理,从what(概括文章段落大意。)、how(文章的词汇、句法、文章体裁与结构)、why(文本的深层含义、文本与学生生活经验的联系)三个方面出发就可以让教师达到有效的英语阅读教学效果。 首先要解决what,通过阅读的读前活动,教师要利用视频和音频唤醒学生在视觉和听觉方面的积极性。利用教材中的插图,让学生去猜文章的主题大意,理解话题背景知识。其次在快速阅读的过程中,学生可以采取默读或是大声朗读的方式,抓住各段关键词、主题句,梳理出文章的主旨大意。然后解决how,通过仔细阅读,学生可以获取以下信息:文章的基本结构、文章的体裁、文章写作目的、作者的观点态度和价值观,更要弄清楚作者是通过使用哪种写作手段达到了自己的表达目的。最后在读后的环节中落实why,教师要创造一个轻松的氛围,并依据课文设置一个相对有意义的话题讨论,让学生能够把课文反衬出的某种做法与社会现象与自己的价值观形成比对,引起共鸣,激励学生参与小组讨论,畅所欲言,并由英语科组长形成一段有逻辑性的文字,教师预留时间,组织学生以口头报告的形式分享小组有建设性意义的观点看法或是利用多媒体展示各组激烈讨论的成果。这样的教学设计有利于学生结合实际社会生活进行思辨能力的提升,发挥口语交际能力,促进学生培养自身的思维能力和文化品格意识。 三、文本解读的教学案例与评析 Book4 Unit2? ?Period1 Reading I. Learning methods Basic goals: Know more about agriculture countryside and farming by reading the passage carefully. Develop our reading ability and learn to practise some reading strategies such as skimming, scanning, and so on Developmental goals: Introduce Dr Yuan Longpings personal background information and his contributions to the world. Get familiar with the use of –ing form as the subject and object. Challenging goals: Talk about the social responsibilities and the ways to be helpful to the world like Yuan Longping. Feel inspired to make contributions to our motherland in the future like Yuan longping. and treasure what we have now, including freedom, fairness, friendship and so on. II. Learning methods 1. By skimming and scanning, students are able to grasp the detailed information and main idea of the passage. 2. Elicitation, discussion, listening, pair work. III. Background Yuan Longping, male, was born in 1930,nine in 1953,graduated from the Southwest College of Agronomy. After graduation, has been engaged in agricultural education and research of hybrid rice. The International Rice Research Institute and the United States 1980-1981 technical guidance.1982 National Hybrid Rice Expert Advisory Group deputy head. Yuan Longping, academician of the hybrid rice is world-renowned experts, is the pioneer and leader of hybrid rice research for the development of grain production and agricultural science and made an outstanding contribution. His main achievement in hybrid rice is research, application and promotion Yuan Longping is father of hybrid rice, who was eventually awarded “the Nobel Prize of Asia ”. With his great contributions to hybrid rice research and work he did to improve rice production in developing countries, He deserved the great honor. Now he is head of the National Hybrid Rice Research and Development Center in Hunan Province, China. Above all, he is referred to as a pioneer in agriculture around the world, leaving less people starving to death. 本文是属于人物传记体裁,确定教学目标是课堂教学的基本步骤,在导学提纲中给学生提供袁隆平的背景知识是十分必要的。使学生提前了解这位伟大的农业科学家的出身背景有利于推动阅读文本的教学进程。 IV. Teaching procedures: Step1 Warming up 1. What do you think farmers usually do in the field to increase the output of rice? 2. Do you know a poem describing farmers? 利用图片信息,激发学生接触本单元话题的主动性。通过画面展示,让学生回忆李绅的悯农。 Step2 Pre-reading Who has made contributions to solving the problem of hunger? Enjoy a video about Dr Yuan Longping. Step3 Fast reading 1. What does the passage mainly talk about? _______________________________________________________________________________ 2. Read the passage quickly and summarize the main idea of each paragraph. Whats the structure of the text? Para 1________________________________________ Para 2________________________________________ Para 3________________________________________ Para 4________________________________________ 3. What is the writing style of the passage? A. a book review? ? B. a travel journal? ?C. a science report? ? ?D. a biography 通過解决快速阅读理解里面的问题,教师一方面启发学生对文章的主要大意的把握,同时训练了学生归纳各段大意和梳理文章体裁的阅读技能。 Step4 Careful reading 1. 1. Whats the authors purpose of writing the passage? _______________________________________________ 2. What does pioneer stand for? A. a person with great patience? ? ? ? ?B. a person with great generosity. C. a person with persistence? ? ? ? ? ?D. a person with great creativity. 3. What does the word “battle” refer to in the second paragraph? A.The low rice output.? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? B.Ridding the world of hunger. C.Fighting against farming.? ? ? ? ? ? D.The freedom to do research. 4. How does Dr Yuan Longping carry out his agricultural research work? _______________________________________________ 5. What is the function of numbers listed in the first two paragraphs? 6. Do you find any inspiration from Dr.Yuan Longping ? what good qualities should a pioneer be equipped with? _______________________________________________ 7. Why does the author choose the word “pioneer”in the title? Can it be replaced by “scientist”? _______________________________________________ 8. What is the purpose of using the structure --for whom he has struggled for decades? Why doesnt the author write a more simple sentence structure instead? _______________________________________________ For example,…? and he has struggled for farmers for many years. _______________________________________________ 四、文本解读的教学反思与启示 高中英语教师在今后的课堂教学中,学应重视教材的文本解读,通过教师的集体智慧,多角度解读,挖掘出文本信息的内涵与外延,教师才能在文本与学生之间架起桥梁、使教材走进学生的视野,融入学生的心灵。教师可以成为教材文本内涵的淘金者、第一手资料的加工者,学生高效阅读能力的教练。在文本解读的阅读教学过程中,逐渐把学生培养成训练有素的读者,使阅读的角度发生改变,让学生重新审视教材的文本信息必然成为学生的高考成功的必经之路。 在我阅读课堂教学实践中,在文本解读方面我还在不断探索,虽收到一定的成效,但是问题的设置深度和广度还不够,聚焦的问题在有限的教学时长中,有时学生的能力不能发挥到极致,亦或是学生的表现欲受到了局限。今后我将从“what、how、why”等方面进行系统化分析,对教材进行三维立体解读,实现对教学内容的重新构建。 A thousand-li journey is started by taking the first step. 千里之行,始于足下。 本人在今后的教學中一定注意个人的专业提升,同时我愿意与大家共享文本解读的心得,也愿意接受大家的批评,共同做好高中英语教学工作。 参考文献: [1]王蔷.普通高中英语课程分析与实施策略[M].北京师范大学出版社,2010,7. [2]张文华,柳伟.指向文本深层含义的高中英语阅读教学[J].基础英语教育,2010,12. [3]李莉婷.文本解读在高中英语阅读教学中的运用[J].2018. [4]葛炳芳.英语阅读教学的综合视野:内容、思维和语言[M].浙江大学出版社,2014,4. |
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