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标题 An Analysis of the Subtitle Translation of The King’s Speech: From the perspective of the Functional Equivalence Theory

    【Abstract】In this essay, the characteristics of subtitle translation and the standard of high-quality subtitle translation will be discussed. From the perspective of functional equivalence theory, we shall clarify the advantages of the subtitle translation of The Kings Speech. Furthermore, I will explain in order to achieve functional equivalence which translation strategies have been used by this films translators .

    【Key words】Subtitle translation; Functional equivalence theory; Translation strategies


    Chapter 1 Introduction of Functional Equivalence Theory

    Eugene A. Nida is an American linguist and translator whose theory emphasizes that the effect of the target text on the target audience should be same as the effect of the source text on the source audience. In Toward a Science of Translating, he claims that translation is using the target language naturally and approximately to recall the information stored in the source language. To achieve the effect of equivalence, translators should firstly strive for semantic equivalence and then style equivalence. (Nida, 2005:12).

    Chapter 2 The Features of Subtitle Translation

    Subtitle translation is a process of art recreation, in which translators retell the story and build up characters by using the target language. In An Analysis of the Basic Principles of Film and Television translation, professor Ma (1997:81-84) claims that the subtitle translation has four features. Firstly, a colloquial subtitle translation requires that target texts should be as lively as our daily conversation. Secondly, a personal subtitle translation should reflect characters personal characteristics. Thirdly, an emotional subtitle translation suggests that characters dialogues are produced for emotional motives. Fourthly, the target texts need to be consistent with characters tone of speech and length of pause in the original text.

    Chapter 3 Data analysis of the Subtitle Translation

    Style equivalence, meaning equivalence, and idiom equivalence are three aspects of functional equivalence. A style equivalent target text achieves the source texts function of expressing emotions. A meaning equivalent target text achieves the source texts function of sharing a story. A idiom equivalent target text achieves the source texts function of spreading the source language culture.

    1. Style Equivalence. First, the subtitle translation is colloquial and clear. Second, the subtitle translation is limited by time and space in a way that translators should present the information in a simple style so that target audience could understand in a flash.

    Example 1: Poor and content is rich and rich enough.

    Literal meaning: 贫穷但知足的人是富裕的并且足够富裕的(flawed version)

    Subtitle translation: 乐而安贫即是富(better version)

    2. Meaning Equivalence. According to conversational implicature theory, many expressions have their covered contextual meaning (Grice,1975). Subtitle is the written dialogue of film whose meanings are determined by contexts and language users intentions.

    Example 2 : Timing isnt my strong suit.

    Literal translation: 時机不是我的强项(flawed version)

    Film translators: 把握节奏...我可不擅长(better version)

    3. Idiom Equivalence. Professor Xie in his Medio-translatology states that cultural image is a kind of cultural symbol that contains fixed meanings and far-reaching associative meaning. (Xie, 1999). In many foreign conventions, the real meaning may be covered under its literal meaning, translators should decrease the damage of source texts cultural elements.

    Example 3: Rules are rules.

    Literal translation: 规矩是规矩(flawed version)

    Film translators: 没有规矩 不成方圆(better version)

    Chapter 4 Conclusion

    Generally, the quality of the subtitle translation of The Kings Speech is very high. Translators of the film The Kings Speech adopt different translation strategies, which include literal translation, free translation, interpreting translation, addition and subtractions. In conclusion, outstanding subtitle translators should be equipped with the following qualities to achieve functional equivalence. Firstly, they should fully understand the contents and plots. Secondly, they should have an accurate, comprehensive and profound understanding towards two countries culture and history. Thirdly, they should be good at writing in the target language.


    [1]Grice,H. P. 1989.Logic and Conversation [M]. Cambridge: Harvard University Press.





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