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标题 国际体育纠纷解决机制的困境与出路:穆图系列案的法理分析
范文 肖江涛
摘 要:穆图系列案件是国际体育纠纷解决的经典案例,该系列案件前后持续了11年,经历了一个完整的国际体育纠纷解决过程。从案例分析的角度出发,对国际体育纠纷机制存在的困境进行法理分析,即国际体育纠纷解决机构管辖权的交叉、“一事不再理”原则的缺位、体育仲裁裁决的司法审查与体育仲裁自治及体育特殊性冲突、体育纠纷解决机构的决定和裁决的执行不力;并提出对策: 1)应先用尽体育行会的内部救济,再根据事先或者事后订立的仲裁协议申请体育仲裁机构进行仲裁或者调解;2)应完善通知制度和案件关联性审查制度,以保证“一事不再理”原则的适用,有效节约司法资源,提高国际体育纠纷解决的效率;3)司法审查与体育特殊性和体育仲裁自治的冲突,司法审查必须在尽量尊重体育特殊性和体育仲裁自治的前提下,审慎地进行公共政策方面的审理;4) 必须采用经济惩罚手段与纪律处罚方式相济的方式,保证国际体育纠纷解决机构决定和裁决的权威性。
中图分类号:G 80-05 文章编号:1009-783X(2017)05-0411-05 文献标识码:A
Abstract: The series of Mutu Cases is a kind of classic case of international sports dispute settlement, which lasted for 11 years, and experienced a complete international sports dispute settlement procedure. From the perspective of case analysis, the present research makes a legal analysis on the dilemma of international sports dispute mechanism, namely, the overlapping jurisdiction of the international sports dispute settlement mechanism, the lack of the "non bis in idem" principle, the conflict between the judicial review of international sports arbitration, sports autonomy and sports specificity and the weak enforcement of the arbitrations or decisions made by the sports dispute settlement bodies, and puts forward the following countermeasures: 1) internal remedy of sports associations should be exhausted before the application of arbitration or mediation in sports arbitration institutions according to prior or subsequent arbitration agreement; 2) the notification system and the related case review system should be improved to ensure the application of "non bis in idem" principle and effective use of judicial resources, and to improve the efficiency of international sports disputes; 3) the conflict between judicial review and sports specificity and sports arbitration autonomy should be considered, and judicial review should conduct prudent trial of the public policy issues on the premise of sports specificity and respect the autonomy of sports arbitration; 4) the combination of economic punishment and discipline punishment should be adopted so as to guarantee the authority of the international sports dispute resolution mechanism in the decisions and verdicts.
Keywords: international sports disputes; international sports dispute settlement mechanism; sports arbitration; jurisdiction; "non bis in idem" principle; judicial review; legal analysis; enforcement
2003年8月,英超聯赛切尔西足球俱乐部(Chelsea Football Club,以下简称切尔西俱乐部)从意甲联赛帕尔马俱乐部签入罗马尼亚籍球员阿德里安·穆图(Adrian Mutu,以下简称穆图),转会费共计2 250万欧元,双方签署为期5年合同,合同至2008年6月30日。2004年10月1日,英格兰足球协会(English Football Association Limited,FA,以下简称“英足总”)在对球员禁药检测中发现违禁物质可卡因,俱乐部于10月28日宣布终止与穆图的合同。2004年11月4日,英足总纪律委员会给予穆图禁赛7个月并罚款2万英镑的处罚。2004年11月10日,穆图将俱乐部终止球员合同的决定上诉至英超联盟(Football Association Premier League Limited)理事会,2005年1月26日,穆图与切尔西俱乐部达成协议,将球员是否违反雇用合同及俱乐部终止合同是否基于正当理由等问题,提交英超联盟上诉委员会(FAPLs Appeals Committee)。2005年4月20日,FAPLAC裁定,穆图①在合同保护期内无正当理由违反合同义务。




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