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标题 浅析定语从句与句子成分的分隔现象

    摘 ?要:在分隔型定语从句和定语从句分隔型句子中,主句和从句的谓语动词均有时态和语态变化,句型结构扩张,句子成分复杂。本文分析了定语从句与句子成分的分隔类型,有助于增强句子结构分析能力、语法解题能力和阅读理解能力。

    关键词:定语从句 ?主从复合句 ?句子成分分隔

    中图分类号:G633.41 ? ? ? ? 文献标识码:C ? ? ? ? ? ?文章编号:1672-1578(2019)11-0087-02

    英语句子中,为了保持结构的平衡与协调,或者突出主题而强调主句的主谓结构所表达的意义,以及某些特殊句式要求(如“there be”句型等),常常出现定语从句与句子成分分隔的语法现象:一是定语从句与先行词被句子主干成分隔开,即分隔型定语从句;二是定语从句修饰名词(词组)时将句子主干成分隔开,即定语从句分隔型句子。定语从句与句子成分分隔后,主句和从句的谓语动词均有时态和语态变化,且句型扩张,成分复杂,容易混淆句子结构而錯解句意。分析定语从句与句子成分的分隔类型,掌握其句型特点和运用规律,对增强长难句的句子结构分析能力、提高语法解题能力和阅读理解能力不无裨益。

    1 ? 定语从句与句子成分分隔题例

    ①I have reached a point in my life _____ I am supposed to make decisions of my own.

    A. which ? ?B. where ? ?C. how ? ?D. why

    选B。in my life分隔先行词a point和where引导的定语从句。point/situation/case等先行词,其后关系词在定语从句中作状语时,用关系副词where(=in which)。

    ②Gun control is a subject _____ Americans have argued for a long time.

    A. of which ? ? ?B. with which

    C. about which ? D. into which

    选C。is a subject分隔先行词gun control和which引导的定语从句。系“argue about sth.”结构。

    ③The more ways we have _____ at a problem, the more likely it is that we can find a solution.

    A. looked ? B. looking ? C. look ? D. of looking

    选D。定语从句we have分隔way的定语,系“the ways of doing sth.”结构。

    ④The war and the suffering _____ caused affected him greatly.

    A. it ? ?B. where ? ?C. which ? ?D. what

    选A。it指the war,定语从句it caused分隔句子的主谓语,it前省略作宾语的关系代词which。


    2 ? 分隔型定语从句的类型

    2.1 谓语分隔型

    谓语动词多为不及物动词(eg: will come)、被动语态(eg: are gone),或系表结构(eg: is available)。

    ①不及物动词:A new master will come tomorrow who will teach you German.(明天新老师来教你们德语。)

    ②被动语态:The days are gone when we suffered so much.(我们的艰难时光一去不返。)

    ③系表结构:Occasions are quite rare when I have the time to spend a day with my kids.(我少闲暇与小孩共享。)

    2.2 宾语或补语分隔型。宾语可以是单宾语、双宾语、复合宾语

    ①单宾语:He is a wise man who speaks little.(智者言少。)

    ②双宾语:I gave everyone a smart gift who attended my party.(晚会参加者均获赠精美礼物。)

    ③补语:She asked the boy to stay at home who had been ill for a long time.(她留久病男童在家。)

    2.3 状语分隔型。状语多由副词或副词短语构成

    ①副词:He bears misery best who hides it most.(苦而无怨即修行。)

    ②副词短语:There are many thousands of stars in the sky that are like the sun.(太空闪闪亮,恒星千万颗。)

    2.4 定语分隔型。定语通常由形容词(短语)、分词短语或者副词构成

    ①形容词(短语):I regard the man as lost who has lost his heart.(戀爱之人易迷失。)

    ②分词短语:I collected all the evidences related to the accusation that I can find.(我尽力收集了与指控相关的证据。)

    ③副词:The student here who studies in your school is from Beijing.(该生来自北京,在你校学习。)

    2.5 同位语分隔型

    I sympathized with Mary, a young nurse, whose parents died in the floods.(我同情年轻护士玛丽,她父母罹难洪灾。)

    2.6 插入语分隔型

    ①句子:There is no man, whatever his fortune is, who is now engaged in any earnest offices.(该地居民,无论贫富,无人从事正当职业。)

    ②插入语:The tunnel excavation which people supposed would last at least 5 years was completed within 3 years.(这个隧道,人们曾认为工期至少5年,3年内已竣工。)

    2.7 定语从句分隔型,有三种类型

    ①同一层次并列定语从句。两个以上定语从句由并列连词and/or/but连接,修饰同一个先行词:Bamboo grows best in places where it is warm and where it rains.(暖湿之地宜生竹。)

    ②非同一层次并列定语从句。两个定语从句修饰同一个先行词,无并列连词连接,第二个定语从句修饰先行词时受第一个定语从句的限制,第一个关系代词作定语从句宾语,第二个关系代词作定语从句宾语或者主语:Hes the only person that Ive ever met who could do it.(我所遇者,唯他能成其事。)

    ③嵌套定语从句。定语从句中嵌套其他定语从句:The mouse the cat the dog chased ate had a white tail.(猫啖白尾鼠,犬逐其后。)

    3 ? 不是分隔型定语从句的情形

    3.1 先行词与关系代词之间仅有前置介词或者仅有从属于先行词部分属性的名词(词组)

    ①Human facial expressions differ from those of animals in the degree to which they can be controlled on purpose.(在控制力方面,人类与动物的脸部表情不同。)

    ②There are altogether eleven books, of which five are mine.(共11本书,其中我有5本。)

    ③There are two buildings, the larger of which stands nearly a hundred feet high.(两座大厦,较大者高约100英尺。)

    3.2 关系代词/关系副词与定语从语被插入语隔开

    Helen was much kinder to her youngest son than to the others, which, of course, made the others envy him.(海伦待幼子更亲善,这当然让其他子女嫉妒他。)

    3.3 句子中有多个定语从句,但均无分隔

    Women who drink more than 2 cups of coffee a day have a greater chance of having heart disease than those who dont.(每天喝两杯以上咖啡的妇女患心脏病的风险大于每天不足两杯咖啡的妇女。)

    3.4 嵌入式定语从句


    ①Ive got a proposition that Im sure will interest you. (我有个提议相信你会感兴趣。)

    ②His speech was relayed on the radio which I had no idea anyone listen to at all.(他的演讲在收音机中转播,我不知道是否有人收听。)

    句①中,that will interest you既修饰a proposition,又是sure的补足成分,不同于并列定语从句;句②中,若去掉which I had no idea,则句子结构错误,且无否定意义,不同于插入语分隔型定语从句。

    4 ? 定语从句分隔型句子

    因修饰先行词需要,定语从句常分隔句子主干成分,此时主句和从句的谓语动词均有时态和语态变化,句子结构较为复杂。下面以“( )”标记定语从句,来说明定语从句对句子主干成分的分隔。

    4.1 分隔主谓结构

    The country life(he was used to) has changed greatly since 1980.(1980年来,他习惯的乡村生活已发生巨变。)

    4.2 分隔宾补结构

    Mrs. Brown was much disappointed to see the TV (she had) had repaired go wrong again.(看到她維修过的电视机又出故障,布朗女士非常失望。)

    4.3 分隔宾语、定语、状语

    ①分隔宾语:I want to reward the old woman for the trouble (I had caused) her.(我想酬谢带给她麻烦的老妇人。系“cause sb. sth.”结构。)

    ②分隔定语:Please tell me the way (you thought of) to work out the problem.(告诉我你想到的解决问题的方法。)

    ③分隔状语:He did all (that he could) to pass the examinations.(他曾竭尽全力应考。)

    4.4 分隔固定句式

    You cant imagine the hard time (she had) bringing up the children.(你无法想像她抚育小孩的艰辛时光。)

    4.5 分隔强调句型

    It is near the place (where there is a bomb) that we found the dead man.(就在靠近炸弹处,我们发现了罹难者。)

    4.6 分隔独立结构

    With everything (she needed) bought, she went home happily.(买完所需东西,她高兴地回家了。)

    5 ? 结语



    [1] 叶永昌主编.英语要领和难点[M].天津:天津大学出版社,1988(7).

    [2] 章振邦主编.新编英语语法(第三版)[M].上海:上海外语教育出版社,1997(1).

    [3] 刘金艳.浅议高中英语语法教学的五个主题[J].求知导刊(下旬),2016(3):26-28.





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