标题 | 氧氟沙星噬菌体库的构建、筛选及抗体结构模拟 |
范文 | 张秀媛等 摘 要 应用噬菌体展示和重组抗体技术制备抗氧氟沙星单链抗体(scFv)库,筛选获得氧氟沙星特异性噬菌体scFv以及同源模拟其三维结构。将从氧氟沙星杂交瘤细胞提取的总RNA,用RTPCR反转录合成cDNA, 以针对鼠源重链可变区(VH)及轻链可变区(VL)基因的兼并引物, 扩增获得VH和VL可变区基因,通过SOEPCR法将VH基因和VL基因通过柔性多肽Linker 关键词 氧氟沙星; 单链抗体; 噬菌体展示; 酶联免疫分析 1 引 言 氧氟沙星(Ofloxacin)为第三代喹诺酮类抗菌药,抗菌谱广,对革兰氏阳性菌及阴性菌均有强大的抗菌作用,对厌氧菌和肺炎支原体也有良好作用,广泛应用于畜牧业生产中。喹诺酮类药物对人体有一定副作用,包括对胃肠道不良反应、中枢神经系统不良反应、心脏的毒性作用[1],在牲畜体内的残留毒性会对环境及人体健康造成严重危害。 单链抗体作为第三代抗体,应用DNA重组技术及蛋白质工程技术将抗体基因进行加工、改造和重新装配,然后克隆到合适的表达载体中,在适当的宿主细胞中表达并正确折叠成具有生物学功能的一种抗体分子。由于其具有分子小、免疫原性低、可塑性强及不需免疫动物可大批生产等优点,在酶联免疫技术检测环境和食品中抗菌素残留方面显示出前两代抗体无法比拟的优点[2]。 目前,还没有关于氧氟沙星噬菌体抗体库构建的相关报道。本研究利用噬菌体表面呈现技术, 构建抗氧氟沙星噬菌体单链抗体库, 从中筛选出具有抗原结合活性的抗氧氟沙星单链抗体噬菌体阳性克隆, 并获得抗氧氟沙星特异性单链抗体的基因序列, 为进一步实现氧氟沙星免疫法快速检测提供一种获得抗氧氟沙星特异性抗体的新途径。 2 实验部分 2.1 仪器与试剂 氧氟沙星杂交瘤细胞为本实验室制备; 4 结 论 本实验利用T7噬菌体构建噬菌体抗体库。References 1 DONG JinHe, DONG Feng, ZHAO XianRong. Chinese Journal of Drug Abuse Prevention and Treatment, 2002, 41(6): 13-14 董进和, 董 峰, 赵宪荣. 中国药物滥用防治杂志, 2002, 41(6): 13-14 2 PAN Ke, WANG Hong, ZHANG HongBin, SUN MingYuan. Journal of South China University of Technology, 2005, 11(33): 51-54 潘 科, 王 弘, 张宏斌, 孙明远. 华南理工大学学报, 2005, 11(33): 51-54 3 Imai S, Mukai Y, Nagano K. Biological and Pharmaceutical Bulletin, 2006, 29(21): 1325-1330 4 MIAO XiangYang, DING ShuYan. Scientia Agricultura Sinica, 2005, 38(6): 1260-1263 苗向阳, 丁淑燕. 中国农业科学, 2005, 38(6): 1260-1263 5 Poul M A, Becerril B, Nielsen U B. J Microbiol Methods, 2000, 301(5): 1149-1161 6 Levinson H J S, Mudget tHunter M. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the USA, 1988, 85(20): 5879-5883 7 Li T J, Zhang Q, Liu Y. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 2006, 54(21): 9085-9091 8 Abigail V J C, Adam P B, Andrew C R M. Journal of Molecular Biology, 2003, 325(45): 337-354 9 Brichta J, Hnilova M, Viskovic T. Veterinarni Medicina, 2005, 50(6): 231-252 Construction, Screening and Antibody Structure Homology Modeling of Phage Single Chain Variable Fragment Library Against Ofloxacin ZHANG XiuYuan1, HE Kuo*1,2, DU XinJun2, WANG JunPing2, YANG Qing2 1(Heibei North University, Zhangjiakou 075000, China) 2(Tianjin University of Science and Technology, Ministry of Education Key Laboratoryof Food Nutrition and Safety, Tianjin 300457, China) Abstract To construct a library of mouse single chain variable fragment (scFv) antibody against ofloxacin using phage display and recombinant antibody technique, specific antiofloxacin scFv was screened and 3D structure was homology modeling. Total RNA was extracted from hybridoma cell of ofloxacin mAb, and was used to amplify VH and VL gene by RTPCR using random primer. Then they were linked by a DNA linker encoding (G1y4Ser)3 as VHlinkerVL sequence forming scFv by SOE(splicing by overlap extension) PCR. These fragments were inserted into phage T7 after double digestion and transformed with host bacteria BLT5403.3×105 pfu/ml single chain antibody phage libraries were successfully constructed. Four positive phage scFv clones were screened by direct competitive ELISA after four times of enriched procedure in the order of adsorptionelutionamplificatio, 3D structure of specific scFv was homology modeling finally. This research lays a foundation for further massive expression of antiofloxacin scFv. Keywords Ofloxacin; Single chain antibody phage libraries; Phage display; Enzymelinked immumoadsorbent assay(Received 17 October 2013; Accepted 24 March 2014) This work was supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (No.20905058) 摘 要 应用噬菌体展示和重组抗体技术制备抗氧氟沙星单链抗体(scFv)库,筛选获得氧氟沙星特异性噬菌体scFv以及同源模拟其三维结构。将从氧氟沙星杂交瘤细胞提取的总RNA,用RTPCR反转录合成cDNA, 以针对鼠源重链可变区(VH)及轻链可变区(VL)基因的兼并引物, 扩增获得VH和VL可变区基因,通过SOEPCR法将VH基因和VL基因通过柔性多肽Linker 关键词 氧氟沙星; 单链抗体; 噬菌体展示; 酶联免疫分析 1 引 言 氧氟沙星(Ofloxacin)为第三代喹诺酮类抗菌药,抗菌谱广,对革兰氏阳性菌及阴性菌均有强大的抗菌作用,对厌氧菌和肺炎支原体也有良好作用,广泛应用于畜牧业生产中。喹诺酮类药物对人体有一定副作用,包括对胃肠道不良反应、中枢神经系统不良反应、心脏的毒性作用[1],在牲畜体内的残留毒性会对环境及人体健康造成严重危害。 单链抗体作为第三代抗体,应用DNA重组技术及蛋白质工程技术将抗体基因进行加工、改造和重新装配,然后克隆到合适的表达载体中,在适当的宿主细胞中表达并正确折叠成具有生物学功能的一种抗体分子。由于其具有分子小、免疫原性低、可塑性强及不需免疫动物可大批生产等优点,在酶联免疫技术检测环境和食品中抗菌素残留方面显示出前两代抗体无法比拟的优点[2]。 目前,还没有关于氧氟沙星噬菌体抗体库构建的相关报道。本研究利用噬菌体表面呈现技术, 构建抗氧氟沙星噬菌体单链抗体库, 从中筛选出具有抗原结合活性的抗氧氟沙星单链抗体噬菌体阳性克隆, 并获得抗氧氟沙星特异性单链抗体的基因序列, 为进一步实现氧氟沙星免疫法快速检测提供一种获得抗氧氟沙星特异性抗体的新途径。 2 实验部分 2.1 仪器与试剂 氧氟沙星杂交瘤细胞为本实验室制备; 4 结 论 本实验利用T7噬菌体构建噬菌体抗体库。References 1 DONG JinHe, DONG Feng, ZHAO XianRong. Chinese Journal of Drug Abuse Prevention and Treatment, 2002, 41(6): 13-14 董进和, 董 峰, 赵宪荣. 中国药物滥用防治杂志, 2002, 41(6): 13-14 2 PAN Ke, WANG Hong, ZHANG HongBin, SUN MingYuan. Journal of South China University of Technology, 2005, 11(33): 51-54 潘 科, 王 弘, 张宏斌, 孙明远. 华南理工大学学报, 2005, 11(33): 51-54 3 Imai S, Mukai Y, Nagano K. Biological and Pharmaceutical Bulletin, 2006, 29(21): 1325-1330 4 MIAO XiangYang, DING ShuYan. Scientia Agricultura Sinica, 2005, 38(6): 1260-1263 苗向阳, 丁淑燕. 中国农业科学, 2005, 38(6): 1260-1263 5 Poul M A, Becerril B, Nielsen U B. J Microbiol Methods, 2000, 301(5): 1149-1161 6 Levinson H J S, Mudget tHunter M. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the USA, 1988, 85(20): 5879-5883 7 Li T J, Zhang Q, Liu Y. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 2006, 54(21): 9085-9091 8 Abigail V J C, Adam P B, Andrew C R M. Journal of Molecular Biology, 2003, 325(45): 337-354 9 Brichta J, Hnilova M, Viskovic T. Veterinarni Medicina, 2005, 50(6): 231-252 Construction, Screening and Antibody Structure Homology Modeling of Phage Single Chain Variable Fragment Library Against Ofloxacin ZHANG XiuYuan1, HE Kuo*1,2, DU XinJun2, WANG JunPing2, YANG Qing2 1(Heibei North University, Zhangjiakou 075000, China) 2(Tianjin University of Science and Technology, Ministry of Education Key Laboratoryof Food Nutrition and Safety, Tianjin 300457, China) Abstract To construct a library of mouse single chain variable fragment (scFv) antibody against ofloxacin using phage display and recombinant antibody technique, specific antiofloxacin scFv was screened and 3D structure was homology modeling. Total RNA was extracted from hybridoma cell of ofloxacin mAb, and was used to amplify VH and VL gene by RTPCR using random primer. Then they were linked by a DNA linker encoding (G1y4Ser)3 as VHlinkerVL sequence forming scFv by SOE(splicing by overlap extension) PCR. These fragments were inserted into phage T7 after double digestion and transformed with host bacteria BLT5403.3×105 pfu/ml single chain antibody phage libraries were successfully constructed. Four positive phage scFv clones were screened by direct competitive ELISA after four times of enriched procedure in the order of adsorptionelutionamplificatio, 3D structure of specific scFv was homology modeling finally. This research lays a foundation for further massive expression of antiofloxacin scFv. Keywords Ofloxacin; Single chain antibody phage libraries; Phage display; Enzymelinked immumoadsorbent assay(Received 17 October 2013; Accepted 24 March 2014) This work was supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (No.20905058) 摘 要 应用噬菌体展示和重组抗体技术制备抗氧氟沙星单链抗体(scFv)库,筛选获得氧氟沙星特异性噬菌体scFv以及同源模拟其三维结构。将从氧氟沙星杂交瘤细胞提取的总RNA,用RTPCR反转录合成cDNA, 以针对鼠源重链可变区(VH)及轻链可变区(VL)基因的兼并引物, 扩增获得VH和VL可变区基因,通过SOEPCR法将VH基因和VL基因通过柔性多肽Linker 关键词 氧氟沙星; 单链抗体; 噬菌体展示; 酶联免疫分析 1 引 言 氧氟沙星(Ofloxacin)为第三代喹诺酮类抗菌药,抗菌谱广,对革兰氏阳性菌及阴性菌均有强大的抗菌作用,对厌氧菌和肺炎支原体也有良好作用,广泛应用于畜牧业生产中。喹诺酮类药物对人体有一定副作用,包括对胃肠道不良反应、中枢神经系统不良反应、心脏的毒性作用[1],在牲畜体内的残留毒性会对环境及人体健康造成严重危害。 单链抗体作为第三代抗体,应用DNA重组技术及蛋白质工程技术将抗体基因进行加工、改造和重新装配,然后克隆到合适的表达载体中,在适当的宿主细胞中表达并正确折叠成具有生物学功能的一种抗体分子。由于其具有分子小、免疫原性低、可塑性强及不需免疫动物可大批生产等优点,在酶联免疫技术检测环境和食品中抗菌素残留方面显示出前两代抗体无法比拟的优点[2]。 目前,还没有关于氧氟沙星噬菌体抗体库构建的相关报道。本研究利用噬菌体表面呈现技术, 构建抗氧氟沙星噬菌体单链抗体库, 从中筛选出具有抗原结合活性的抗氧氟沙星单链抗体噬菌体阳性克隆, 并获得抗氧氟沙星特异性单链抗体的基因序列, 为进一步实现氧氟沙星免疫法快速检测提供一种获得抗氧氟沙星特异性抗体的新途径。 2 实验部分 2.1 仪器与试剂 氧氟沙星杂交瘤细胞为本实验室制备; 4 结 论 本实验利用T7噬菌体构建噬菌体抗体库。References 1 DONG JinHe, DONG Feng, ZHAO XianRong. Chinese Journal of Drug Abuse Prevention and Treatment, 2002, 41(6): 13-14 董进和, 董 峰, 赵宪荣. 中国药物滥用防治杂志, 2002, 41(6): 13-14 2 PAN Ke, WANG Hong, ZHANG HongBin, SUN MingYuan. Journal of South China University of Technology, 2005, 11(33): 51-54 潘 科, 王 弘, 张宏斌, 孙明远. 华南理工大学学报, 2005, 11(33): 51-54 3 Imai S, Mukai Y, Nagano K. Biological and Pharmaceutical Bulletin, 2006, 29(21): 1325-1330 4 MIAO XiangYang, DING ShuYan. Scientia Agricultura Sinica, 2005, 38(6): 1260-1263 苗向阳, 丁淑燕. 中国农业科学, 2005, 38(6): 1260-1263 5 Poul M A, Becerril B, Nielsen U B. J Microbiol Methods, 2000, 301(5): 1149-1161 6 Levinson H J S, Mudget tHunter M. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the USA, 1988, 85(20): 5879-5883 7 Li T J, Zhang Q, Liu Y. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 2006, 54(21): 9085-9091 8 Abigail V J C, Adam P B, Andrew C R M. Journal of Molecular Biology, 2003, 325(45): 337-354 9 Brichta J, Hnilova M, Viskovic T. Veterinarni Medicina, 2005, 50(6): 231-252 Construction, Screening and Antibody Structure Homology Modeling of Phage Single Chain Variable Fragment Library Against Ofloxacin ZHANG XiuYuan1, HE Kuo*1,2, DU XinJun2, WANG JunPing2, YANG Qing2 1(Heibei North University, Zhangjiakou 075000, China) 2(Tianjin University of Science and Technology, Ministry of Education Key Laboratoryof Food Nutrition and Safety, Tianjin 300457, China) Abstract To construct a library of mouse single chain variable fragment (scFv) antibody against ofloxacin using phage display and recombinant antibody technique, specific antiofloxacin scFv was screened and 3D structure was homology modeling. Total RNA was extracted from hybridoma cell of ofloxacin mAb, and was used to amplify VH and VL gene by RTPCR using random primer. Then they were linked by a DNA linker encoding (G1y4Ser)3 as VHlinkerVL sequence forming scFv by SOE(splicing by overlap extension) PCR. These fragments were inserted into phage T7 after double digestion and transformed with host bacteria BLT5403.3×105 pfu/ml single chain antibody phage libraries were successfully constructed. Four positive phage scFv clones were screened by direct competitive ELISA after four times of enriched procedure in the order of adsorptionelutionamplificatio, 3D structure of specific scFv was homology modeling finally. This research lays a foundation for further massive expression of antiofloxacin scFv. Keywords Ofloxacin; Single chain antibody phage libraries; Phage display; Enzymelinked immumoadsorbent assay(Received 17 October 2013; Accepted 24 March 2014) This work was supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (No.20905058) |
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