标题 | 硫酸改性聚甲基丙烯酸缩水甘油酯乙二醇二甲基丙烯酸酯固相微萃取涂层高效液相色谱检测水中4种药品及个人护理用品 |
范文 | 彭英 庄园 何欢 孙成杨 绍贵 摘要[SS]多巴胺修饰的不锈钢丝表面原位合成得到聚(甲基丙烯酸缩水甘油酯乙二醇二甲基丙烯酸酯)(poly(GMAEGDMA))材料,经硫酸改性后作为固相微萃取涂层,建立检测水样中种药品及个人护理用品(PPCPs)的固相微萃取液相色谱联用分析方法。在优化实验条件下取3 mL水样调节至p 5.5,在30 ℃下,搅拌萃取60 min,乙腈0.1%甲酸(25∶75, V/V)解吸30 min后,PLC进样分析,实验结果表明,该涂层材料对种PPCPs具有较好的萃取效果,2~200 μg/L浓度范围内线性关系良好,相关系数均大于0.997,方法检出限(S/N=3)范围为0.5~5.0 μg/L,相对标准偏差在.1%~11.9%之间; 加标实验回收率为70.6%~105.5%。本方法前处理简单、绿色环保、回收率高、精密度好,可用于实际水样中种PPCPs的检测。 关键词[SS]药品及个人护理用品; 固相微萃取; 硫酸改性聚(甲基丙烯酸缩水甘油酯乙二醇二甲基丙烯酸酯); 高效液相色谱 1引言 药品及个人护理用品(PPCPs)包括止痛剂、抗生素、避孕药、镇定剂, 以及芳香剂、防腐剂、洗涤剂、遮光剂等涵盖范围极广的化合物。PPCPs在水环境中普遍存在并具有潜在的生态效应,近年来受到人们越来越多的关注\[1\]。大部分PPCPs极性强,易溶于水,且挥发性弱\[2\]。PPCPs在环境中含量很低,一般不具有急性毒性,但对生物体可能有慢性毒性,并且由于它们在自然界中能稳定存在,且具有生物累积性,伴随着人类活动的不断输入,使得环境中的PPCPs持续存在,可能最终会造成严重的生态影响\[3,\]。 大多数PPCPs极性强,往往不易挥发,且高温下易降解,因此采用高效液相色谱(PLC)比气相色谱(GC)更加灵敏、准确。PPCPs种类繁多,浓度低,且环境介质十分复杂,因此有效的前处理对于提高方法的灵敏度非常关键。对于水中PPCPs检测,固相萃取(SPE)是目前常用的前处理手段\[5~7\],可同时起到分离和富集的作用。固相微萃取(SPME)是基于SPE发展起来的,它摒弃了传统样品前处理方法的很多缺点,具有操作简单、萃取速度快、样品需要量少、所需有机溶剂少、易于实现自动化等优点\[8\]。 SPME是以涂渍在纤维上的固定相为吸收介质,对目标分析物进行萃取和浓缩。固定相在SPME装置中对萃取效果起决定作用。Svec等[9]采用硫酸改性的聚(甲基丙烯酸缩水甘油酯乙二醇二甲基丙烯酸酯)(poly(GMAEGDMA))作为PLC柱填料,用于极性物质的分离。本研究将其作为SPME涂层,用于水中种极性的PPCPs的萃取,并建立了与PLC联用的分析方法。 2实验部分 2.1仪器与试剂 Agilent 1200系列高效液相色谱仪(美国Agilent公司); 高速离心机(德国Sigma公司); 氮吹仪(北京帅恩科技有限公司); 分析天平(日本岛津公司); p计(梅特勒托利多仪器(上海)有限公司); 恒温磁力搅拌器(常州国华电器有限公司)。 甲基丙烯酸(MAA)、乙二醇二甲基丙烯酸酯(EGDMA,日本CI公司); 偶氮异二丁腈(AIBN,上海试四赫维化工有限公司); 3(三甲氧基硅烷)丙基丙烯酸酯、三羟甲基氨基甲烷(ris,上海百灵威化学技术有限公司); 多巴胺(北京伊诺凯科技有限公司); 不锈钢丝(直径0.22 mm,上海一新不锈钢材料有限公司); 其它试剂均为分析纯以上; 实验用水为二次蒸馏的去离子水。 标准样品:磺胺二甲基嘧啶(SM2)和磺胺甲基嘧啶(SMR),购自德国Dr. Ehrenstorfer公司; 普萘洛尔(PPN,盐酸盐,美国Acros公司);美托洛尔(ME,酒石酸盐,Sigma公司)。准确称取种标准样品各10 mg, 用水(Cl调至弱酸性)配制1 mg/L的溶液用作储备液, ℃避光保存。 2.2实验方法 2.2.1液相色谱条件Agilent Zorbax SBC18色谱柱(250 mm×.6 mm, 5 μm); 流速:1 mL/min; 检测波长: 275 nm; 进样体积: 20 μL; 柱温: 30 ℃。流动相: 乙腈0.1%甲酸(25∶75, V/V),等梯度洗脱。 2.2.2涂层制备准确量取132 μL MAA溶于1.6 mL乙醇和0. mL乙酸乙酯的混合溶液中,加入752 μL EGDMA和0.011 g AIBN,超声5 min,混匀,通入N2 10 min除去O2,得到预聚合液。配制10 mmol/L ris溶液,用1 mol/L Cl调至p 8.5。称取20 mg多巴胺至10 mL ris溶液(p=8.5)中,混匀。将长度约10 cm的不锈钢丝插入其中,静置20 h后取出,清水洗净,晾干备用。毛细管中灌好预聚合液后,插入经聚多巴胺修饰的不锈钢丝,封端60 ℃下聚合 h后拔出,甲醇冲洗表面,去除表面可能存在的未反应的聚合液和致孔剂。将得到的涂层浸入0.1 mol/L 2SO溶液中浸泡3 h,取出后分别用甲醇和纯水浸泡清洗,烘干,套入商品化的钢管保护套中,待用。 2.2.3样品制备和萃取水样过0.22 μm滤膜后,调节至p 5.5,加入饱和NaCl,取3 mL上清液置于5 mL棕色小瓶中,采用直接萃取的方式萃取,即萃取时,刺破瓶盖后将萃取纤维从保护套中推出,前端伸至液面以下约1 cm处,完成后,将萃取纤维缩回不锈钢保护套中,拔出萃取头,在30 ℃条件下,搅拌萃取60 min, 在PLC流动相二元液中解吸30 min。 3结果与讨论 3.1涂层的表征与性能评价 在经多巴胺修饰的不锈钢丝表面原位合成得到聚(甲基丙烯酸缩水甘油酯乙二醇二甲基丙烯酸酯)(poly(GMAEGDMA))材料,再经过2SO改性,使材料骨架表面环氧基团羟基化,从而得到二醇基团,具体结构如图1所示。聚合物骨架表面的二醇基团极性较强,易产生偶极偶极和氢键等特异性吸附作用,对极性物质具有很高的选择性和萃取性能。 3.2萃取条件优化 3.2.1样品基质p值的影响不同的p可能会影响目标物的形态, 也会影响目标物与涂层材料之间的相互作用。在p 2.5~10.5范围内,以色谱峰面积表征相应的萃取效率。如图3a所示,在p 2.5~5.5的范围内,种PPCPs的萃取效果随p值增大而升高。当p>5.5时,两种SAs(SMR和SM2)的萃取效果逐渐下降。SAs属于极性偏弱的碱性化合物,具有疏水基团苯环,同时也具有一个以上的胺基,可以解离出阳离子。因此,萃取过程中既存在非极性相互作用,还存在离子交换作用。当p>9.0时,SAs萃取效率骤减,这是由于在强碱性条件下,磺胺类药物分子结构中的磺酰胺基团易失去氢离子,发生水解,导致涂层对这两种磺胺类药物的萃取效率下降。反之,当p>9.0时, βBlockers(PPN和ME)的萃取效率升高。PPN和ME分子结构中含有仲胺基团,pKa值分别为9.5\[10\]和9.2\[11\],因此,当基质p较高时,PPN和ME大部分是以非离子状态的形式存在,易于被涂层材料吸附。综合以上因素,将萃取液调至p 5.5进行后续实验。 [S(]图3p值(a),萃取温度(b),萃取时间(c)和盐离子浓度(d)对种PPCPs的萃取效率的影响 3.2.2萃取温度的影响考虑到目标物的热稳定性,选取了30~70 ℃考察温度对萃取效果的影响。结果如图3b所示,温度对PPN和ME的影响不明显,温度从30 ℃升高到60 ℃时,其萃取效率呈下降趋势,60 ℃之后,又略有上升; 对于SMR和SM2,其变化趋势与之类似,但是变化幅度相对较大,说明这两种药物受温度影响相对较大。综上,选取30 ℃作为萃取温度。 3.2.3萃取时间的影响由固相微萃取的两种萃取理论\[12~1\]可知,无论是否在平衡状态,只要在一定条件范围内目标物的响应值与浓度之间呈线性关系,都可以进行定量分析。本实验选择10~120 min时间段来研究萃取时间对萃取效果的影响。如图3c所示,在120 min之内,萃取过程都没有达到平衡; 60 min之后,种化合物的萃取效率变缓,但是对于SMR和SM2,60 min时,这两种药物的萃取量较少,因此,再综合实验耗时的因素,最终选取90 min作为萃取时间。 3.2.盐浓度的影响加入不同量的NaCl调节基质的离子强度,结果如图3d所示, 随着NaCl浓度增大,此涂层对种PPCPs的萃取效率提高,与盐析效应一致。本实验选取用饱和NaCl盐溶液进行萃取。 3.3方法验证 在确定的最佳SPME条件下,建立了种PPCPs的标准工作曲线(表1),在2~200 μg/L范围内,种PPCPs的线性关系良好,相关系数R2均大于0.997。检出限(S/N=3)在0.5~5 μg/L的范围内, 将采自于宜兴的某个渔业鱼塘的水样分析。将采集的水样过0.22 μm的纤维滤膜,用Cl调节至p 5.5。在优化的条件下进行萃取分析,实际水样中目标物均未检出。为进一步验证方法的可行性,向实际水样中分别加标20,50和100 μg/L以验证其回收率。图为实际水样的加标色谱图,加标结果如表2所示,种目标物的回收率在70.6%~105.5%之间。采集常州市多个市政污水处理厂进水样品,应用本方法进行分析, 结果如表3所示。污水处理厂进水中磺胺类均有检出,其中磺胺甲基嘧啶浓度范围在0.590~.21 μg/L,磺胺二甲基嘧啶在污水处理厂中未检出,其它都在μg/L级。两种β受体阻断剂均未检出。上述分析结果显示,自制的改性固相微萃取涂层与高效液相联用,对于水样中的几种PPCPs类污染物具有较好的萃取效果,本方法检测出低,操作简便,适合于实际水体中痕量PPCPs的检测。References 1an N G, u J, Ong S L. alanta, 2013, 113: 82-92 2JIA Yuan, U JianYing, SUN JianXian, SI JianChen. 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J. Chromatogr. A, 2002, 979(12): 369-377 11Bedner M, MacCrehan W A. Chemosphere, 2006, 65(11): 2130-2137 12Louch D, Motlagh S, Pawliszyn J. Anal. Chem., 1992, 6(10): 1187-1199 13Ai J. Anal. Chem., 1997, 69(6): 1230-1236 1Ai J. Anal. Chem., 1997, 69(16): 3260-3266 AbstractA poly(GMAEGDMA) coated SPME fiber was prepared using an insitu polymerization by direct bonding to the surface of a polydopaminemodified stainless steel wire. hen the fiber was modified by sulfuric acid. A novel solid phase microextraction coating coupled to high performance liquid chromatography (PLC) method based on the asprepared fiber was developed for the determination of four pharmaceuticals and personal care products (PPCPs) in water samples. he influences of extraction parameters, including p, extraction time, extraction temperature and salt addition were investigated. 3 mL water sample was extracted by the asprepared fiber for 60 min at 30 ℃, and then desorbed with mobile phase for 30 min, respectively. Desorption solution was analyzed by PLCDAD (diode array detection). he results indicated that the extraction yield of the fiber was good for four PPCPs. he linear correlation coefficients were > 0.997 with the linear range of 2-200 μg/L. he limits of detection (S/N=3) were 0.5-5 μg/L with RSD (n=5) of .1%-11.9%. he recoveries of four PPCPs at spiked level of 20, 50, 100 μg/L were within the range of 70.6%-105.5%. he results showed that this method was easy, green, accurate and precise, and could be used to assay the four PPCPs in real water samples. KeywordsPersonal care products; Solid phase microextraction; Sulfuric acid modification poly(glycidyl methacrylateethyleneglycoldimethacrylate); igh performance liquid chromatography 喻峥嵘, 乔铁军, 张锡辉. 给水排水, 2010, 36(9): 2-28 8ZANG Jue, XIA ian, JI YuMei, WANG ZhiXin, JIANG Zhiua, ZAN Ming. Mod. Instrum., 2012, 18(06) : 6-9 张 珏, 夏 天, 季玉梅, 汪志新, 蒋志华, 詹 铭. 现代仪器, 2012, 18(06): 6-9 9Svec , rechet J M J. Anal. Chem., 1992, 6(7): 820-822 10Wan , olmén A, Ngrd M, Lindberg W. J. Chromatogr. A, 2002, 979(12): 369-377 11Bedner M, MacCrehan W A. Chemosphere, 2006, 65(11): 2130-2137 12Louch D, Motlagh S, Pawliszyn J. Anal. Chem., 1992, 6(10): 1187-1199 13Ai J. Anal. Chem., 1997, 69(6): 1230-1236 1Ai J. Anal. Chem., 1997, 69(16): 3260-3266 AbstractA poly(GMAEGDMA) coated SPME fiber was prepared using an insitu polymerization by direct bonding to the surface of a polydopaminemodified stainless steel wire. hen the fiber was modified by sulfuric acid. A novel solid phase microextraction coating coupled to high performance liquid chromatography (PLC) method based on the asprepared fiber was developed for the determination of four pharmaceuticals and personal care products (PPCPs) in water samples. he influences of extraction parameters, including p, extraction time, extraction temperature and salt addition were investigated. 3 mL water sample was extracted by the asprepared fiber for 60 min at 30 ℃, and then desorbed with mobile phase for 30 min, respectively. Desorption solution was analyzed by PLCDAD (diode array detection). he results indicated that the extraction yield of the fiber was good for four PPCPs. he linear correlation coefficients were > 0.997 with the linear range of 2-200 μg/L. he limits of detection (S/N=3) were 0.5-5 μg/L with RSD (n=5) of .1%-11.9%. he recoveries of four PPCPs at spiked level of 20, 50, 100 μg/L were within the range of 70.6%-105.5%. he results showed that this method was easy, green, accurate and precise, and could be used to assay the four PPCPs in real water samples. KeywordsPersonal care products; Solid phase microextraction; Sulfuric acid modification poly(glycidyl methacrylateethyleneglycoldimethacrylate); igh performance liquid chromatography 喻峥嵘, 乔铁军, 张锡辉. 给水排水, 2010, 36(9): 2-28 8ZANG Jue, XIA ian, JI YuMei, WANG ZhiXin, JIANG Zhiua, ZAN Ming. Mod. Instrum., 2012, 18(06) : 6-9 张 珏, 夏 天, 季玉梅, 汪志新, 蒋志华, 詹 铭. 现代仪器, 2012, 18(06): 6-9 9Svec , rechet J M J. Anal. Chem., 1992, 6(7): 820-822 10Wan , olmén A, Ngrd M, Lindberg W. J. Chromatogr. A, 2002, 979(12): 369-377 11Bedner M, MacCrehan W A. Chemosphere, 2006, 65(11): 2130-2137 12Louch D, Motlagh S, Pawliszyn J. Anal. Chem., 1992, 6(10): 1187-1199 13Ai J. Anal. Chem., 1997, 69(6): 1230-1236 1Ai J. Anal. Chem., 1997, 69(16): 3260-3266 AbstractA poly(GMAEGDMA) coated SPME fiber was prepared using an insitu polymerization by direct bonding to the surface of a polydopaminemodified stainless steel wire. hen the fiber was modified by sulfuric acid. A novel solid phase microextraction coating coupled to high performance liquid chromatography (PLC) method based on the asprepared fiber was developed for the determination of four pharmaceuticals and personal care products (PPCPs) in water samples. he influences of extraction parameters, including p, extraction time, extraction temperature and salt addition were investigated. 3 mL water sample was extracted by the asprepared fiber for 60 min at 30 ℃, and then desorbed with mobile phase for 30 min, respectively. Desorption solution was analyzed by PLCDAD (diode array detection). he results indicated that the extraction yield of the fiber was good for four PPCPs. he linear correlation coefficients were > 0.997 with the linear range of 2-200 μg/L. he limits of detection (S/N=3) were 0.5-5 μg/L with RSD (n=5) of .1%-11.9%. he recoveries of four PPCPs at spiked level of 20, 50, 100 μg/L were within the range of 70.6%-105.5%. he results showed that this method was easy, green, accurate and precise, and could be used to assay the four PPCPs in real water samples. KeywordsPersonal care products; Solid phase microextraction; Sulfuric acid modification poly(glycidyl methacrylateethyleneglycoldimethacrylate); igh performance liquid chromatography |
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