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标题 陇东旱塬区耐密宜机械粒收玉米品种的筛选

    张铠鹏 续创业 朱晓惠 王甲玺 党翼 张建军






    中图分类号:S513? ? ? ? 文献标志码:A? ? ? ? 文章编号:1001-1463(2020)09-0047-05


    Abstract:With family health Pinellia ternata, hairiness and rot as materials, The separation, purification, microscopic examination, reconnection and drug sensitivity tests of Fusarium oxysporum and Erwiniella which caused Pinellia rottensis were carried out. The results showed that the isolates of Fusarium oxysporum were isolated from the Pinellia ternata and Pinellia ternata, and the Erwinia spp. were isolated from the Pinellia ternata and rotten Pinellia. The test of two bacteria showed that the incidence of Fusarium oxysporum was 0, the incidence rate of Pinellia ternata was 75%, the incidence rate of Erwinia rot was 20%, and the germination rate of Pinellia ternata was 60%, and inoculated with Fusarium oxysporum first, and with Erwiniella after 3 days. The incidence rate of rot disease was 90% after inoculation with Erwinia spp., and the germination rate of Pinellia ternate was 20%. Through drug sensitivity test and pot experiment, it was found that Fusarium oxysporum was sensitive to three azole pesticide, and that Erwinia was sensitive to allicin and had good control effect. Conclusion: the canker of Pinellia ternata is caused by the compound infection of Fusarium oxysporum and Erwinia.

    Key words:Erwinia;Fusarium oxysporum;Co-infection;Pinellia ternate rot

    玉米作为陇东旱塬区的第二大作物,其产量对粮食总产有很大贡献,由于本地区传统种植以稀植大穗、生育期长的玉米品种为主,密度一般在4.50万~5.25万株/hm2,平均密度4.9万株/hm2,距密植6.0万~7.5万株/hm2尚有差距[1 - 2 ]。玉米收获仍以人工摘穗收获为主,机械穗收为次,两者都经晾干后人工或者机械脱粒,存在生产劳动成本高、经济效益低等问题[3 ]。机械粒收可有效提高作业效率,降低生产成本,是未来玉米生产转方式、增效益的主要方向,因此筛选适宜陇东地区全膜双垄沟播的机械粒收耐密玉米成为调整当地玉米种植结构,助力农民增收的首要问题[4 - 5 ]。我们于2019年在甘肃省泾川县平凉市农业科学院高平试验站进行玉米品种筛选试验,现将结果报道如下。

    1? ?材料与方法

    1.1? ?供试材料


    1.2? ?试验区概况

    试验在平凉农业科学院高平试验站进行。该地区海拔1 320 m,年均气温9.3 ℃,年均降水量583.5 mm,年蒸發量1 384 mm,无霜期172 d。试验地土壤为覆盖黑垆土, 无灌溉条件。

    1.3? ?试验方法

    按全膜双垄沟技术规范(宽垄70 cm、窄垄40 cm)机械覆膜种植,控释氮肥(折算为N 225.0 kg/hm2)、磷肥(折算为P2O5 180.0 kg/hm2)和农家肥(折算为N 48.0 kg/hm2、P2O5 13.6 kg/hm2、K2O 840.0 kg/hm2)覆膜前一次性基施,每个品种按照75 000株/hm2播种,生育期不再追施氮肥。每品种种植0.133 hm2。4月23日种植,10月19日收获。





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